Psychological testing and assessment : an introduction to tests and measurement /

Cohen, Ronald Jay.

Psychological testing and assessment : an introduction to tests and measurement / Ronald Jay Cohen, Mark E. Swerdlik, Edward D. Sturman. - Eighth edition - xxv, 612 pages : illustrations ; 27 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and indexes.

Machine generated contents note: 1. Psychological Testing and Assessment -- Testing And Assessment -- Psychological Testing And Assessment Defined -- The Tools Of Psychological Assessment -- The Test -- The Interview -- The Portfolio -- Case History Data -- Behavioral Observation -- Role-Play Tests -- Computers As Tools -- Other Tools -- Who, What, Why, How, And Where? -- Who Are The Parties? -- In What Types Of Settings Are Assessments Conducted, And Why? -- How Are Assessments Conducted? -- Where To Go For Authoritative Information: Reference Sources -- Meet An Assessment Professional Meet Dr. Stephen Finn -- Close-Up Should Observers Be Parties To The Assessment Process? -- Everyday Psychometrics Everyday Accommodations -- Self-Assessment -- 2. Historical, Cultural, and Legal/Ethical Considerations -- A Historical Perspective -- Antiquity To The Nineteenth Century -- The Twentieth Century -- Culture And Assessment -- Evolving Interest In Culture-Related Issues. Contents note continued: Some Issues Regarding Culture And Assessment -- Tests And Group Membership -- Legal And Ethical Considerations -- The Concerns Of The Public -- The Concerns Of The Profession -- The Rights Of Testtakers -- Close-Up The Controversial Career Of Henry Herbert Goddard -- Meet An Assessment Professional Meet Dr. Nathaniel V. Mohatt -- Everyday Psychometrics Life-Or-Death Psychological Assessment -- Self-Assessment -- 3.A Statistics Refresher -- Scales Of Measurement -- Nominal Scales -- Ordinal Scales -- Interval Scales -- Ratio Scales -- Measurement Scales In Psychology -- Describing Data -- Frequency Distributions -- Measures Of Central Tendency -- Measures Of Variability -- Skewness -- Kurtosis -- The Normal Curve -- The Area Under The Normal Curve -- Standard Scores -- Z Scores -- T Scores -- Other Standard Scores -- Correlation And Inference -- The Concept Of Correlation -- The Pearson R -- The Spearman Rho -- Graphic Representations Of Correlation. Contents note continued: Meta-Analysis -- Everyday Psychometrics Consumer (Of Graphed Data), Beware! -- Close-Up The Normal Curve And Psychological Tests -- Meet An Assessment Professional Meet Dr. Benoit Verdon -- Self-Assessment -- 4. Of Tests and Testing -- Some Assumptions About Psychological Testing And Assessment -- Assumption 1: Psychological Traits And States Exist -- Assumption 2: Psychological Traits And States Can Be Quantified And Measured -- Assumption 3: Test-Related Behavior Predicts Non-Test-Related Behavior -- Assumption 4: Tests And Other Measurement Techniques Have Strengths And Weaknesses -- Assumption 5: Various Sources Of Error Are Part Of The Assessment Process -- Assumption 6: Testing And Assessment Can Be Conducted In A Fair And Unbiased Manner -- Assumption 7: Testing And Assessment Benefit Society -- What's A "Good Test"? -- Reliability -- Validity -- Other Considerations -- Norms -- Sampling To Develop Norms -- Types Of Norms. Contents note continued: Fixed Reference Group Scoring Systems -- Norm-Referenced Versus Criterion-Referenced Evaluation -- Culture And Inference -- Everyday Psychometrics Putting Tests To The Test -- Close-Up How "Standard" Is Standard In Measurement? -- Meet An Assessment Professional Meet Dr. Steve Julius And Dr. Howard W. Atlas -- Self-Assessment -- 5. Reliability -- The Concept Of Reliability -- Sources Of Error Variance -- Reliability Estimates -- Test-Retest Reliability Estimates -- Parallel-Forms And Alternate-Forms Reliability Estimates -- Split-Half Reliability Estimates -- Other Methods Of Estimating Internal Consistency -- Measures Of Inter-Scorer Reliability -- Using And Interpreting A Coefficient Of Reliability -- The Purpose Of The Reliability Coefficient -- The Nature Of The Test -- The True Score Model Of Measurement And Alternatives To It -- Reliability And Individual Scores -- The Standard Error Of Measurement. Contents note continued: The Standard Error Of The Difference Between Two Scores -- Everyday Psychometrics The Reliability Defense And The Breathalyzer Test -- Close-Up Item Response Theory (IRT) -- Meet An Assessment Professional Meet Dr. Bryce B. Reeve -- Self-Assessment -- 6. Validity -- The Concept Of Validity -- Face Validity -- Content Validity -- Criterion-Related Validity -- What Is A Criterion? -- Concurrent Validity -- Predictive Validity -- Construct Validity -- Evidence Of Construct Validity -- Validity, Bias, And Fairness -- Test Bias -- Test Fairness -- Meet An Assessment Professional Meet Dr. Adam Shoemaker -- Close-Up Base Rates And Predictive Validity -- Everyday Psychometrics Adjustment Of Test Scores By Group Membership: Fairness In Testing Or Foul Play? -- Self-Assessment -- 7. Utility -- What Is Utility? -- Factors That Affect A Test's Utility -- Utility Analysis -- What Is A Utility Analysis? -- How Is A Utility Analysis Conducted? Contents note continued: Some Practical Considerations -- Methods For Setting Cut Scores -- The Angoff Method -- The Known Groups Method -- IRT-Based Methods -- Other Methods -- Everyday Psychometrics Rethinking The "Costs" Of Testing And Of Not Testing -- Meet An Assessment Professional Meet Dr. Erik Viirre -- Close-Up Utility Analysis: An Illustration -- Self-Assessment -- 8. Test Development -- Test Conceptualization -- Some Preliminary Questions -- Pilot Work -- Test Construction -- Scaling -- Writing Items -- Scoring Items -- Test Tryout -- What Is A Good Item? -- Item Analysis -- The Item-Difficulty Index -- The Item-Reliability Index -- The Item-Validity Index -- The Item-Discrimination Index -- Item-Characteristic Curves -- Other Considerations In Item Analysis -- Qualitative Item Analysis -- Test Revision -- Test Revision As A Stage In New Test Development -- Test Revision In The Life Cycle Of An Existing Test -- The Use Of IRT In Building And Revising Tests. Contents note continued: Everyday Psychometrics Psychometrics In The Classroom -- Close-Up Designing An Item Bank -- Meet An Assessment Professional Meet Dr. Scott Birkeland -- Self-Assessment -- 9. Intelligence and Its Measurement -- What Is Intelligence? -- Intelligence Defined: Views Of The Lay Public -- Intelligence Defined: Views Of Scholars And Test Professionals -- Factor-Analytic Theories Of Intelligence -- The Information-Processing View -- Measuring Intelligence -- Types Of Tasks Used In Intelligence Tests -- Theory In Intelligence Test Development And Interpretation -- Intelligence: Some Issues -- Nature Versus Nurture -- The Stability Of Intelligence -- The Construct Validity Of Tests Of Intelligence -- Other Issues -- A Perspective -- Meet An Assessment Professional Meet Dr. Barbara C. Pavlo -- Everyday Psychometrics Being Gifted -- Close-Up Culture-Fair, Culture-Loaded -- Self-Assessment -- 10. Tests of Intelligence -- The Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales. Contents note continued: The Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales: Fifth Edition -- The Wechsler Tests -- The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV) -- The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fourth Edition (WISC-IV) -- The Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence-Third Edition (WPPSI-III) -- Short Forms -- The Wechsler Tests in Perspective -- Other Measures Of Intelligence -- Tests Designed for Individual Administration -- Tests Designed for Group Administration -- Measures of Cognitive Style and Specific Intellectual Abilities -- Close-Up Factor Analysis -- Everyday Psychometrics The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB): A Test You Can Take -- Meet An Assessment Professional Meet Dr. Rebecca Anderson -- Self-Assessment -- 11. Assessment for Education -- The Role Of Testing And Assessment In Education -- Response To Intervention (RtI) -- Dynamic Assessment -- Achievement Tests -- Measures Of General Achievement. Contents note continued: Measures Of Achievement In Specific Subject Areas -- Aptitude Tests -- The Preschool Level -- The Elementary-School Level -- The Secondary-School Level -- The College Level And Beyond -- Diagnostic Tests -- Reading Tests -- Math Tests -- Psychoeducational Test Batteries -- The Kaufman Assessment Battery For Children (K-ABC) And The Kaufman Assessment Battery For Children, Second Edition (KABC-II) -- The Woodcock-Johnson III (WJ III) -- Other Tools Of Assessment In Educational Settings -- Performance, Portfolio, and Authentic Assessment -- Peer Appraisal Techniques -- Measuring Study Habits, Interests, and Attitudes -- Meet An Assessment Professional Meet Eliane Hack, M.A. -- Close-Up Tests Of Minimum Competency -- Everyday Psychometrics First Impressions -- Self-Assessment -- 12. Personality Assessment: An Overview -- Personality And Personality Assessment -- Personality -- Personality Assessment -- Traits, Types, And States. Contents note continued: Personality Assessment: Some Basic Questions -- Who? -- What? -- Where? -- How? -- Developing Instruments To Assess Personality -- Logic And Reason -- Theory -- Data Reduction Methods -- Criterion Groups -- Personality Assessment And Culture -- Acculturation and Related Considerations -- Meet An Assessment Professional Meet Dr. Eric A. Zillmer -- Everyday Psychometrics Some Common Item Formats -- Close-Up Assessing Acculturation And Related Variables -- Self-Assessment -- 13. Personality Assessment Methods -- Objective Methods -- How Objective Are Objective Methods Of Personality Assessment? -- Projective Methods -- Inkblots As Projective Stimuli -- Pictures As Projective Stimuli -- Words As Projective Stimuli -- Sounds As Projective Stimuli -- The Production Of Figure Drawings -- Projective Methods In Perspective -- Behavioral Assessment Methods -- The Who, What, When, Where, Why, And How Of It -- Varieties Of Behavioral Assessment. Contents note continued: Issues In Behavioral Assessment -- A Perspective -- Meet An Assessment Professional Meet Dr. Anthony Bram -- Everyday Psychometrics Confessions Of A Behavior Rater -- Close-Up Personality, Life Outcomes, And College Yearbook Photos -- Self-Assessment -- 14. Clinical and Counseling Assessment -- An Overview -- The Diagnosis Of Mental Disorders -- The Interview In Clinical Assessment -- Case History Data -- Psychological Tests -- Culturally Informed Psychological Assessment -- Cultural Aspects Of The Interview -- Cultural Considerations And Managed Care -- Special Applications Of Clinical Measures -- The Assessment Of Addiction And Substance Abuse -- Forensic Psychological Assessment -- Diagnosis And Evaluation Of Emotional Injury -- Profiling -- Custody Evaluations -- Child Abuse And Neglect -- The Psychological Report -- The Barnum Effect -- Clinical versus Mechanical Prediction -- Meet An Assessment Professional Meet Dr. Joel Goldberg. Contents note continued: Close-Up Assessment Of Dangerousness And The Secret Service -- Everyday Psychometrics Elements Of A Typical Report Of Psychological Assessment -- Self-Assessment -- 15. Neuropsychological Assessment -- The Nervous System And Behavior -- Neurological Damage And The Concept Of Organicity -- The Neuropsychological Evaluation -- When A Neuropsychological Evaluation Is Indicated -- General Elements Of A Neuropsychological Evaluation -- The Physical Examination -- Neuropsychological Tests -- Tests Of General Intellectual Ability -- Tests To Measure The Ability To Abstract -- Tests Of Executive Function -- Tests Of Perceptual, Motor, And Perceptual-Motor Function -- Tests Of Verbal Functioning -- Tests Of Memory -- Neuropsychological Test Batteries -- Other Tools Of Neuropsychological Assessment -- Meet An Assessment Professional Meet Dr. Jeanne P. Ryan -- Close-Up Fixed Versus Flexible Neuropsychological Test Batteries And The Law. Contents note continued: Everyday Psychometrics Medical Diagnostic Aids And Neuropsychological Assessment -- Self-Assessment -- 16. Assessment, Careers, and Business -- Career Choice And Career Transition -- Measures Of Interest -- Measures Of Ability And Aptitude -- Measures Of Personality -- Other Measures -- Screening, Selection, Classification, And Placement -- The Résumé And The Letter Of Application -- The Application Form -- Letters Of Recommendation -- Interviews -- Portfolio Assessment -- Performance Tests -- Physical Tests -- Cognitive Ability, Productivity, And Motivation Measures -- Measures Of Cognitive Ability -- Productivity -- Motivation -- Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, And Organizational Culture -- Job Satisfaction -- Organizational Commitment -- Organizational Culture -- Other Tools Of Assessment For Business Applications -- Consumer Psychology -- The Measurement of Attitudes -- Surveys -- Motivation Research Methods. Contents note continued: Close-Up Validity Generalization And The GATB -- Meet An Assessment Professional Meet Dr. Chris Gee -- Everyday Psychometrics Assessment Of Corporate And Organizational Culture -- Self-Assessment. Machine generated contents note: Psychological Testing and Assessment -- Testing And Assessment -- Psychological Testing And Assessment Defined -- The Tools Of Psychological Assessment -- The Test -- The Interview -- The Portfolio -- Case History Data -- Behavioral Observation -- Role-Play Tests -- Computers As Tools -- Other Tools -- Who, What, Why, How, And Where? -- Who Are The Parties? -- In What Types Of Settings Are Assessments Conducted, And Why? -- How Are Assessments Conducted? -- Where To Go For Authoritative Information: Reference Sources -- Meet An Assessment Professional Meet Dr. Stephen Finn -- Close-Up Should Observers Be Parties To The Assessment Process? -- Everyday Psychometrics Everyday Accommodations -- Self-Assessment -- Historical, Cultural, and Legal/Ethical Considerations -- A Historical Perspective -- Antiquity To The Nineteenth Century -- The Twentieth Century -- Culture And Assessment -- Evolving Interest In Culture-Related Issues -- Some Issues Regarding Culture And Assessment -- Tests And Group Membership -- Legal And Ethical Considerations -- The Concerns Of The Public -- The Concerns Of The Profession -- The Rights Of Testtakers -- Close-Up The Controversial Career Of Henry Herbert Goddard -- Meet An Assessment Professional Meet Dr. Nathaniel V. Mohatt -- Everyday Psychometrics Life-Or-Death Psychological Assessment -- Self-Assessment -- A Statistics Refresher -- Scales Of Measurement -- Nominal Scales -- Ordinal Scales -- Interval Scales -- Ratio Scales -- Measurement Scales In Psychology -- Describing Data -- Frequency Distributions -- Measures Of Central Tendency -- Measures Of Variability -- Skewness -- Kurtosis -- The Normal Curve -- The Area Under The Normal Curve -- Standard Scores -- Z Scores -- T Scores -- Other Standard Scores -- Correlation And Inference -- The Concept Of Correlation -- The Pearson R -- The Spearman Rho -- Graphic Representations Of Correlation -- Meta-Analysis -- Everyday Psychometrics Consumer (Of Graphed Data), Beware! -- Close-Up The Normal Curve And Psychological Tests -- Meet An Assessment Professional Meet Dr. Benoit Verdon -- Self-Assessment -- Of Tests and Testing -- Some Assumptions About Psychological Testing And Assessment -- Assumption 1: Psychological Traits And States Exist -- Assumption 2: Psychological Traits And States Can Be Quantified And Measured -- Assumption 3: Test-Related Behavior Predicts Non-Test-Related Behavior -- Assumption 4: Tests And Other Measurement Techniques Have Strengths And Weaknesses -- Assumption 5: Various Sources Of Error Are Part Of The Assessment Process -- Assumption 6: Testing And Assessment Can Be Conducted In A Fair And Unbiased Manner -- Assumption 7: Testing And Assessment Benefit Society -- What's A "Good Test"? -- Reliability -- Validity -- Other Considerations -- Norms -- Sampling To Develop Norms -- Types Of Norms -- Fixed Reference Group Scoring Systems -- Norm-Referenced Versus Criterion-Referenced Evaluation -- Culture And Inference -- Everyday Psychometrics Putting Tests To The Test -- Close-Up How "Standard" Is Standard In Measurement? -- Meet An Assessment Professional Meet Dr. Steve Julius And Dr. Howard W. Atlas -- Self-Assessment -- Reliability -- The Concept Of Reliability -- Sources Of Error Variance -- Reliability Estimates -- Test-Retest Reliability Estimates -- Parallel-Forms And Alternate-Forms Reliability Estimates -- Split-Half Reliability Estimates -- Other Methods Of Estimating Internal Consistency -- Measures Of Inter-Scorer Reliability -- Using And Interpreting A Coefficient Of Reliability -- The Purpose Of The Reliability Coefficient -- The Nature Of The Test -- The True Score Model Of Measurement And Alternatives To It -- Reliability And Individual Scores -- The Standard Error Of Measurement -- The Standard Error Of The Difference Between Two Scores -- Everyday Psychometrics The Reliability Defense And The Breathalyzer Test -- Close-Up Item Response Theory (IRT) -- Meet An Assessment Professional Meet Dr. Bryce B. Reeve -- Self-Assessment -- Validity -- The Concept Of Validity -- Face Validity -- Content Validity -- Criterion-Related Validity -- What Is A Criterion? -- Concurrent Validity -- Predictive Validity -- Construct Validity -- Evidence Of Construct Validity -- Validity, Bias, And Fairness -- Test Bias -- Test Fairness -- Meet An Assessment Professional Meet Dr. Adam Shoemaker -- Close-Up Base Rates And Predictive Validity -- Everyday Psychometrics Adjustment Of Test Scores By Group Membership: Fairness In Testing Or Foul Play? -- Self-Assessment -- Utility -- What Is Utility? -- Factors That Affect A Test's Utility -- Utility Analysis -- What Is A Utility Analysis? -- How Is A Utility Analysis Conducted? -- Some Practical Considerations -- Methods For Setting Cut Scores -- The Angoff Method -- The Known Groups Method -- IRT-Based Methods -- Other Methods -- Everyday Psychometrics Rethinking The "Costs" Of Testing And Of Not Testing -- Meet An Assessment Professional Meet Dr. Erik Viirre -- Close-Up Utility Analysis: An Illustration -- Self-Assessment -- Test Development -- Test Conceptualization -- Some Preliminary Questions -- Pilot Work -- Test Construction -- Scaling -- Writing Items -- Scoring Items -- Test Tryout -- What Is A Good Item? -- Item Analysis -- The Item-Difficulty Index -- The Item-Reliability Index -- The Item-Validity Index -- The Item-Discrimination Index -- Item-Characteristic Curves -- Other Considerations In Item Analysis -- Qualitative Item Analysis -- Test Revision -- Test Revision As A Stage In New Test Development -- Test Revision In The Life Cycle Of An Existing Test -- The Use Of IRT In Building And Revising Tests -- Everyday Psychometrics Psychometrics In The Classroom -- Close-Up Designing An Item Bank -- Meet An Assessment Professional Meet Dr. Scott Birkeland -- Self-Assessment -- Intelligence and Its Measurement -- What Is Intelligence? -- Intelligence Defined: Views Of The Lay Public -- Intelligence Defined: Views Of Scholars And Test Professionals -- Factor-Analytic Theories Of Intelligence -- The Information-Processing View -- Measuring Intelligence -- Types Of Tasks Used In Intelligence Tests -- Theory In Intelligence Test Development And Interpretation -- Intelligence: Some Issues -- Nature Versus Nurture -- The Stability Of Intelligence -- The Construct Validity Of Tests Of Intelligence -- Other Issues -- A Perspective -- Meet An Assessment Professional Meet Dr. Barbara C. Pavlo -- Everyday Psychometrics Being Gifted -- Close-Up Culture-Fair, Culture-Loaded -- Self-Assessment -- Tests of Intelligence -- The Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales -- The Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales: Fifth Edition -- The Wechsler Tests -- The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV) -- The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fourth Edition (WISC-IV) -- The Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence-Third Edition (WPPSI-III) -- Short Forms -- The Wechsler Tests in Perspective -- Other Measures Of Intelligence -- Tests Designed for Individual Administration -- Tests Designed for Group Administration -- Measures of Cognitive Style and Specific Intellectual Abilities -- Close-Up Factor Analysis -- Everyday Psychometrics The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB): A Test You Can Take -- Meet An Assessment Professional Meet Dr. Rebecca Anderson -- Self-Assessment -- Assessment for Education -- The Role Of Testing And Assessment In Education -- Response To Intervention (RtI) -- Dynamic Assessment -- Achievement Tests -- Measures Of General Achievement -- Measures Of Achievement In Specific Subject Areas -- Aptitude Tests -- The Preschool Level -- The Elementary-School Level -- The Secondary-School Level -- The College Level And Beyond -- Diagnostic Tests -- Reading Tests -- Math Tests -- Psychoeducational Test Batteries -- The Kaufman Assessment Battery For Children (K-ABC) And The Kaufman Assessment Battery For Children, Second Edition (KABC-II) -- The Woodcock-Johnson III (WJ III) -- Other Tools Of Assessment In Educational Settings -- Performance, Portfolio, and Authentic Assessment -- Peer Appraisal Techniques -- Measuring Study Habits, Interests, and Attitudes -- Meet An Assessment Professional Meet Eliane Hack, M.A. -- Close-Up Tests Of Minimum Competency -- Everyday Psychometrics First Impressions -- Self-Assessment -- Personality Assessment: An Overview -- Personality And Personality Assessment -- Personality -- Personality Assessment -- Traits, Types, And States -- Personality Assessment: Some Basic Questions -- Who? -- What? -- Where? -- How? -- Developing Instruments To Assess Personality -- Logic And Reason -- Theory -- Data Reduction Methods -- Criterion Groups -- Personality Assessment And Culture -- Acculturation and Related Considerations -- Meet An Assessment Professional Meet Dr. Eric A. Zillmer -- Everyday Psychometrics Some Common Item Formats -- Close-Up Assessing Acculturation And Related Variables -- Self-Assessment -- Personality Assessment Methods -- Objective Methods -- How Objective Are Objective Methods Of Personality Assessment? -- Projective Methods -- Inkblots As Projective Stimuli -- Pictures As Projective Stimuli -- Words As Projective Stimuli -- Sounds As Projective Stimuli -- The Production Of Figure Drawings -- Projective Methods In Perspective -- Behavioral Assessment Methods 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Note continued: The Who, What, When, Where, Why, And How Of It -- Varieties Of Behavioral Assessment -- Issues In Behavioral Assessment -- A Perspective -- Meet An Assessment Professional Meet Dr. Anthony Bram -- Everyday Psychometrics Confessions Of A Behavior Rater -- Close-Up Personality, Life Outcomes, And College Yearbook Photos -- Self-Assessment -- Clinical and Counseling Assessment -- An Overview -- The Diagnosis Of Mental Disorders -- The Interview In Clinical Assessment -- Case History Data -- Psychological Tests -- Culturally Informed Psychological Assessment -- Cultural Aspects Of The Interview -- Cultural Considerations And Managed Care -- Special Applications Of Clinical Measures -- The Assessment Of Addiction And Substance Abuse -- Forensic Psychological Assessment -- Diagnosis And Evaluation Of Emotional Injury -- Profiling -- Custody Evaluations -- Child Abuse And Neglect -- The Psychological Report -- The Barnum Effect -- Clinical versus Mechanical Prediction -- Meet An Assessment Professional Meet Dr. Joel Goldberg -- Close-Up Assessment Of Dangerousness And The Secret Service -- Everyday Psychometrics Elements Of A Typical Report Of Psychological Assessment -- Self-Assessment -- Neuropsychological Assessment -- The Nervous System And Behavior -- Neurological Damage And The Concept Of Organicity -- The Neuropsychological Evaluation -- When A Neuropsychological Evaluation Is Indicated -- General Elements Of A Neuropsychological Evaluation -- The Physical Examination -- Neuropsychological Tests -- Tests Of General Intellectual Ability -- Tests To Measure The Ability To Abstract -- Tests Of Executive Function -- Tests Of Perceptual, Motor, And Perceptual-Motor Function -- Tests Of Verbal Functioning -- Tests Of Memory -- Neuropsychological Test Batteries -- Other Tools Of Neuropsychological Assessment -- Meet An Assessment Professional Meet Dr. Jeanne P. Ryan -- Close-Up Fixed Versus Flexible Neuropsychological Test Batteries And The Law -- Everyday Psychometrics Medical Diagnostic Aids And Neuropsychological Assessment -- Self-Assessment -- Assessment, Careers, and Business -- Career Choice And Career Transition -- Measures Of Interest -- Measures Of Ability And Aptitude -- Measures Of Personality -- Other Measures -- Screening, Selection, Classification, And Placement -- The Résumé And The Letter Of Application -- The Application Form -- Letters Of Recommendation -- Interviews -- Portfolio Assessment -- Performance Tests -- Physical Tests -- Cognitive Ability, Productivity, And Motivation Measures -- Measures Of Cognitive Ability -- Productivity -- Motivation -- Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, And Organizational Culture -- Job Satisfaction -- Organizational Commitment -- Organizational Culture -- Other Tools Of Assessment For Business Applications -- Consumer Psychology -- The Measurement of Attitudes -- Surveys -- Motivation Research Methods -- Close-Up Validity Generalization And The GATB -- Meet An Assessment Professional Meet Dr. Chris Gee -- Everyday Psychometrics Assessment Of Corporate And Organizational Culture -- Self-Assessment. 14. 15. 16.

9780078035302 0078035309 0071318275 9780071318273 9789814577014 9814577014


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