A topical approach to life-span development /

Santrock, John W.,

A topical approach to life-span development / Life-span development John W. Santrock, University of Texas at Dallas. - Seventh edition. - xli, 620 pages, 122 variously numbered pages : illustrations (chiefly colour) ; 29 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Section 1. The Life-Span Perspective -- Section 2. Biological Processes, Physical Development,and Health -- Section 3. Cognitive Processes And Development -- Section 4. Socioemotional Processes And Development -- Section 5. Social Contexts Of Development -- Section 6. Endings -- -- The Life-Span Perspective -- -- Introduction -- The Life-Span Perspective -- The Importance of Studying Life-Span Development -- racteristics of the Life-Span Perspective -- Some Contemporary Concerns -- Connecting Development To Life Improving Family Policy -- The Nature of Development -- Biological, Cognitive, and Socioemotional Processes -- Periods of Development -- Connecting With Emerging Adults is Barnard -- The Significance of Age -- Connecting With ResearIs There A Best Time Of Day To Conduct Resear -- Developmental Issues -- Theories of Development -- Psyanalytic Theories -- Cognitive Theories -- Behavioral and Social Cognitive Theories -- Ethological Theory -- Ecological Theory -- An Eclectic Theoretical Orientation -- Researin Life-Span Development -- Methods for Collecting Data -- ResearDesigns -- Time Span of Research -- Conducting Ethical Research -- Minimizing Bias -- Connecting With Careers Pam Reid, Educational And Development Psylogist -- ReaYour Learning Goals -- Appendix:Careers in Life-Span Development -- -- Biological Processes, Physical Development,and Health -- -- Biological Beginnings -- The Evolutionary Perspective -- Natural Selection and Adaptive Behavior -- Evolutionary Psylogy -- Genetic Foundations of Development -- The Collaborative Gene -- Genes and omosomes -- Genetic Principles -- omosomal and Gene-Linked Abnormalities -- Connecting With Careers Holly Ishmael, Genetic Counselor -- Heredity and Environment Interaction: The Nature-Nurture Debate -- Behavior Genetics -- Heredity-Environment Correlations -- Connecting With ldren, Emerging Adults, And Adults Am I An "I" Or "We"? -- Shared and Nonshared Environmental Influences -- The Epigenetic View and Gene X Environment (G X E) Interaction -- Conclusions About Heredity-Environment Interaction -- Prenatal Development -- The Course of Prenatal Development -- Prenatal Diagnostic Tests -- Hazards to Prenatal Development -- Prenatal Care -- Connecting Development To Life A Healthy Pregnancy -- Birth and the Postpartum Period -- The Birth Process -- The Transition from Fetus to Newborn -- Connecting With Careers Linda Pugh, Perinatal Nurse -- Low Birth Weight and Preterm Infants -- Connecting With ResearHow Are Preterm Infants Affected By Tou -- Bonding -- The Postpartum Period -- ReaYour Learning Goals -- -- Physical Development and Biological Aging -- Body Growth and nge -- Patterns of Growth -- Height and Weight in Infancy and ldhood -- Puberty -- Early Adulthood -- Middle Adulthood -- Late Adulthood -- Connecting With Careers Sarah Kagan, Geriatric Nurse -- The Brain -- The Neuroconstructivist View -- Brain Physiology -- Infancy -- ldhood -- Adolescence -- Connecting Development To Life Strategies for Helping Adolescents Reduce Their Risk-Taking Behavior -- Adulthood and Aging -- Connecting With ResearThe Nun Study -- Sleep -- Infancy -- ldhood -- Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood -- Adulthood and Aging -- Longevity and Biological Aging -- Life Expectancy and Life Span -- Centenarians -- Connecting With Older Adults Centenarians Reflect On Their Lives -- Biological Theories of Aging -- ReaYour Learning Goals -- -- Health -- Health, Illness, and Disease -- ldren's Health -- Adolescents' Health -- Emerging and Young Adults' Health -- Health and Aging -- Connecting With ResearHow Stressful Is Caring For An Alzheimer Patient At Home? -- Nutrition and Eating Behavior -- Infancy -- ldhood -- Connecting With Careers Barbara Deloin, Pediatric Nurse -- Connecting With ldren Helping Overweight ldren Lose Weight -- Adolescence -- Adult Development and Aging -- Exercise -- ldhood and Adolescence -- Adulthood -- Connecting Development To Life Exercise -- Aging and Longevity -- Substance Use -- Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood -- Substance Use in Older Adults -- ReaYour Learning Goals -- -- Section 1. 1. Section 2. 2. 3. 4. Motor, Sensory, and Perceptual Development -- Motor Development -- The Dynamic Systems View -- Reflexes -- Gross Motor Skills -- Connecting Development To Life Parents, Coas, and ldren's Sports -- Connecting With Older Adults Preventing Falls -- Fine Motor Skills -- Sensory and Perceptual Development -- What Are Sensation and Perception? -- The Ecological View -- Connecting With ResearHow Do Scientists Study The Newborn's Perception? -- Visual Perception -- Hearing -- Other Senses -- Intermodal Perception -- Nature/Nurture and Perceptual Development -- Perceptual-Motor Coupling -- ReaYour Learning Goals -- -- Cognitive Processes And Development -- -- Cognitive Developmental Approas -- Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development -- Processes of Development -- Sensorimotor Stage -- Connecting With ResearHow Do Researrs Study Infants' Understanding Of Object Permanence And Causality? -- Preoperational Stage -- Concrete Operational Stage -- Formal Operational Stage -- Connecting With Adolescents Are Social Media An Amplification Tool For Adolescent Egocentrism? -- Applying and Evaluating Piaget's Theory -- Piaget and Education -- Evaluating Piaget's Theory -- Vygotsky's Theory of Cognitive Development -- The Zone of Proximal Development -- Scaffolding -- Language and Thought -- Teang Strategies -- Evaluating Vygotsky's Theory -- Connecting Development To Life Tools of the Mind -- Cognitive nges in Adulthood -- Piaget's View -- Realistic and Pragmatic Thinking -- Reflective and Relativistic Thinking -- Cognition and Emotion -- Is There a Fifth, Postformal Stage? -- Are There Cognitive Stages in Middle and Late Adulthood? -- ReaYour Learning Goals -- -- Information Processing -- The Information-Processing Approach -- The Information-Processing Approaand Its Application to Development -- Speed of Processing Information -- Attention -- What Is Attention? -- Infancy -- ldhood and Adolescence -- Adulthood -- Memory -- What Is Memory? -- Infancy -- ldhood -- Adulthood -- Connecting With ResearHow Well Do Adults Remember What They Learned In High Sol And College Spanish? -- Thinking -- What Is Thinking? -- Infancy and ldhood -- Connecting With Careers Helen Hadani, Developmental Psylogist, Toy Designer, And Lango Regional Director -- Adolescence -- Adulthood -- Connecting With Older Adults The Remarkable Helen Small -- Connecting Development To Life Cognitive Training with Older Adults -- Metacognition -- What Is Metacognition? -- Theory of Mind -- Metamemory in ldren -- Metacognition in Adolescence and Adulthood -- ReaYour Learning Goals -- -- Intelligence -- The Concept of Intelligence -- What Is Intelligence? -- Intelligence Tests -- Theories of Multiple Intelligences -- Connecting With ldren And Adults Shiffy Landa, First-Grade Tear, Describes How She Uses The Multiple-Intelligences ApproaIn Her Class -- The Neuroscience of Intelligence -- Controversies and Group Comparisons -- The Influence of Heredity and Environment -- Group Comparisons and Issues -- Connecting With ResearCan Early Intervention In The Lives Of ldren Growing Up In Impoverished Circumstances Improve Their Intelligence? -- The Development of Intelligence -- Tests of Infant Intelligence -- Connecting With Careers Toosje Thyssen Van Beveren, Infant Assessment Specialist -- Stability and nge in Intelligence Through Adolescence -- Intelligence in Adulthood -- The Extremes of Intelligence and Creativity -- Intellectual Disability -- Giftedness -- Creativity -- Connecting Development To Life Living a More Creative Life -- ReaYour Learning Goals -- -- Language Development -- What Is Language? -- Defining Language -- Language's Rule Systems -- How Language Develops -- Infancy -- Early ldhood -- Connecting With Careers Sharla Peltier, SpeeTherapist -- Connecting With ResearWhat racteristics Of A Family Affect A ld's Language Development? -- Middle and Late ldhood -- Connecting With Adults And ldren Mealtime Talk And Literacy -- Connecting With Careers Salvador Tamayo, Tear Of English Language Learners -- Adolescence -- Adulthood and Aging -- Biological and Environmental Influences -- Biological Influences -- Environmental Influences -- An Interactionist View of Language -- Connecting Development To Life How Parents Can Facilitate Infants' and Toddlers' Language Development -- ReaYour Learning Goals -- -- 5. Section 3. 6. 7. 8. 9. Socioemotional Processes And Development -- -- Emotional Development and Attaent -- Exploring Emotion -- What Are Emotions? -- Regulation of Emotion -- Emotional Competence -- Development of Emotion -- Infancy -- Early ldhood -- Middle and Late ldhood -- Adolescence -- Adult Development and Aging -- Temperament -- Describing and Classifying Temperament -- Biological Foundations and Experience -- Goodness of Fit and Parenting -- Connecting Development To Life Parenting And The ld's Temperament -- Attaent and Love -- Infancy and ldhood -- Connecting With Careers Wanda Mitll, ld-Care Director -- Adolescence -- Adulthood -- Connecting With Adults Is Online Dating A Good Idea? -- Connecting With ResearDoes A Romantic Relationship Breakup Present An Opportunity For Personal Growth? -- ReaYour Learning Goals -- -- The Self, Identity, and Personality -- The Self -- Self-Understanding and Understanding Others -- Connecting With Adolescents A 15-Year-Old Girl's Self-Portrait -- Self-Esteem and Self-Concept -- Self-Regulation -- Connecting Development To Life Strategies For Effectively Engaging In Selective Optimization With Compensation -- Identity -- What Is Identity? -- Erikson's View -- Some Contemporary Thoughts on Identity -- Developmental nges -- Identity and Social Contexts -- Connecting With Careers Armando Ronquillo, High Sol Counselor -- Personality -- Trait Theories and the Big Five Factors of Personality -- Views on Adult Personality Development -- Generativity -- Stability and nge -- Connecting With ResearAre Personality Traits Related To Longevity? -- ReaYour Learning Goals -- -- Gender and Sexuality -- Biological, Social, and Cognitive Influences on Gender -- Biological Influences -- Social Influences -- Cognitive Influences -- Connecting With ResearWhat Are Young ldren's Gender Smas About Occupations? -- Gender Stereotypes, Similarities, and Differences -- Gender Stereotyping -- Gender Similarities and Differences -- Gender Development Through the Life Span -- ldhood -- Adolescence -- Adulthood and Aging -- Connecting With Careers Cynthia De Ias Fuentes, College Professor And Counseling Psylogist -- Exploring Sexuality -- Biological and Cultural Factors -- Sexual Orientation -- Sexually Transmitted Infections -- Forcible Sexual Behavior and Sexual Harassment -- Sexuality Through the Life Span -- ldhood -- Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood -- Connecting With Adolescents Sixteen-Year-Old Alberto: Wanting A Different Kind Of Life -- Connecting With Careers Lynn Blankenship, Family And Consumer Science Educator -- Connecting Development To Life Reducing Adolescent Pregnancy -- Adult Development and Aging -- ReaYour Learning Goals -- -- Moral Development, Values, and Religion -- Domains of Moral Development -- What Is Moral Development? -- Moral Thought -- Moral Behavior -- Moral Feeling -- Moral Personality -- Domain Theory -- Contexts of Moral Development -- Parenting -- Sols -- Prosocial and Antisocial Behavior -- Prosocial Behavior -- Antisocial Behavior -- Connecting With Careers Rodney Hammond, Health Psylogist -- Connecting With ResearDoes Intervention Reduce Juvenile Delinquency? -- Values, Religion, Spirituality, and Meaning in Life -- Values -- Connecting With Adolescents And Adults Nina Vasan, Finding A Path To Purpose -- Religion and Spirituality -- Connecting With Careers Gabriel Dy-Liacco, Pastoral Counselor -- Connecting Development To Life Religion And Coping -- Meaning in Life -- ReaYour Learning Goals -- -- Social Contexts Of Development -- -- Families, Lifestyles, and Parenting -- Family Processes -- Reciprocal Socialization -- Family as a System -- Sociocultural and Historical Influences -- Multiple Developmental Trajectories -- The Diversity of Adult Lifestyles -- Single Adults -- Cohabiting Adults -- Married Adults -- Divorced Adults -- Connecting With Adults Variations In Lives -- Remarried Adults -- Gay and Lesbian Adults -- Parenting -- Parental Roles -- Parenting Styles and Discipline -- Connecting With Careers Janis Keyser, Parent Educator -- Connecting With ResearAre Marital Conflict, Individual Hostility, And The Use Of Physical Punishment Linked? -- Connecting With Careers Darla Botkin, Marriage And Family Therapist -- Parent-Adolescent and Parent-Emerging Adult Relationships -- Working Parents -- ldren in Divorced Families -- Stepfamilies -- Connecting Development To Life Communicating With ldren About Divorce -- Gay and Lesbian Parents -- Adoptive Parents and Adopted ldren -- Other Family Relationships -- Sibling Relationships and Birth Order -- Grandparenting and Great-Grandparenting -- Intergenerational Relationships -- ReaYour Learning Goals -- -- Peers and the Sociocultural World -- Peer Relations in ldhood and Adolescence -- Exploring Peer Relations -- Peer Statuses -- Bullying -- Connecting With ResearHow Are Perspective Taking And Moral Motivation Linked To Bullying? -- Gender and Peer Relations -- Adolescent Peer Relations -- Friendship -- Functions of Friendship -- Friendship During ldhood -- Connecting Development To Life Appropriate And Inappropriate Strategies For Making Friends -- Friendship During Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood -- Connecting With Adolescents We Defined EaOther With Adjectives -- Adult Friendship -- Play and Leisure -- ldhood -- Adolescence -- Adulthood -- Aging and the Social World -- Social Theories of Aging -- Stereotyping of Older Adults -- Social Support and Social Integration -- Successful Aging -- Sociocultural Influences -- Culture -- Socioeconomic Status and Poverty -- Ethnicity -- Connecting With Careers Norma Thomas, Social Work Professor And Administrator -- ReaYour Learning Goals -- -- Sols, Aevement, and Work -- Sols -- Contemporary Approas to Student Learning and Assessment -- Sols and Developmental Status -- Connecting With Careers Yolanda Garcia, Director Of ldren's Services, Head Start -- Connecting With Adolescents Tommie Lindsey -- Educating ldren with Disabilities -- Socioeconomic Status and Ethnicity in Sols -- Connecting With Careers James Comer, ld Psyatrist -- Aevement -- Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation -- Mastery Motivation and Mindset -- Self-Efficacy -- Goal Setting, Planning, and Self-Monitoring -- Expectations -- Ethnicity and Culture -- Connecting With ResearWhy Do U.S. Students Underperform In Math? -- Careers, Work, and Retirement -- Career Development -- Connecting With Careers Grace Leaf, College/Career Counselor -- Work -- Connecting Development To Life Working During College -- Retirement -- ReaYour Learning Goals -- -- Endings -- -- Death, Dying, and Grieving -- The Death System and Cultural Contexts -- The Death System and Its Cultural Variations -- nging Historical Circumstances -- Defining Death and Life/Death Issues -- Issues in Determining Death -- Decisions Regarding Life, Death, and Health Care -- Connecting With Careers Kathy Mclaughlin, Home Hospice Nurse -- A Developmental Perspective on Death -- Causes of Death -- Attitudes Toward Death at Different Points in the Life Span -- Suicide -- Facing One's Own Death -- Kiibler-Ross' Stages of Dying -- Perceived Control and Denial -- The Contexts in WhiPeople Die -- Coping with the Death of Someone Else -- Communicating with a Dying Person -- Grieving -- Connecting Development To Life Communicating With A Dying Person -- Connecting With Adults Friend Support In Grieving -- Making Sense of the World -- Losing a Life Partner -- Connecting With ResearHow Is Widowhood Related To Women's Physical And Mental Health? -- Forms of Mourning -- ReaYour Learning Goals.. Section 4. 10. 11. 12. 13. Section 5. 14. 15. 16. Section 6. 17.

0078035503 9780078035500


Developmental psychology--Textbooks

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