The University status file -. - X items - The University status file - . - The University status file - (COUN/1026) .

COUN/1026. On February 22 1993 the Council debted the proposal to change the name of AIT and approved a change in the name of the Institute to include the name "University". At its meeting on 28 August 1995, Council considered a proposal from the President that AIT apply to the Minister of Education for his approval to change its name to "Auckland University of Technology". Following a presentation on the legal issues involved, from Sir Geoffrey Palmer and Mai Chen of Chen & Palmer, The Council resolved as follows: " That council set up a Committee of four or five members to review the application. At the same meeting, the Council Chair proposed the following members of the Committee, all of whom accepted appointment: Lindsay Fergusson (Convenor), Pauline Kingi (ex officio as Council Chair)< Michael Leggott, Michelle Maidens, Alan O'Neill, Margaret Tapper, and Graham White. Chronological. = University status file -

Fergusson, Lindsay [ID1101022730]
Kingi, Pauline K. [ID1101022800]
Leggott, Michael [ID1101022820]
Tapper, Margaret [ID1101022970]
O'Neill, Alan [ID1101018520]
Maidens, Michelle S. [ID1101022830]

Universities and colleges--Accreditation--New Zealand