Public Relations and Marketing photographic print collection. - 25 prints (Black and white prints and negatives.) 10 negatives (Prints range in size from 130 x 85 mm. to 380 x 280 mm.) - Public Relations and Marketing photographic print collection . - Public Relations and Marketing photographic print collection (PRMK/1005) .

PRMK/1005. Some photos's are copies from the collections of other libraries and cannot by reproduced without their consent. Arranged by Archives by date of accession and chronologically by date of photograph within accession groups.

A collection of photographs of buildings, classes and staff of AII, Seddon Memorial Technical College and predecessors, used by the Public Relations and Marketing Office for publicity brochures, leaflets etc. Includes original prints, copies, and copy negitives. = Public Relations and Marketing photographic print collection

Seddon Memorial Technical College (SMTC) [ID1101000060]
