Minutes of Directorate meetings. - 1.5 linear metres (Typed A4 pages filed in manilla folders. (The 1986 and 1989 minutes are loose.)) - Minutes of Directorate meetings . - Minutes of Directorate meetings (DIRC/1001) .

DIRC/1001. The Directorate meeting was renamed the Director's team meeting in 1993. Chronological order. All the minutes for one year have been grouped together by Archives as one item.

Directorate staff only. Other enquirers must obtain permission from the Director's secretary.

The minutes of monthly Directorate meetings. Present at the meetings are the Director, Deputy Director, the Associate Directors (3) and the Assistant Director. The recorder is the Director's secretary. The meetings stopped being held in September 1993.

Directorate staff only.
Other enquirers must obtain permission from the Director's secretary. = Minutes of Directorate meetings

Minutes (Records)