Members of the Executive Board, 1998. - Minutes of the Executive Board meetings. ; 16 . - Minutes of the Executive Board meetings. (OPGM/1001) ; 16 .

OPGM/1001/16. A) Source: OPGM/1001/13. B) Members as at January 1998: Dr John Hinchcliff (Chair) - President. Jonathan Blakeman - General Manager. David Brook - Vice President. Drek McCormack - Director Corporate Services. Judith McKay - Director Finance. Margaret Horsburgh - Director Academic Development. Wendy Bussen - Director Information Services. Jan Fitz-Gerald - Director Communications And Marketing. Peter Harwood - Dean of School of Arts. Des Graydon - Dean of School of Commerce. Max Abbot - Dean of School of Health Studies. Roy Geddes - Dean of School of Science & Engineering. Toby Curtis - Te Ahurei.

Executive Board