Finance and Administration Standing Committee minutes. - 2 volumes (Hard-bound volumes, 25 x 35 cm.) (Typed pages of minutes have been pasted into the volumes.) - Finance and Administration Standing Committee minutes . - Finance and Administration Standing Committee minutes (COUN/1005) .

COUN/1005. The Appointments Committee had similar responsibilities regarding staff to the Finance and Administration Committee. Chronological order.

The official minutes of the Council's Finance and Administration Standing Committee which are signed as confirmed by the chairman of the Committee. The Finance and Administration Standing Committee formed in 1977 to deal with the following matters: Financial - examining all financial transactions of the Institute including examining monthly accounts, contracts, estimates of income and expenditure, consideration of auditors reports, examination of funding and grants. Staffing - recommending appointments/accepting resignations, dealing with internal promotions and setting promotions procedures, setting job advertising procedures, recommendations on leave of abscence, allowances to attend courses, staff discipline. The Committee is also responsible for considering Acts and Regulations and their effect on the Institute. The Committee is made up of members of the Council. = Finance and Administration Standing Committee minutes

Standing Committees (ATI) [ID1101004280]

Procedures and regulations

Minutes (Records)