Auckland Technical Institute Silver Jubilee 1985 : press cuttings. ATI celebrating 25 years - 1 booklet (photocopied newspaper cuttings)

Photocopied articles. ATI 25 years old and growing / Today, 12 Sept. 1985. Machines on show for open day / Central Leader / 3 Sept 1985. ATI extends invitation for birthday / Central Leader, 3 Sept. 1985. Institute has long history / Central Leader, 3 Sept. 1985Computer-age ATI emerged from shaky beginning / by Iain Macdonals, in NZ Herald, 7 Sept. 1985. Photograph of Seddon Memorial Technical College, built in 1913. Photograph taken in 1931. Photograph taken in 1909 of the Auckland Mechanics Institute. ATI reunion search / Auckland Star 9 Sept. 1985. ATI records yet another milestone / Auckland City Harbour News, 11 Sept. 1985. ATI 25 years old & growing / Auckland Star 12 Sept/ 1985. Computer-aid courses / Martin McCarthy, in Auckland Star 12 Sept. 1985. ATI's future / Auckland Star 17 Sept. 1985. ATI records yet another milestone / North Shore Times Advertiser, 12 Sept. 1985. 25 years of technical training / NZ Herald editorial, 16 Sept. 1985Principals honoured / Auckland Star 20 Sept. 1985. New challenges face institute / Auckland Star 21 Sept. 1985.