Acts of Parliament which impact on Polytechnics. - 12 (leaves) - Institutional related records, publications and Items in the Library Archives. ; 112 . - Institutional related records, publications and Items in the Library Archives. (ARCH/1001) ; 112 .

ARCH/1001/112. Training handout.

Lists the following Acts. Access Training Scheme Act 1988. accident Rehabilitation and Compensation Insurance Act 1992. ANZAC Day Act and Waitangi Day Act 1976. Archives Act 1979. Building Act 1991 and Amensments 1992, 1993. Civil Defence Act 1983. Child Support Act 1991. Contraception, Sterilisation and Abortion 1977. Copyright Act 1962 and amendments. Credit Contracts Act. Dangerous Good Act 1974. Defamation Act 1992. Disabled Persons Employment Protection Act 1960. District Courts Amendment Act 1989. Education Act 1989 and amendments. Employment Contracts Act 1991. Equal Opportunities Tribunal Regulations 1980. Equal Pay Act 1972. Fair Trading Act 1986. Factories & Commercial Premises (First Aid) regulations 1985. Fire Service Act 1975 and amendments. Goods & Services Tax Act 1985. Government supperannuation Fund Amendment no 2 1990. Health & Safety in Employment Act 1992. Holidays Act 1981. Human Rights Act 1993. Incorporated Societes Act 1908. Industry Training Act 1992. Inland Revenue Act. Local Authorities Act 1989. Local Government Amenement Act 1981. Machinery Act 1950. Maori Language Act 1987. Minimum Wag Act 1983 and 19 more.