Fellowes, Janet,

Language, literacy and early childhood education / Janet Fellowes, Grace Oakley. - Third edition. - xxi, 649 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm

Previous edition: 2014.

Introduction to Literacy: Definitions and Theoretical Perspectives -- Introduction: Defining literacy -- Theoretical perspectives on literacy learning -- Affective factors and young children's literacy learning -- Children's Literature -- Introduction -- Picture books -- Picture storybooks -- Choosing quality picture storybooks -- Information picture books -- Choosing quality information picture books -- Children's literature and the Early Years Learning Framework -- Children's literature and digital technology -- Literature from and about Asia -- Literature of and about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples -- Response to literature -- Literary texts as models for children's writing -- Young Children, Language and Literacy : -- Understanding Oral Language -- Introduction -- Language and communication -- Language and speech -- Properties of language -- Components of spoken language -- Language is functional -- Language functions -- Language register -- Listening (receptive language) -- Identifying children who have reduced hearing -- Language and culture -- Language diversity and early childhood settings -- Oral Language: Perspectives and Phases -- Introduction: Theoretical perspectives on oral language learning -- Phases, stages and milestones of oral language development -- Bilingual and multilingual language learners -- Early Childhood Settings and Oral Language Learning and Development -- Introduction -- Language development and the home setting -- Language development and the childcare setting -- Language development and the preschool setting -- Language development and the early years of the primary school setting -- Key Early Childhood Learning Contexts for Oral Language -- Introduction: Play and oral language -- Socio-dramatic play -- Reading aloud to children -- Storytelling -- Conversations and discussions -- Investigations. 1. 2. Part 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. Learning Experiences and Activities for Speaking and Listening -- Introduction: Important considerations -- Speaking and listening activities -- Activities with a listening focus -- Drama as a medium for speaking and listening development -- Language, Thinking and Learning -- Introduction: Cognition and language -- Language use and brain development -- Inner speech and thinking -- Language and learning -- Questioning for cognition and learning -- Assessing Speaking and Listening -- Introduction: Assessment issues in early childhood -- What needs to be assessed? -- The components of language -- Collecting data about children's oral language -- Documentation of oral language learning -- Interpreting the information gathered about oral language -- Young Children and Reading : -- Understanding Reading -- Introduction: Defining reading -- Foundational knowledge for reading -- Knowledge about text purposes -- Phonological awareness -- Knowledge about letters and sounds -- Letter-sound relationships -- Word recognition: Phases of development -- Sight words -- Reading development -- Perspectives on how to teach reading -- Child-initiated or educator-initiated literacy learning? -- Phonological Awareness, Letters, Sounds and Sight Words -- Introduction: Phonological awareness -- Teaching phonological awareness -- Principles for teaching phonological awareness -- Assessment of phonological awareness -- Teaching about letter-sound relationships -- What do children need to know about letter-sound relationships? -- Suggested sequences for teaching phonics -- Principles of phonics teaching -- Strategies and games for teaching phonics -- Working with letters and sounds -- Assessment of letter-sound knowledge -- Teaching sight words -- Strategies for teaching sight words -- Assessment of sight-word knowledge -- Vocabulary for Reading and Writing -- Introduction: What do we mean by vocabulary? -- Why is vocabulary important in reading and writing? -- How does vocabulary develop? -- Levels of vocabulary knowledge -- How can vocabulary learning be facilitated in the early years? -- Indirect instruction -- Explicit vocabulary instruction -- Word study -- Word sorts -- Purposeful strategic conversations -- Using dictionaries -- Using contextual cues -- Teaching word consciousness -- Some principles for vocabulary teaching -- Assessment of vocabulary knowledge -- Toolbox of vocabulary strategies. 7. 8. 9. Part 2. 10. 11. 12. Strategies for Teaching Reading -- Introduction: Pedagogical strategies for teaching reading -- Reading aloud to children -- Shared reading -- Guided reading -- Language Experience Approach -- Buddy reading -- Independent reading -- Reciprocal teaching -- Literature circles -- Matching texts to children -- Finding out about children's reading interests -- Reading for Comprehension -- Introduction -- What does a child need to know and do to comprehend a text? -- Reading comprehension: Suggested developmental pathway -- 'Levels' of comprehension -- Strategic processes for comprehension -- Teaching comprehension processes and strategies -- Comprehension of informational texts -- Providing appropriate texts -- Vocabulary for reading -- Comprehension of multimodal texts -- Good practice recommendations -- Assessment of reading comprehension -- Toolbox of comprehension strategies -- Developing Reading Fluency -- Introduction: What is reading fluency? -- Elements of reading fluency -- Why is reading fluency important? -- Fluency development -- Key practices for fostering reading fluency -- Improving the elements of fluency -- Improving expressiveness -- Using digital technologies to teach reading fluency -- Pulling it all together -- Assisting struggling readers -- Assessment of reading fluency -- What not to do -- Toolbox of fluency strategies -- Young Children and Writing : -- Introduction to Writing -- Introduction: Written communication -- Four components of writing -- The physical aspect of writing -- Writing traits -- The writing process -- Children's growth in written communication -- Using the phases of writing development -- Writing Purpose and Text Organisation -- Introduction -- Writing purpose -- Audience -- Written texts -- Types of texts -- Teaching about texts: Beginning and emergent -- Teaching about texts in the early years of school -- The Writing Conventions: Grammar and Punctuation -- Introduction: Writing conventions -- What is grammar? -- Oral language and grammar as a prelude to writing -- Understanding English grammar -- Punctuation -- Paragraphing -- Teaching about the writing conventions -- Spelling and Handwriting -- Introduction: The importance of good spelling -- The English orthographic system -- Spelling knowledge -- Spelling strategies -- Children's spelling development -- Invented spelling -- Teaching spelling -- Handwriting -- Key Strategies for Teaching Writing -- Introduction -- Modelled writing -- Shared writing -- Working with texts produced in modelled or shared writing -- Interactive writing -- Language Experience Approach -- Guided writing -- Independent writing -- The teaching strategies in use -- Writing Experiences and Activities -- Introduction: The emergence of writing -- Supporting the emergence of writing -- Supporting children's further progress as writers -- Developing writing lessons for children in the early years of school -- Establishing the stimulus for writing activities. 13. 14. 15. Part 3. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Assessing and Evaluating Writing -- Introduction: What to assess? -- Collecting information about children's writing -- Assessing spelling -- Assessment of writing interest and motivation -- Framing Language and Literacy Learning : -- Critical Literacy and Visual Literacy -- Introduction -- What is critical literacy? -- Visual literacy and its importance in the twenty-first century -- Defining viewing or visual literacy -- Broad approaches to teaching visual literacy or viewing -- Suggested themes for critical and visual literacy -- Assessment of visual literacy -- Language, Literacy and Digital Technologies -- Introduction: Young children and digital technologies -- SAMR, TPACK and iPAC -- Using digital technologies to further young children's literacy learning -- Writing -- Digital concept mapping for reading and writing -- Using the web -- Interactive whiteboards -- Tablet computers and mobile learning -- Digital technologies and safety concerns -- Connecting with Families -- Introduction: Family literacy practices -- Family literacy practices and emerging literacy -- Oral language as a component of family literacy -- Family literacy and emergent literacy -- Family literacy diversity -- Initiatives: Family and community literacy -- Parent-educator partnerships -- The benefits of parent-educator partnerships -- Partnership practices -- Working with families from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds -- Planning for Language and Literacy -- Introduction: The learning program -- The literacy-enriched environment -- Program considerations for culturally and linguistically diverse learners -- Language and literacy programs for the different early childhood settings -- The informed early childhood professional. 22. Part 4. 23. 24. 25. 26.

0190318562 9780190318567


Children--Language--Study and teaching.
Early childhood education--Study and teaching
Literacy--Study and teaching

LB1139.L3 / F45 2019
