New directions for law in Australia : essays in contemporary law reform / Essays in contemporary law reform edited by Ron Levy, Molly O'Brien, Simon Rice, Pauline Ridge, Margaret Thornton. - xiv, 661 pages ; 24 cm

Includes bibliographical references.

Part I. Commercial and Corporate Law : -- Part II. Criminal Law and Evidence : -- Part III. Environmental Law : -- Part IV. Private Law : -- Part V. Public Law : -- Part VI. Legal Practice and Legal Education : -- -- Foreword / Introduction / Keynote: Reforming Law - The Role of Theory / Commercial and Corporate Law : -- The Privatisation of Australian Corporate Law / On the Road to Improved Social and Economic Welfare: The Contribution to Australian Competition and Consumer Law and Policy Law Reform / Tax, Inequality and Challenges for the Future / Brand New 'Sharing' or Plain Old 'Sweating'? A Proposal for Regulating the New 'Gig Economy' / Good Call: Extending Liability for Employment Contraventions Beyond the Direct Employer / The Australian House Party Has Been Glorious - But the Hangover May Be Severe: Reforms to Mitigate Some of the Risks / Back to Basics: Reforming Australia's Private Sector Whistleblowing Laws / Lawyers as Whistleblowers: The Need for a Gatekeeper of Justice Whistleblowing Obligation/Exception / Criminal Law and Evidence : -- Criminal Justice Law Reform Challenges for the Future: It's Time to Curb Australia's Prison Addiction / Is Criminal Law Reform a Lost Cause? / Rethinking Rape Law Reform: Challenges and Possibilities / Suggestions for Reform / Improving the Effectiveness of Corporate Criminal Liability: Old Challenges in a Transnational World / Stereotypes in the Courtroom / The Justice Motive: Psychological Research on Perceptions of Justice in Criminal Law / How Interpretation of Indistinct Covert Recordings Can Lead to Wrongful Conviction: A Case Study and Recommendations for Reform / Australia's Lower-level Criminal Courts: Tackling 21st Century Problems in a 19th Century Paradigm? / Environmental Law : -- What is the Mainstream? The Laws of First Nations Peoples / Overturning Aqua Nullius: Pathways to National Law Reform / A Governance Framework for Indigenous Ecological Knowledge Protection and Use / Reforming Environmental Law for Responsiveness to Change / Future Water: Improving Planning, Markets, Enforcement and Learning / Effective Law for Rural Environmental Governance: Meta-Governance Reform and Farm Stewardship / The Hon Michael Kirby AC CMG -- Ron Levy, Molly O'Brien, Simon Rice, Pauline Ridge and Margaret Thornton -- Margaret Davies -- Ross Grantham -- Russell Miller AM -- John Passant -- Joellen Riley -- Tess Hardy -- Gill North -- Kath Hall and Heather Cork -- Suzanne Le Mire and Christine Parker -- Lorana Bartels -- Simon Bronitt -- Wendy Larcombe -- John Anderson -- Jonathan Clough -- Blake M McKimmie -- Diane Sivasubramaniam -- Helen Fraser -- Anne Wallace -- Irene Watson -- Virginia Marshall -- Natalie P Stoianoff -- Jan McDonald -- Cameron Holley -- Paul Martin, Amanda Kennedy and Jacqueline Williams -- Part I. Part II. Part III. Private Law : -- Pitfalls of Statutory Reform in Private Law: Recipient Liability for Breach of Trust / Recent Reforms to Australian Charity Law / Consumer Protection, Recreational Activities and Personal Injury Compensation: Inconsistency in Need of Reform / Statutory Interpretation and the Critical Role of Soft Law Guidelines in Developing a Coherent Law of Remedies in Australia / Meeting the Potential of Alternative Remedies in Australian Defamation Law / Designing Reparation: Lessons from Private Law / Apologies, Liability and Civil Society: Where to from Here? / Renovating the Concept of Consent in Contract and Property Law / Nudging Charities to Balance the Needs of the Present against Those of the Future / Public Law : -- Voluntary Voting for Referendums in Australia: Old Wine, New Bottle / Reforming Constitutional Reform / Does Australia Need a Popular Constitutional Culture? / Constitutional Dimensions of Law Reform / The Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security: A Point of Increasing Influence in Australian Counter-Terrorism Law Reform? / Rights Dialogue under the Victorian Charter: The Potential and the Pitfalls / Court Records as Archives: The Need for Law Reform to Ensure Access / A Positive Freedom of Public Speech? Australian Media Law Reform and Freedom of Political Communication / The Need for Reform of Australia's Birth Registration Systems / Simplifying Government Secrecy? / Legal Practice and Legal Education : -- Australian Legal Practice: Ethical Climate and Ethical Climate Change / Strengthening Australian Legal Ethics and Professionalism / Since Lawyers Work in Teams, We Must Focus on Team Ethics / The Legal Roots of a Sustainable and Resilient Economy: New Kinds of Legal Entities, New Kinds of Lawyers? / Wearing Two Hats: Lawyers Acting as Mediators / Enabling Marginalised Voices to Be Heard: The Challenge to Law Reform Bodies / The End of Ramism: And the Shape of Things To Come / Shared Space and the Regulation of Legal Education / Dreaming of Diversity in Legal Education / Darryn Jensen -- Matthew Harding -- Joachim Dietrich -- Elise Bant and Jeannie Paterson -- Robyn Carroll and Catherine Graville -- Simone Degeling and Kit Barker -- Prue Vines -- Robyn Honey -- Ian Murray -- Graeme Orr -- Scott Stephenson -- Lael K Weis -- Gabrielle Appleby and Anna Olijnyk -- Dominique Dalla-Pozza -- Julie Debeljak -- Andrew Henderson and Kim Rubenstein -- Andrew T Kenyon -- Melissa Castan and Paula Gerber -- Daniel Stewart -- Vivien Holmes, Stephen Tang, Tony Foley and Margie Rowe -- Adrian Evans -- Justine Rogers -- Bronwen Morgan, Joanne McNeill and Isobel Blomfield -- Mary Anne Noone -- Liz Curran -- Craig Collins -- Paul Maharg -- Margaret Thornton. Part IV. Part V. Part VI.

9781760461416 1760461415

Law reform--Australia
