Sutton-Brady, Catherine.

International marketing / Michael Czinkota [and others]. - Third Asia Pacific edition. - xviii, 582 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm

International Marketing; Brief contents; Contents; Preface; Acknowledgments; About the authors; Resource Guide; Part 1 The international environment; Chapter 1 Introduction tointernationalmarketing; Panorama Powering growth in emerging markets; International marketing defined; The international marketplace 1.1 Environment and sustainability: A global challenge for ideas ; Globalisation; Globalisation drivers; The international marketplace 1.2 China's huge consumer market; Opportunities and challenges ininternational marketing. The international marketplace 1.3 Emerging consumers bring a smile to Coca-Cola and consumer goods companies The strategic planning process; The local company in the global environment; The international marketplace 1.4 Emerging-market growth war pits global brand giants against local rivals ; The goals of this book; Future insights; Summary; Key terms; Search me! marketing; Questions for discussion; Critical analysis questions; Challenge us Cruise shipbuilding: Europe and Asia; CaseStudy: Bett ing on the future: It's not alwaysabout the money; Chapter 2 The economicenvironment. Panorama It's the economy, stupid!The international marketplace 2.1 Markets at the bottom of the income pyramid; Market characteristics; The international marketplace 2.2 Economic focus shifts to China and India; The international marketplace 2.3 In search of the new China; The international marketplace 2.4 Bringing the new economy to new markets ; Impact of the economic environmenton social development; Regional economic integration; Future insights; Sumary; Key terms; Search me! marketing; Questions for discusion; Critical analysis questions; Challenge us Africa's growing middle class. CaseStudy IKEA: A bett er everyda y lifeRecommended reading; Endnotes; Chapter 3 Trade institutions andtrade policy; Panorama Asia -- who's in, who's out?; The international marketplace 3.1 How big is e-commerce and who should regulate it? ; Transnational institutions affecting world trade; The international marketplace 3.2 World Bank -- and pop stars -- to the rescue ; The international marketplace 3.3 Australasia, regional institutions and FTA s ; Comparing international trade positions; The impact of trade and investment; Policy responses to trade problems. The international marketplace 3.4 Lamb (exporters) to the slaughter A strategic outlook for tradeand investment policies; The international marketplace 3.5 Free trade agreements no guarantee of export success ; Future insights; Sumary; Key terms; Search me! marketing ; Questions for discusion; Critical analysis questions; Challenge us The pirate effect; Case Study New Zealand butt er batt les Europeanbureaucracy; Recommended reading; Endnotes; Chapter 4 The political and legalenvironment; Panorama International marketing in a dynamic worldunder stress.

This third Asia Pacific edition of International Marketing continues to offer up-to-date examples from Australia, New Zealand and throughout the Asia Pacific region alongside an international perspective to provide a truly global context.


0170237877 9780170237871
