Regulating dispute resolution : ADR and access to justice at the crossroads / edited by Felix Steffek and Hannes Unberath in cooperation with Hazel Genn, Reinhard Greger and Carrie Menkel-Meadow. - xxxvi, 454 pages ; 26 cm

Includes bibliographical references.

Guide for regulating dispute resolution (GRDR) : principles / Guide for regulating dispute resolution (GRDR) : principles and comments / Principled regulation of dispute resolution : taxonomy, policy, topics / Regulation of dispute resolution in Austria : a traditional litigation culture slowly embraces ADR / Regulation of dispute resolution in Belgium : workable solutions? / Regulation of dispute resolution in Denmark : mediation, arbitration, boards and tribunals / Regulation of dispute resolution in England and Wales : a sceptical analysis of government and judicial promotion of private mediation / Regulation of dispute resolution in France : evolutions and challenges / Regulation of dispute resolution in Germany : cautious steps towards the construction of an ADR system / Regulation of dispute resolution in Italy : the bumps in the road to successful ADR / Regulation of dispute resolution in Japan : alternative dispute resolution and its background / Regulation of dispute resolution in the Netherlands : does regulation support or hinder the use of ADR? / Regulation of dispute resolution in Norway : vertical and horizontal regulatory strategies / Regulation of dispute resolution in Switzerland : mediation, conciliation and other forms of ADR in Switzerland / Regulation of dispute resolution in the United States of America : from the formal to the informal to the "semi-formal" / Felix Steffek and Hannes Unberath (coordinators) ; Lin Adrian [and 14 others] -- Felix Steffek and Hannes Unberath (coordinators) ; Lin Adrian [and 14 others] -- Felix Steffek -- Peter G. Mayr and Kristin Nemeth -- Ivan Verougstraete -- Lin Adrian -- Hazel Genn, Shiva Riahi and Katherine Pleming -- Frédérique Ferrand -- Burkhard Ness and Nils Pelzer -- Giuseppe De Palo and Ashley E. Oleson -- Shusuke Kakiuchi -- Machteld Pel -- Anneken Kari Sperr -- Isaak Meier in cooperation with Miguel Sogo, Sotirios Kotornis, Sarah Scheiwiller, David Siegwart, Claudia Wyss, Dheden Zotsang and Carlo Hamburger -- Carrie Menkel-Meadow.

This book proposes a principled approach to the regulation of dispute resolution. It covers dispute resolution mechanisms in all their varieties, including negotiation, mediation, conciliation, expert opinion, mini-trial, ombudsman procedure, arbitration and court adjudication. The authors present a transnational Guide for Regulating Dispute Resolution (GRDR). The regulatory principles contained in this Guide are based on a functional taxonomy of dispute resolution mechanisms, an open normative framework and a modular structures of regulatory topics. The Guide for Regulating Dispute Resolution is formulated and commented upon in a concise manner to assist legislators, policy-makers, professional associations, practitioners and academics in thinking about which solutions best suit local and regional circumstances.

9781849462587 1849462585

016457899 Uk

Dispute resolution (Law)

K2390 / .R44 2013
