Social theory and education research / edited by Mark Murphy. - 4 volumes ; 24 cm - SAGE library of educational thought and practice . - SAGE library of educational thought and practice. .

Includes bibliographical references.

Inequality, inclusion and education: -- Knowledge exchange with Sistema Scotland / Cultural capital, ambition and the explanation of inequalities in learning outcomes: a comparative analysis / Does cultural capital really affect academic achievement?: New evidence from combined sibling and panel data / Unequal power relations and inclusive education poicy making: a discursive analytic approach / Choice paths in the Swedish upper secondary education- a critical discourse analysis of recent reforms / Playing the game: examining engagement in schooling in post-millennial Queensland / Between common and college knowledge: exploring the boundaries between adult and higher education / Fields and institutional strategy: Bourdieu on the relationship between higher education, inequality, and society / Storming parents, schools and communicative inaction / Education for everyone: secondary education and social inclusion in Denmark / 'It's all becoming a habitus'" beyond the habitual use of habitus in educational research / A Habermasian analysis of a process of recognition of prior learning for health care assistants / Family capital and the invisible transfer of privilege: intergenerational support and social class in early adulthood / Cultural capital and family involvement in children's education tales from two primary schools in Cyprus / Cultural capital or relative risk aversion? two mechanisms for educational inequality compared / Elite higher education admissions in the arts and sciences: is cultural capital the key? / Julie Allan, Nikki Moran, Celia Duffy, and Gica Loening -- 'Classification' and 'judgement': social class and the 'cognitive structures' of choice of higher education / Stephen J. ball, Jackie Davies, Miriam David and Diane Reay -- Carlo Barone -- 'Problematising' inclusion: education and the question of Autism / Patty Douglas -- Mads Meier Jaegar -- Anastasia Liasidou -- Stefan Land -- Kym Macfarlane -- Mark Murphy and Ted Fleming -- Rajani Naidoo -- Steward Ranson, Jane martin, and Carol Vincent -- Palle Rasmussen -- Diane Reay Fredrik Sandberg -- Teresa Toguchi Swartz -- Loizos Symeou -- Herman G. van de Werfhorst and Saskia Hofstede -- Anna Zimdars, Alice Sullivan and Anthony Heath. volume 1. Identities: notions of educational selves and subjectivities: -- Assessment in educational practice: forming pedagogised identities in the art curriculum / Self, others and society: a case study of university integrative learning / Teachers in the schoolhouse panopticon: complicity and resistance / Symbolic violence and the neighbourhood: the educational aspirations of 7-8 year old working-class girls / Confession, in-service training and reflective practices / Muscularity, the habitus and the social construction of gender: towards a gender-relevant physical education / Neoliberalism, lifelong learning, and the homeplace: problematizing the boundaries of 'public' abd 'private' to explore women's learning experience / The provocation of plaiting palm leaves: Habermas, Foucault and media presentations of education in Danish television / Theatre of the self: autobiography as performance / Nā wāine mana: a postcolonial reading of classroom discourse on the imperial rescue of oppressed Hawaiian women / Representational and territorial economies in global citizenship education: welcoming the other at the limit of cosmopolitan hospitality / Higher education, pedagogy and the 'customerisation' of teaching and learning / Lifeworld or systemsworld: what guides novice principles? / Making citizens' governable? the Crick report as governmental technology / Processes of middle-class reproduction in a graduate employment scheme / Sex education as disciplinary technique: policy and practice in England and Wales / 'Urban, but not too urban': unpacking teachers' desires to teach urban students / Representations of substitute teachers and the paradoxes of professionalism / Dennis Atkinson -- Alan Booth, Monica McLean and Melanie Walker -- Mary Bushnell -- Paul Connolly and Julie Healy -- Andreas Fejes -- Trish Gorely, Rachel Holroyd and David Kirk -- Patricia A. Gouthro -- Jens Henrik Haahr -- Rachel Holmes -- Julie Kaomea -- Elisabet Langmann -- Kevin Love -- Sarah W. Nelson, Maria G. de la Colina and Michael D. Boone -- Jessica Pykett -- Sarah Smart with Merryn Hutchings, Uvanney Maylor, Healther Mendick and Ian Menter -- Nicki Thorogood -- Dyan Watson -- Lisa Weems. volume 2. Teaching and learning: curricular and pedagogical practice: -- The return of the subaltern: international education and politics of voice / Academic writing as shaping and re-shaping / Deconstructive religious education / Witnessing deconstruction in education: why quasi-transcendentialism matters / Beyond description and prescription: towards conductive assessment in social work education / A Foucauldian reading of learning in feminist, nonprofit organizations / Facilitative leadership: drawing on Jürgen Haabermas' model of ideal speech to propose a less impositional way to lead / MBA lecturers' curriculum interests in leadership / Ways of seeing: using ethnography and Foucault's 'toolkit' to view assessment practices differently / Teacher effects on social and behavioral skills in early elementary school / Supervision as metaphor / Ways of knowing in doctoral examination: how well is the doctoral regime? / Jacques Derrida's religion with/out religion and the im/possibility of religious education / Derrida, teaching and the context of failure / Reason, language and education: philosophical assumptions for new curricular orientations / Questions of knowledge in Australian media education / Power in operation: a case study focussing on how subject-based knowledge is constrained by the methods of assessment in GCE A Level dance / Teacher education for Muslim women: intercultural relationships, method and philosophy / Teaching the other/writing the other: Derrida and the ethics of the ethnographic text / Toward as account of teaching general thinking skills that is compatible with the assumptions of sociocultural theory / Doing justice to geography in the secondary school: deconstruction, invention and the national curriculum / Alireza Asgharzadeh -- Graham Badley -- Khosrow Bagheri Noaparast and Zohreh Khosravi -- Gert Biesta -- Barry Cooper and Patricia Broadfoot -- Leona M. English -- Mick Fryer -- Eric Jean Garcia -- Mary Hill -- Jennifer L. Jennings and Thomas A. DiPrete -- Alison Lee and Bill Green -- Terence Lovat, Allyson Holbrook and Sid Bourke -- Siebren Miedema and Gert J.J. Biesta -- Ian Munday -- Marianna Papastephanou and Mary Koutselini -- Robyn Quin -- Some thoughts for a new critical language of education: truth, justification and deliberation / Klas Roth -- Lorna Sanders -- Alison Scott-Baumann -- Peter Pericles Trifonas -- Rupert Wegerif -- Christine Winter. volume 3. Governance and management: performativity, audit cultures and accountability: -- National policy and the implementation of recognition of prior learning in a Swedish municipality / The idea of a world university: can Foucauldian research offer a vision of educational futures? / Early childhood and care in England: when pedagogy is wed to politics / Unpacking neo-liberal technologies of government in Australian higher education social work departments / Quality and equality: the mask of discursive conflation in education policy texts / Teacher professional development as an effect of policy and practice: a Bourdieuian analysis / CCTV, school surveillance and social control / Exploring the value of Bourdieu's framework in the context of institutional change / Revisiting Jürgen Häbermas's notion of communicative action and its relevance for South African school governance: can it succeed? / Global field and global imagining: Bourdieu and worldwide higher education / .Governmentality versus choice in contemporary special education / Bureaucracy and its limits: accountability and rationality in higher education / Work, identity and the quasi-market: the FE experience / The politics of health as a school-sponsored ethnic: Foucault, neoliberalism, and the unhealthy employee / Per Andersson -- Ansgar Allen -- Carol Aubrey -- Uschii Bay -- Donald Gillies -- Ian Hardy and Bob Lingard -- Andrew hope -- Bruce Kloot -- dt Globalizing policy sociology in education: working with Bourdieu / Bob Lingard, Shawn Rawolle and Sandra Taylor -- Nonceba Mabovula -- Simon Marginson -- Angela Morgan -- Mark Murphy -- Rob Smith -- Carolyn Vander Schee. volume 4.

1446253120 (set) 9781446253120 (set)


Education--Social aspects
Educational equalization.
Educational accountability.
Social sciences--Philosophy.

LB885 / .M87 2013 LB1028 / .S635 2013
