The World Bank and education : critiques and alternatives / edited by Steven J. Klees, Joel Samoff, and Nelly P. Stromquist. - xxi, 245 pages ; 23 cm. - Comparative and international education : a diversity of voices ; v. 14 . - Comparative and international education (Sense Publishers) ; v. 14. .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Foreword / For All by All? The World Bank's Global Framework for Education / World Bank Poetry: How the Education Strategy 2020 Imagines the World / The Poverty of Theory. The World Bank's System Approach to Education Policy / World Bank and Education: Ideological Premises and Ideological Conclusions / The 202 World Bank Education Strategy: Nothing New, or the Smae Old Gospel / Teachers as Learners: A Missing Focus in "Learning for All" / "Quality's" Horizons. The Politics of Monitoring Educational Quality / More of the Same Will Not Do. Learning Without Learning in the World Bank's 2020 Education Strategy / Research and Policy: -- "Research Shows that ... ": Creating the Knowledge Environment for Learning for All / The Gender Dimension in the World Bank's Education Strategy / Human Rights in the World Bank 2020 Education Strategy / The Strange Non-Death of Neoliberal Privitization in the World Bank's Educational Strategy 2020 / Reshaping the Future: -- Alternatives to the World Bank's Strategies for Education and Development / Robert F. Arnove -- Gita Steiner-Khamsi -- Bjorn H. Nordtveit -- Sangeeta Kamat -- Steven j. KIees -- Angela C. de Siqueira -- Mark Ginsburg -- Crain Soudien -- Joel Samoff -- Antoni Verger and Xavier Bonal -- Joel Samoff -- Nelly P. Stromquist -- Salim Vally and Carol Anne Spreen -- Susan L. Robertson -- Anne Hickling-Hudson and Steven J. Klees. Part I: Framing the Issues: -- 1. 2. 3. 4. Part II: Learning, Assessment, and the Role of Teachers: -- 5. 6 7. 8. Part III: 9. "All Things Being Equal?" Policy Options, Shortfalls, and Absences in the World Bank Education Strategy 2020 / 10. 11. 12. 13. Part IV: 14.

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World Bank. Human Development Network. Education Team

Educational assistance.
Education--Economic aspects
Comparative education.

Developing countries--Education.
