Outdoor education in Aotearoa New Zealand : a new vision for the twenty first century / edited by David Irwin, Jo Straker and Allen Hill. - 197 pages : illustrations ; 21 cm

Includes bibliographical references.

Educating outdoors in times of global crisis / Historical and contemporary trends in outdoor education / Introducing a critical socio-ecological approach for educating outdoors / School curriculum and outdoor education -- early childhood and primary school / secondary school / A changing landscape : place responsive pedagogy / The role of outdoor education centres / Bicultural perspectives of education outdoors -- a Pākehā perspective on biculturalism in education outdoors / eh tohu : a direction for Māori in the outdoors / Constructing a sustainability identity through student action projects / Harper Pass : a slow journey across the Southern Alps / Charting future directions for outdoor education in the 21st century / David Irwin, Jo Straker & Allen Hill -- Mike Boyes -- Allen Hill -- Marg Cosgriff & Liz Thevenard. Margi Campbell-Price -- Mike Brown -- Brigid Graney & Simon Graney -- Maureen Legge -- Howard Reti -- David Irwin -- Jo Straker -- David Irwin, Jo Straker & Allen Hill. 1. 2. 3. 4. Part 1 : Part 2 : 5. 6. 7. Part 1 : Part 2 : 8. 9. 10.

0908668120 9780908668120

Education Outdoors New Zealand, 354 Tram Road, RD2 Kaiapoi 7692, N.Z. ; eonz.eo@clear.net.nz

Outdoor education--New Zealand
