Allan, Kenneth, 1951-

A primer in social and sociological theory : toward a sociology of citizenship / Kenneth Allan. - xv, 271 pages ; 23 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Introduction -- 1. Modernity, democracy, and the making of a civic sociologist -- The making of modernity: social factors and intellectual ideas -- Modernity's two projects -- Defining the demos -- The problem of the citizen -- American and the first sociologists -- Practicing democracy -- The Moral Majority -- Modern institutions -- Education and democracy -- Civic Sociology and the craft of citizenship -- Critical thinking -- Critical thinking attitudes -- Critical thinking skills: the basics -- Critical thinking skill set 1: inference and application -- Critical thinking skill set 2: interpretation, analysis, evaluation, and synthesis -- Critical thinking and self-evaluation -- Theory -- The craft of citizenship: modernity, theory, and citizenship -- 2. Society -- The evolution of society: Herbert Spencer -- Concepts and theory: structures, functions, and systems -- Requisite needs and functions -- Systems and change -- Concepts and theory: social evolution -- Integration and power -- Military and industrial cycles -- Culture and society: Talcott Parsons -- Evaluation, synthesis, and theory building -- Concepts and theory: voluntaristic action -- Patterning action: AGIL -- Cybernetic hierarchy of control -- Concepts and theory: revolutionary change -- The system of civil society: Jeffrey C. Alexander -- Strong program in cultural sociology -- concepts and theory: culture and the civil sphere -- Defining the civil sphere -- Concepts and theory: movement toward universal inclusion -- The craft of citizenship: society -- 3. Self -- Creating the self: George Herbert Mead -- Concepts and theory: human action -- Concepts and theory: creating a self -- The internal conversation -- Performing the self: Erving Goffman -- Goffman's dramaturgy -- Concepts and theory: impression management -- Relating to roles -- Concepts and theory: sacred and stigmatized selves -- The language and reality of the self: R. S. Perinbanayagam -- The linguistic turn -- Concepts and theory: dialogic acts and agency -- Putting the self into play -- Concepts and theory: language of identity -- Artful ethics -- The craft of citizenship: self -- 4. Religion -- The religious basis of society: Émile Durkheim -- Concepts and theory: the collective consciousness -- Creating society -- Creating the sacred -- Emotion and collective life -- Concepts and theory: the problem of modernity -- The real problem -- Modern religion: Robert Bellah -- Concepts and theory: the evolution of religion -- Religious symbols -- Modern civil religion -- Concepts and theory: civil religion in action -- The god of war -- Concepts and theory: religion and violence -- Concepts and theory: religious terrorism -- The craft of citizenship: religion -- 5. Capitalism -- The contradictions of capitalism: Karl Marx -- Concepts and theory: the structure of capitalism -- Private property -- Creating class -- Capitalism's primary contradiction: overproduction -- Concepts and theory: class consciousness -- Commodification of consciousness -- Ideology and reification -- The production of class consciousness -- Colonization of democracy: Jürgen Habermas -- Ways of knowing: a critique of positivism -- Concepts and theory: liberal capitalism and the public sphere -- Organized capitalism -- Colonization of the lifeworld and public sphere -- Concepts and theory: the distribution of capitals -- Structuring class: habitus -- Enacting class: linguistic markets and symbolic violence -- Concepts and theory: the symbolic struggle -- The craft of citizenship: capitalism -- 6. Power -- The fundamental contours of power: Max Weber -- Concepts and theory: the distribution of power -- The unequal distribution of class -- The unequal distribution of status -- The unequal distribution of power -- Concepts and theory: authority--making power work -- Organizing power: Ralf Dahrendorf -- Concepts and theory: associations of power and conflict -- Conditions of group conflict -- Overt conflict and social change -- Concepts and theory: dialectic conflict and democracy -- The practices of power: Michel Foucault -- Concepts and theory: Knowledge as power -- Ordering knowledge -- Concepts and theory: the importance of being critical -- The craft of citizenship: power -- 7. Gender -- The root causes of gender inequality: Charlotte Perkins Gilman -- Concepts and theory: the evolution of gender -- General problems for human evolution -- The problems with men -- Concepts and theory: modern dysfunctions of patriarchy and monogamy -- Evolution to democracy -- Structuring gender inequality: Janet Chafetz -- Concepts and theory: structures of gender inequality -- The core structure -- Organizational structures of gender inequality -- Micro-level structures of gender inequality -- Personal structures of gender inequality -- Concepts and theory: changing gender inequality -- Consciousness and the relations of ruling: Dorothy E. Smith -- Ways of knowing: a feminist critique of positivism -- Concepts and theory: the new materialism -- Texts and facts -- Concepts and theory: readers and the relations of ruling -- The standpoint of women -- The craft of citizenship: gender -- 8. Race -- Double consciousness: W.E.B. Du Bois -- Concepts and theory: the expanding economic base -- Concepts and theory: the defining power of culture -- History as ideology -- Representation -- The importance of identity -- Double consciousness -- Race and class: William Julius Wilson -- Concepts and theory: American racial history -- The plantation economy -- Post-Civil War to New Deal politics -- World War II and beyond -- Market moralities and Black nihilism: Cornel West -- Concepts and theory: Market forces--market moralities -- Black nihilism -- Concepts and theory: Black cultural armor -- The craft of citizenship: race -- 9. Globalization -- Runaway modernity: Anthony Giddens -- Concepts and theory: time-space distanciation -- Modernity out of control -- Concepts and theory: from emancipatory to lifestyle politics -- Global capitalism: Immanuel Wallerstein -- Concepts and theory: world-systems -- Concepts and theory: the demise of global capitalism -- The costs of leadership -- Marking the end -- Concepts and theory: political involvement in an age of global transition -- The network society: Manuel Castells -- Concepts and theory: information technology -- The network society -- Concepts and theory: networks, identities, and democracy -- The crisis in democracy -- The craft of citizenship: globalization.

1412960517 9781412960519



HM586 / .A437 2011