Monroe, Kent B.

Legends in marketing. Kent B. Monroe / Kent B. Monroe series editor, Jagdish N. Sheth. - 7 volumes : illustrations ; 25 cm. - Legends in marketing . - Legends in marketing. .

Compilation of articles written or co-wriiten by Kent B. Monroe.

Includes bibliographical references.

Processing of Price Information -- Set Introduction / Volume Introduction / The Beginning: Adapting Psychophysics to Study How Price Information Is Processed -- The Information Content of Prices: A preliminary model for estimating buyer responses -- The Concept of Price Limits and Psychophysical Measurement: A Laboratory Experiment / Measuring Price Thresholds by Psychophysics and Latitudes of Acceptance -- Psychophysics of Prices: A reappraisal -- The Influence of Adaptation Levels On Subjective Price Perceptions / Identifying the Domain of Behavioral Pricing Research -- Buyers' Subjective Perceptions of Price -- Buyers' Subjective Perceptions of Price: An update of the evidence / Contextual Influences on Price Perceptions -- Objective and Subjective Contextual Influences on Price Perceptions -- Contextual Influences on Subjective Price Perceptions / Automatic Construction and Use of Contextual Information for Product and Price Evaluations / The Effects of Framing Price Promotion Messages on Consumers' Perceptions and Purchase Intentions / The Influence of Price Differences and Brand Familiarity on Brand Preferences -- Processing Price Information: Incorporating Memory and Numerical Cognition Issues -- Recall versus Recognition as a Measure of Price Awareness / Remembering versus Knowing: Issues in Buyers' Processing of Price Information / Memory-Based Store Price Judgments: The role of knowledge and shopping experience / Effects of Learning and Choice Task Goals on Price Recall Accuracy and Confidence Judgments / The Effects of Buyers' Intentions to Learn Price Information on Price Encoding / Do Consumers Process Prices Like Numbers: Comparative judgments of numerals and prices / A Re-examination of Frequency-Depth Effects in Consumer Price Judgments / Perspective of other Scholars / Chezy Ofir interviews Kent Monroe -- Processing Price Information: Some Key Questions -- Jaddish N Sheth -- Chezy Ofir -- with M Venkatesan -- with Albert J Della Bitta -- Susan M Petroshius -- with Albert J Della Bitta and Susan L Downey -- with Rashmi Adaval -- with Shih-Fen Chen and Yung-Chien Lou -- with Christine Powell and Pravat Choudhury -- with Angela Y Lee -- with Chezy Ofir, Priya Raghubir, Gili Brosh and Amir Heiman -- with Tridib Mazumdar -- with Tridib Mazumdar -- with Lan Xia -- with Ashok K Lalwani -- Vicki Morwitz, Eesha Sharma, Russell Winer, Gilles Laurent, Marc Vanhuele -- Volume 1. Comparative Price Advertising -- by Albert J Della Bitta(Albert J Della Britta) -- Extending the Reference Price Concept -- The Influence of Comparative Price Advertisements on Patronage Behavior / A Multivariate Analysis of the Perception of Value from Retail Price Advertisements / Consumer Perceptions of Comparative Price Advertisements / Effects of Shopping Information on Consumers' Responses to Comparative Price Claims / Examining the Effects of Contextual Information -- The Effects of Contextual Cues on Korean Consumers' Perceptions of Comparative Price Advertisements / Context Setting and Comparative Price Advertising Effects on the Acceptable Price Range / Extensions to Online Marketing -- The Effect of Computer Anxiety on Price Value Tradeoffs in the Online Environment / Price Communications in Online and Print Coupons: An Empirical Analysis / Perspectives of Other Scholars / Albert J Della Bitta Interviews Kent Monroe -- Comparative Price Advertising: Some key questions -- with Albert J Della Bitta -- with Albert J Della Bitta -- with Albert J Della Bitta and John M McGinnis -- with Edward A. Blair and Judy Harris -- with Soeun Hyun -- with Robert I Roundtree -- with Rajneesh Suri, Julie Lee and Rajesh Manchanda -- with Rajneesh Suri and Srinivasan Swaminathan -- Edward A Blair, Larry D Compeau, Ram Krishnan -- Volume 2. Volume Introduction. The Price-Quality-Value Relationship -- Volume Introduction / Price (and Other Cues)-Quality-Value -- The Effect of Price on Subjective Product Evaluations / The Influence of Price on Product Perceptions and Product Choice -- The Effect of Brand and Price Information on Subjective Product Evaluations / The Effect of Price, Brand Name and Store Name on Buyers' Perceptions of Product Quality: An integrative review / A Research Program for Establishing the Validity of the Price-Quality Relationship / The Effects of Price, Brand and Store Information on Buyers' Product Evaluations / The Role of Country of Origin Information on Buyers' Product Evaluations: An in-depth interview approach / The Effects of Country of Origin, Brand and Price Information: A cognitive-affective model of buying intentions / Price and Customers' Perceptions of Value -- Decomposing Perceived Value -- Decomposing Perceived Product Value -- The Effects of Price-Comparison Advertising on Buyers' Perceptions of Acquisition Value, Transaction Value and Behavioral Intentions / Framing Effects on Buyers' Subjective Product Evaluations / Moderating Variables -- The Moderating Effect of Prior Knowledge on Cue Utilization in Product Evaluations / The Effects of Time Constraints on Consumers' Judgments of Prices and Products / The Effects of Perceived Scarcity on Consumers' Processing of Price Information / The Role of Prior Affect and Sensory Cues on Consumers' Affective and Cognitive Responses and Overall Perceptions of Quality / Perspectives of Other Scholars / Dhruv Grewal and Anne Roggeveen Interview Kent Monroe -- Price-Quality-Value: Some Key Questions -- Dhruv Grewal and Anne Roggeveen -- with R Krishnan -- with William B Dodds -- with Akshay R Rao -- with William B Dodds -- with William B Dodds and Dhruv Grewal -- with Wai kwan Li -- with Wai kwan Li and Darius K-S Chen -- with Dhruv Grewal and R Krishnan -- with Joseph Chapman -- with Akshay R Rao -- with Rajneesh Suri -- with Rajneesh Suri and Chiranjeev Kohli -- with Larry D Compeau, Dhruv Grewal -- Akshay R Rao, Valarie Zeithaml, Joel Urbany -- Volume 3. Price Fairness -- Volume Introduction / Conceptual Foundations of Price Fairness Research -- The Price is Unfair! A Conceptual Framework of Price Fairness Perceptions / Perceived Price Fairness: A New Look at an Old Construct / The Price Is Unfair! Reforming Pricing Management / Extending Price Fairness Research -- The Many Routes to Price Unfairness Perceptions / Consumers' Perceptions of the Fairness of Price-Matching Refund Policies / Effects of Consumers' Efforts on Price and Promotion Fairness Perceptions / The Influence of Price Fairness on Customer Satisfaction: An empirical test in the context of automobile purchases / Perceived Price Fairness and Perceived Transaction Value / Price Fairness and Marketing on the Internet -- Price Partitioning On the Internet / Promotion Framing Effects on Consumers' Perceptions of Customized Pricing / Dynamic Pricing on the Internet: A Price Framing Approach / Perspectives of Other Scholars / Lan Xia Interviews Kent Monroe -- Price Fairness: Some questions and answers -- Lan Xia -- with Lan Xia and Jennifer L. Cox -- with Marielza Martins -- with Lan Xia -- with Lan Xia -- Monika Kukar-Kinney and Lan Xia -- with Lan Xia and Monika Kukar-Kinney -- with Andreas Herrmann, Lan Xia and Frank Huber -- with Lan Xia -- with Lan Xia -- with Fei Lee Weisstein -- with Fei Lee -- Sarah Maxwell, Lisa E. Bolton, Margaret Campbell -- Volume 4. Research in Consumer Behavior -- by Monika Kukar-Kinney and Nancy M Ridgway(Monika Kukar-Kinney and Nancy M Ridgway) -- Consumer Buying Behavior -- An Expanded Conceptualization and a New Measure of Compulsive Buying / Identifying Consumers' Compulsive Buying Tendencies: Lessons Learned for Measuring Consumer-related Phenomena / The Relationship between Consumers' Tendencies to Buy Compulsively and Their Motivations to Shop and Buy on the Internet / Does Excessive Buying For Self Relate To Spending On Pets? / The Influence of Pre-Purchase Goals on Consumers' Perceptions of Price Promotions / A Path-Analytic Exploration of Retail Patronage Influences / Identifying and Analyzing Consumer Shopping Strategies / Information Acquisition -- The Moderating Effects of Learning Goals and the Acquisition of Product Information on the Limits of Price Acceptability / Consumer Information Acquisition: A Review and Extension / The Effect of Unintended Information Acquisition (with Lan Xia -- Beyond Information Search: Browsing as Consumer Information Acquisition / Re-thinking Information Objectivity and Its Effectiveness in Print Communications / Other Topics in Consumer Behavior -- The Impact of the Internet and Consumer Motivation on Evaluation of Prices / The Effects of the Need for Cognition and Trait Anxiety on Price Acceptability / The Framing of Consumer Choices -- Risk Perceptions and Risk Acceptability in Consumer Behavior: Conceptual Issues and an Agenda for Future Research / Determinants of Perceived Health and Safety Risks of Selected Hazardous Products and Activities / ACR Fellows Address: ACR and Me -- Editorial -- Perspectives of Other Scholars / Monika Kukar-Kinney and Nancy M. Ridgway Interview Kent Monroe -- Consumer Behavior Research: Some Key Questions -- with Nancy M Ridgway and Monika Kukar-Kinney -- with Nancy M Ridgway and Monika Kukar-Kinney -- with Nancy M Ridgway and Monika Kukar-Kinney -- with Nancy M Ridgway, Monika Kukar-Kinney and Emily Chamberlin -- with Lan Xia -- with Joseph P Guiltinan -- with Joseph P Guiltinan -- with Rashmi Adaval -- with Lan Xia with Lan Xia -- with Chung-kue Hsu -- with Rajneesh Suri and Mary Long -- with Rajneesh Suri -- with Janet Oglethorpe -- with Janet Oglethorpe -- Madhu Viswanathan, Elizabeth Hirschman, Sharon E. Beatty -- Volume 5. Volume Introduction. Models, Theory and Methods -- Volume Introduction / Pricing Models -- Pricing Decision Models: Recent Developments and Research Opportunities / Models for Pricing Decisions / Causes and Consequences of Price Premiums / Pricing the Product Line during Scarcity / A Multi-Period Integer Programming Approach to the Product Mix Problem / Theoretical Developments in Marketing and Pricing -- A Theoretical Approach for Determining Product Line Prices / Theoretical and Methodological Developments in Pricing -- Marketing Thought Task Force, Kent B Monroe, Chair -- Developing, Disseminating and Utilizing Marketing Knowledge -- Research Methods -- Research Methods for Pricing Decisions -- A Procedure for Integrating Outcomes Across Studies / Effectiveness of Multiple Request Strategies: A Synthesis of Research Results / Effect Size Estimates: Issues and Problems in Interpretation / On Replications in Consumer Research -- Perspectives of Other Scholars / Tridib Mazumdar Interviews Kent Monroe -- Models, Theory and Methods: Some Key Questions -- Tridib Mazumdar -- with Tridib Mazumdar -- with Albert J Della Bitta -- with Akshay R Rao -- with Andris A Zoltners -- with Shyam Sunder, W Arthur Wells and Andris A Zoltners -- with Susan M Petroshius -- with R Krishnan -- with Edward F Fern and Ramon Avila -- with Edward F Fern -- Russell Winer, Dipankar Chakravarti, S.P. Raj -- Volume 6. Pricing Management and Practice -- Volume Introduction / Pricing and Marketing Management -- Pricing and Sales Promotion -- Managing the Pricing Function / Pricing Practices that Endanger Profits / Some Common Myths Concerning Industrial Pricing -- Extending the Concepts of Strategic Pricing -- Guidelines for Better Pricing Decisions -- Integrating Marketing and Finance -- Using Leverage for Developing Pricing Strategies -- Marketing Profitability Analysis -- Pricing Decisions -- New Product Pricing -- Product-Line Pricing -- Effect of Product Line Pricing Characteristics on Product Evaluations / An Experimental Inquiry into the Effect of Price on Brand Preference / Pricing to and through the Channel -- Pricing in Separable Channels: The case of parallel imports (with B Rachel Yang and Reza H Ahmadi -- Price Bundling -- How Buyers Perceive Savings in a Bundle Price: An examination of a Bundle's transaction value / Consumers Prior Purchase Intentions and Their Evaluation of Savings on Product Bundles / Effect of Consumers' Purchase Plans on the Evaluation of Bundle Offers / Pricing On the Internet -- The Pricing of On-Line Services -- Pricing on the Internet -- Pricing and Public Policy -- Some Lessons Learned from F.T.C. versus Staples -- What Are the Benefits of Unit Pricing? / Perspectives of Other Scholars / Manjit Yadav Interviews Kent Monroe -- Pricing Management and Practice: Some key questions. Manjit Yadav -- with John T Mentzer -- with Jennifer L Cox -- with Susan M Petroshius -- with David M Gardner with Manjit S Yadav -- with Rajneesh Suri -- with Rajneesh Suri -- with Peter LaPlaca -- Joseph P Guiltinan, Ruth N Bolton, Thomas T Nagle -- Volume 7.

"The Legends in Marketing series captures the essence of the most important contributions made in the field of marketing in the past hundred years. It reproduces the seminal works of the legends in the field. The series comprises various sets, each focused on the multiple ways in which a legend has contributed to the field. This third set in the series, consisting of 7 volumes, is a tribute to Professor Monroe, known as one of the Deans of Pricing teaches among other areas, Pricing Strategy, Tactics, Marketing Management and Research Method. His research areas include Behavioral Pricing and Consumer Shopping Behavior"--

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Monroe, Kent B.


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