DeVito, Joseph A.

Human communication : the basic course / Joseph A. DeVito. - Twelfth edition. - xxii, 474 pages : colour illustrations ; 28 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 445-460) and index.

Machine generated contents note: Preliminaries to Human Communication -- Benefits and Forms of Human Communication -- The Benefits of Human Communication -- The Forms of Human Communication -- Elements of Human Communication -- Communication Context -- Source-Receiver -- Messages -- Channels -- Noise -- Effects -- Principles of Human Communication -- Communication Is Purposeful -- Communication Is Transactional -- Communication Is a Package of Signals -- Communication Is a Process of Adjustment -- Communication Involves Content and Relationship Dimensions -- Communication Is Ambiguous -- Communication Is Punctuated -- Communication Is Inevitable, Irreversible, and Unrepeatable -- The Competent Communicator -- The Competent Communicator Thinks Critically and Mindfully -- The Competent Communicator Is Culturally Sensitive -- The Competent Communicator Is Ethical -- The Competent Communicator Is an Effective Listener -- Summary -- Key Terms -- Thinking Critically -- Log On! MyCommunicationLab -- Culture and Communication -- What Is Culture? -- Sex and Gender -- The Transmission of Culture -- The Importance of Culture in Communication -- The Aim of a Cultural Perspective -- Cultural Differences -- Individual and Collective Orientation -- High- and Low-Context Cultures -- Power Distances -- Masculine and Feminine Cultures -- High- and Low-Ambiguity-Tolerant Cultures -- Long- and Short-Term Orientation -- Indulgence and Restraint -- Intercultural Communication -- The Nature and Forms of Intercultural Communication -- Improving Intercultural Communication -- Summary -- Key Terms -- Thinking Critically -- Log On! MyCommunicationLab -- The Self and Perception -- The Self in Human Communication -- Self-Concept -- Self-Awareness -- Self-Esteem -- Self-Disclosure -- Factors Influencing Self-Disclosure -- The Rewards and Dangers of Self-Disclosure -- Guidelines for Self-Disclosure -- Perception -- Stage 1: Stimulation -- Stage 2: Organization -- Stage 3: Interpretation-Evaluation -- Stage 4: Memory -- Stage 5: Recall -- Impression Formation -- Impression Formation Processes -- Increasing Accuracy in Impression Formation -- Impression Management -- To Be Liked: Affinity-Seeking Strategies and Politeness Strategies -- To Be Believed: Credibility Strategies -- To Excuse Failure: Self-Handicapping Strategies -- To Secure Help: Self-Deprecating Strategies -- To Hide Faults: Self-Monitoring Strategies -- To Be Followed: Influencing Strategies -- To Confirm Self-Image: Image-Confirming Strategies -- Summary -- Key Terms -- Thinking Critically -- Log On! MyCommunicationLab -- Listening in Human Communication -- The Importance of Listening: Task and Relationship Benefits -- The Listening Process -- Stage 1: Receiving -- Stage 2: Understanding -- Stage 3: Remembering -- Stage 4: Evaluating -- Stage 5: Responding -- Listening Barriers -- Distractions: Physical and Mental -- Biases and Prejudices -- Lack of Appropriate Focus -- Premature Judgment -- Styles of Effective Listening -- Empathic and Objective Listening -- Nonjudgmental and Critical Listening -- Surface and Depth Listening -- Polite and Impolite Listening -- Active and Inactive Listening -- Listening, Culture, and Gender -- Culture and Listening -- Gender and Listening -- Summary -- Key Terms -- Thinking Critically -- Log On! MyCommunicationLab -- Verbal Messages -- Principles of Verbal Messages -- Meanings Are in People -- Language Is Denotative and Connotative -- Meanings Depend on Context -- Messages Vary in Politeness -- Messages Vary in Assertiveness -- Messages Can Deceive -- Disconfirmation and Confirmation -- Racism -- Heterosexism -- Ageism -- Sexism -- Cultural Identifiers -- Using Verbal Messages Effectively no Language Symbolizes Reality (Partially) -- Language Expresses Both Facts and Inferences -- Language Is Relatively Static -- Language Can Obscure Distinctions -- Summary -- Key Terms -- Thinking Critically -- Log On! MyCommunicationLab -- Nonverbal Messages -- The Functions of Nonverbal Communication -- Integrating with Verbal Messages -- Forming and Managing Impressions -- Defining Relationships -- Structuring Conversation -- Influencing and Deceiving -- Expressing Emotions -- The Channels of Nonverbal Communication -- Body Communication -- Facial Communication -- Eye Communication -- Space Communication -- Artifactual Communication -- Touch Communication -- Paralanguage: The Vocal Channel -- Silence -- Time Communication -- Smell Communication -- Culture and Nonverbal Communication -- Culture and Gesture -- Culture and Facial Expression -- Culture and Eye Communication -- Culture and Colors -- Culture and Touch -- Culture, Paralanguage, and Silence -- Culture and Time -- Some Nonverbal Communication Skills -- Decoding Nonverbal Messages -- Encoding Nonverbal Messages -- Nonverbal Politeness -- Summary -- Key Terms -- Thinking Critically -- Log On! MyCommunicationLab -- Interpersonal Communication: Conversation -- The Conversation Process -- Opening -- Feed-forward -- Business -- Feedback -- Closing -- Principles of Conversation -- The Principle of Turn-Taking -- The Principle of Dialogue -- The Principle of Immediacy -- The Principle of Flexibility -- Everyday Conversations -- Small Talk -- Excuses and Apologies -- Complimenting -- Advice -- Summary -- Key Terms -- Thinking Critically -- Log On! MyCommunicationLab -- Interpersonal Relationship Stages and Theories -- Relationship Stages -- Contact -- Involvement -- Intimacy -- Deterioration -- Repair -- Dissolution -- Relationship Theories -- Attraction Theory -- Relationship Rules Theory -- Relationship Dialectics Theory -- Social Penetration Theory -- Social Exchange Theory -- Equity Theory -- The Dark Side of Interpersonal Relationships -- Jealousy -- Relationship Violence -- Summary -- Key Terms -- Thinking Critically -- Log On! MyCommunicationLab -- Friends, Lovers, and Families -- Friendships -- Friendship Types -- Friendship and Communication -- Friendships, Culture, Gender, and Technology -- Romantic Relationships -- Love Types -- Love and Communication -- Love, Culture, Gender, and Technology -- Families -- Types of Families -- Family Characteristics -- Families and Communication -- Families, Culture, Gender, and Technology -- Summary -- Key Terms -- Thinking Critically -- Log On! MyCommunicationLab -- Small Group Communication -- Small Groups and Teams -- The Small Group -- The Team -- Virtual Groups and Teams -- Small Group Stages -- Small Group Formats -- Small Group Culture -- Power in the Small Group -- Idea-Generation Groups -- Personal Growth Groups -- The Encounter Group -- The Assertiveness Training Group -- The Consciousness-Raising Group -- Information-Sharing Groups -- Educational or Learning Groups -- Focus Groups -- Problem-Solving Groups -- The Problem-Solving Sequence -- Problem-Solving Groups at Work -- Summary -- Key Terms -- Thinking Critically -- Log On! MyCommunicationLab -- Members and Leaders -- Members in Small Group Communication -- Member Roles -- Interaction Process Analysis -- Member Participation -- Leaders in Small Group Communication -- Myths about Leadership -- Approaches to Leadership -- Functions and Skills of Leadership -- Membership, Leadership, and Culture -- Individualism and Collectivism -- Member Roles -- Belief Systems -- Leadership Style -- Summary -- Key Terms -- Thinking Critically -- Log On! MyCommunicationLab -- Human Communication in the Workplace: Organizational Communication -- Organizations -- The Importance of Organizational Communication -- What Is an Organization? -- Characteristics of Organizations -- Organizational Messages -- Formal Communication -- Informal Organizational Communication: The Grapevine -- Communication Channels in Organizations -- Communication Networks -- Information Overload and Isolation -- Organizational Message Competence -- Organizational Relationships -- Sexual Harassment -- Bullying -- Romance in the Workplace -- Mentoring -- Networking -- Organizational Relationship Competence -- Summary -- Key Terms -- Thinking Critically -- Log On! MyCommunicationLab -- Interpersonal, Group, and Workplace Conflict -- Interpersonal, Group, and Workplace Conflict -- A Definition of Interpersonal Conflict -- Online and Workplace Conflicts -- Myths about Conflict -- Principles of Conflict -- Conflict Can Center on Content and Relationship Issues -- Conflict Can Be Negative or Positive -- Conflict Takes Place in a Context -- Conflict Styles Have Consequences -- Preliminaries to Conflict Management -- Before the Conflict -- After the Conflict -- Influences on Your Choice of Conflict Strategies -- The Stages of Conflict Management -- Conflict Management Strategies -- Win-Lose and Win-Win Strategies -- Avoidance and Active Fighting -- Force and Talk -- Blame and Empathy -- Gunny-sacking and Present Focus -- Manipulation and Spontaneity -- Personal Rejection and Acceptance -- Fighting below and above the Belt -- Face-Detracting and Face-Enhancing Strategies -- Aggressiveness and Argumentativeness -- Summary -- Key Terms -- Thinking Critically -- Log On! MyCommunicationLab -- Public Speaking Topics, Audiences, and Research -- Introducing Public Speaking -- A Brief History -- The Benefits of Public Speaking -- Managing Your Apprehension -- 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Note continued: Step 1: Select Your Topic, Purposes, and Thesis -- Your Topic -- Finding Topics -- Limiting Topics -- Your Purposes -- Your Thesis -- Step 2: Analyze Your Audience -- Analyzing the Sociology of the Audience -- Analyzing the Psychology of the Audience -- Analyzing and Adapting during the Speech -- Step 3: Research Your Topic -- General Principles of Research and Time Management -- Research Notes -- Libraries and Bookstores -- Interviewing for Information -- Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Source Material -- Scholarly and Popular Journals -- General Reference Works -- News Sources -- The Government -- The Web -- Evaluating Internet Resources -- Integrating and Citing Research -- Summary -- Key Terms -- Thinking Critically -- Log On! MyCommunicationLab -- Supporting and Organizing Ihr Your Speech -- Step 4: Collect Supporting Materials -- Examples, Illustrations, and Narratives -- Analogies -- Definitions -- Testimony -- Numerical Data -- Presentation Aids -- Step 5: Develop Your Main Points -- Step 6: Organize Your Speech -- Temporal Pattern -- Spatial Pattern -- Topical Pattern -- Problem-Solution Pattern -- Cause-Effect/Effect-Cause Pattern -- The Motivated Sequence -- Step 7: Construct Your Introduction, Conclusion, and Transitions -- Introduction -- Conclusion -- Transitions -- Pitfalls in Introductions, Conclusions, and Transitions -- Outlining Your Speech -- Constructing the Outline -- Sample Outlines -- Summary -- Key Terms -- Thinking Critically -- Log On! MyCommunicationLab -- Style and Delivery in Public Speaking -- Step 8: Word Your Speech -- Choosing Words -- Phrasing Sentences -- Step 9: Rehearse Your Speech -- Rehearse the Speech as a Whole -- Time the Speech -- Approximate the Actual Speech Situation -- See Yourself as a Speaker -- Incorporate Changes and Make Delivery Notes -- Rehearse Often -- Undertake a Long-Term Delivery Improvement Program -- Step 10: Present Your Speech -- Methods of Presentation -- Making Your Presentation More Effective -- Voice -- Articulation -- Pronunciation -- Pauses -- Bodily Action -- Handling Audience Questions -- Criticizing Speeches -- What Is Criticism? -- Culture and Criticism -- Guidelines for Criticizing More Effectively -- Summary -- Key Terms -- Thinking Critically -- Log On! MyCommunicationLab -- The Informative Speech -- Principles of Informative Speaking -- Focus on Your Audience -- Stress Relevance and Usefulness -- Limit the Amount of Information -- Adjust the Level of Complexity -- Relate New Information to Old -- Vary the Levels of Abstraction -- Make Your Speech Easy to Remember -- Speeches of Description -- Thesis -- Main Points -- Support -- Organization -- Speeches of Definition -- Thesis -- Main Points -- Support -- Organization -- Speeches of Demonstration -- Thesis -- Main Points -- Support -- Organization -- Summary -- Key Terms -- Thinking Critically -- Log On! MyCommunicationLab -- The Persuasive Speech -- Goals of Persuasive Speaking -- The Three Persuasive Proofs -- Logical Proof -- Emotional Proof -- Credibility Proof -- Principles of Persuasive Speaking -- Focus on Your Audience -- Identify with Your Audience -- Secure a Yes Response -- Anticipate Selective Exposure -- Use Positive Labeling -- Ask for Reasonable Amounts of Change -- Provide Social Proof -- Motivate Your Listeners with Limited Choices -- Persuasive Speeches on Questions of Fact -- Thesis -- Main Points -- Support -- Organization -- Persuasive Speeches on Questions of Value -- Thesis -- Main Points -- Support -- Organization -- Persuasive Speeches on Questions of Policy -- Thesis -- Main Points -- Support -- Organization -- Summary -- Key Terms -- Thinking Critically -- Log On! MyCommunicationLab. 15. 16. 17. 18.

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