Feeney, Stephanie,

Who am I in the lives of children? : an introduction to early childhood education / Stephanie Feeney [and others]. - Eighth edition. - xx, 507 pages : colour illustrations ; 26 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 479-492) and index.

1. The teacher -- Many tasks and many people -- Working with children -- Working with families -- Being part of a team -- Implementing standards and assessment -- The teacher as a person -- Personal characteristics -- Temperament -- Multiple intelligences -- Personal values and morality -- Attitudes toward diversity -- Self-knowledge and the ability to reflect -- The teacher as a professional -- The knowledge base and training -- Training and certification -- Other roles -- Professional commitment and behavior -- Legal responsibilities -- Professional values and ethics -- Stages of professional development -- 2. The field of early childhood education and care -- Overview of programs for young children -- Purposes -- Facilities -- Sponsorship and funding -- Programs for children from birth to age 5 -- Child care programs -- Home-based programs -- Center-based programs -- Child care sponsorship and funding -- Child care issues -- Head Start -- Early Head Start -- Research -- Head Start legislation -- Parent education programs -- Programs for children with disabilities -- State-funded prekindergarten programs -- Pre-K program issues -- Program regulation and quality enhancement -- Licensing -- Quality standards -- Programs for children ages 5 through 8 -- Kindergarten through primary grade (K-3) programs -- K-3 issues : school readiness -- What is readiness? -- Age of school entry -- K-3 issues : curriculum -- Programs for children ages 5 through 8 with disabilities -- Homeschooling -- Prospects for the future -- The role of government -- Standards -- Early learning standards -- Accountability -- Accountability in early childhood education -- 3. History and educational models -- The Humanistic Tradition -- The origins of early childhood education -- Ancient Greece and Rome (400 B.C.-200 A.D.) -- The Middle Ages (500-1450) -- The Renaissance and the Reformation (1300-1600) -- The Age of Enlightenment (1700s) -- The 1800s -- Educational movements that shaped the field of early childhood education -- Froebel and the kindergarten -- Kindergarten education -- The impact of the Kindergarten Movement -- Issues related to the Kindergarten Movement -- The nursery school -- Early nursery schools in the United States -- Progressive education -- Progressive education programs -- The long-term impact of progressive education -- Contemporary examples -- The Nigh/Scope Program -- The Developmental-Interaction approach -- Three European approaches -- Waldorf education -- The Montessori Method -- Reggio Emilia -- Child care in the United States -- The origins of child care in the United States -- Child care in times of national emergency -- Child care after World War II -- 4. Observing, documenting, and assessing -- Authentic assessment -- Observation -- Narrative observation records -- Structured observation records -- Electronic observation records -- Portfolios -- Observation systems -- The High/Scope Child Observation Record -- The work Sampling system -- The Creative Curriculum developmental Continuum -- The Ounce Scale -- The ECHOS Early Childhood Observation System -- Sharing information with families -- Standardized assessment -- Screening instruments -- Developmental assessments -- Diagnostic tests -- Readiness and achievement tests -- Issues in standardized assessment. 5. Child development -- The study of child development -- Principles of child development -- Child develops as a whole -- Development follows predictable patterns -- Rates of development vary -- Development is influenced by maturation and experience -- Development process from top down and from center outward -- Culture affects development -- Applying principles to practice -- Foundations of development -- The biological basis of development -- Inherited characteristics -- Basic needs -- Beyond basic needs -- Temperament -- The impact of environment -- The critical nature of nurturing relationships -- The importance of early experiences -- Brain development -- Theories of development -- Arnold Gesell and Maturational Theory -- Jean Piaget and the Constructivist Theory of development -- Kinds of knowledge -- Processes for construction of knowledge and understanding -- Piagetian stages of cognitive development -- Piaget's contributions to understanding social and moral development -- Laurence Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development -- Lev Vygotsky and Sociocultural Theory -- Urie Bronfenbrenner and Ecological Theory -- Howard Garder and Multiple Intelligences Theory -- Erik Erikson and Psychosocial Theory -- Abraham Maslow and the Theory of Self-Actualization -- Development of the whole child -- Periods of development -- Domains of development -- Understanding infants' development -- Infants' physical development -- Infants' cognitive and language development -- Infants' social and emotional development -- Understanding toddler development -- Toddlers' physical development -- Toddlers' cognitive and language development -- Toddlers' social and emotional development -- Understanding preschoolers'/kindergartners' development -- Preschoolers'/kindergartners' physical development -- Preschoolers'/kindergartners' cognitive and language development -- Preschoolers'/kindergartners' social and emotional development -- Understanding school-age children's development -- School-age children's physical development -- School-age children's cognitive and language development -- School-age children's social and emotional development -- 6. Relationships and guidance -- Relationships are the foundation for child guidance -- What is guidance? -- guidance is based on trust -- Guidance honors differences -- Differences in families -- Differences in children -- Guidance is not punishment -- Goals for guidance -- Building inner control -- Supporting a positive sense of self -- Building critical thinking and reasoning skills -- Developing skills for living in a community -- Relationships are built through communication -- Communication strategies -- Time and attention -- Respectful and authentic speech -- Effective listening -- Reflective and responsive (R & R) statements -- Encouragement instead of praise -- I-messages -- Communicating with infants and toddlers -- Cultural differences in communication -- Communication barriers -- Behaviors that create barriers -- Guiding children's social interactions -- Dealing with conflict -- Helping children identify and express their feelings -- Teaching peaceful conflict resolution -- Building a classroom culture that promotes respect and fairness -- Guidance as classroom management -- Making the environment and schedule a partner in guidance --- becoming comfortable with authority -- Creating appropriate expectations : guidelines for behavior -- Redirection instead of distraction -- Anticipating and preventing problems -- Transitions -- Managing large group times -- Dealing with difficult behaviors -- Find your "button pushers" -- The child is different from the behavior -- Mistaken behavior -- Strategies for dealing with difficult behaviors -- Natural and logical consequences -- Time out -- A place to calm down -- Behaviorist approaches -- Spanking in never a choice -- Challenging behaviors. 7. Health, safety, and well-being --Physical safety and health -- Creating safe places for children -- What is safe? -- Development differences and safety -- Safe outdoor environments -- Practices that promote outdoor safety -- Safe indoor environments -- Toy and material safety -- Safe indoor equipment and furnishings -- Vehicle and trip safety -- Program practices that encourage safety -- Helping children learn to be safe -- Abuse identification and prevention -- Creating healthy places for young children -- Work with a health care professional -- Handwashing and care routines -- Cleaning an sanitizing -- Safe food preparation and storage -- Limiting the spread of communicable illnesses -- Helping children learn to be healthy -- Well-being -- The importance of touch -- Transitions -- Good beginnings -- Good endings -- Supporting children during times of crisis -- Disaster and loss -- Violence -- 8. The learning environment -- Creating a learning environment space -- Self-contained and open-design classrooms -- Principles for arranging space -- Equipment and materials -- Television and video -- Outdoor learning environments -- Outdoor activity zones -- Using the outdoor environment -- Making the environment work -- Organization and aesthetics -- Different children : different places -- Infant-toddler rooms : a place like home -- Comfort -- Routines -- Flexibility -- MOvement -- Preschool and kindergarten classrooms : a child's place -- Blocks -- Dramatic play area -- Manipulative toys and games -- Sensory play -- Art area -- Library -- Writing area -- Discovery Center -- Woodworking -- Computer area -- Primary classrooms : a place called school -- Including children with disabilities in your environment -- Including adults in your environment -- Time -- Influences on the daily schedule -- Values and goals -- Children's need and developmental stage -- The program day -- The physical setting -- Time of year -- Classroom routines -- Arrival -- Diapering and toileting -- Mealtimes and snacks -- Cleanup -- Rest time -- Transitions -- Departure -- 9. Understanding and supporting play -- Characteristics of play -- Why do children play? -- Contemporary theories of play -- Stages of play -- Parten : stages of social play -- Piaget and Smilansky : cognitive stages of play -- Dramatic and sociodramatic play -- Diversity and play -- Culture, social class, and play -- Gender and play -- Disabilities and play -- The role of play in physical development -- The role of play in emotional development -- The role of play in social development -- The role of play in cognitive development -- The role of play in integrating development -- The special role of outdoor play -- Facilitating play -- Supportive attitudes -- Supportive roles -- Stage manager -- Observer -- Protector and mediator -- Participant -- tutor -- Issue in play -- Violence and play -- Gender-stereotyped play -- Shrinking opportunities for play -- 10. The curriculum -- What is curriculum? -- Curriculum in early childhood education -- The physical development curriculum -- Sensory development curriculum -- Large muscle curriculum -- Small muscle curriculum -- The creative arts curriculum -- Art -- Music -- Creative movement -- Aesthetics -- The communication curriculum -- Language -- Literacy -- Literature -- The inquiry curriculum -- Math -- Science -- Social studies. 11. Curriculum planning -- Planning considerations -- Influences on curriculum choices -- Values and beliefs -- Knowledge of children -- Family, culture, and community -- What's worth knowing -- Organizing curriculum -- Learner-centered organization -- Subject area organization -- Integrated organization -- Presenting curriculum -- Planning for play -- Teacher-child activities -- Small group activities -- Large group activities -- Selecting activities -- Kinds of planning -- Long-term plans -- Weekly plans -- Activity or lesson plans -- Selecting an activity -- Objectives -- Standards -- Preparation -- Procedure -- Assessment and documentation -- Implementing an activity plan -- Evaluation -- Planning an integrated study -- 12, Inclusion of children with disabilities -- People-first language -- Identifying children with disabilities -- Serving children with disabilities -- Implementing inclusion of children with disabilities -- Preparing for inclusion -- Program modifications -- Environmental support -- Materials adaptations -- Simplification of activities -- Use of adaptive devices -- Support from peers -- Invisible support -- Planning for inclusion -- Inclusion and developmentally appropriate practice -- Collaboration -- characteristics and strategies for working with young children with disabilities -- Children with orthopedic impairments -- Children with sensory impairments : visual -- Children with sensory impairments : hearing -- Children with sensory impairments : sensory integration -- Children with communication disorders -- Children with cognitive delays -- Children with learning disabilities -- Children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder -- Children with emotional or behavioral disorders -- Children with autism spectrum disorders -- Other special needs -- Children who have been abused or neglected -- Children with chronic health conditions -- Children with special gifts and talents -- Working with families of children with disabilities -- 13. Working with families -- Preparing to work with families -- Values and attitudes regarding families -- What parenting is like -- Supporting diverse families -- Building relationships -- Communication skills -- How to support families i times of stress -- Standards for exemplary programs -- Ethical and legal responsibilities -- Including families in the early childhood program -- Sharing information -- First connections -- Daily communication -- Addressing questions and concerns -- Family conferences -- Working with families of children with disabilities -- Involving families in the program -- Providing family education -- 14. Becoming and early childhood professional -- Making a commitment to children -- Develop a philosophy -- Know about children and best practice -- Understand and use the code of ethical conduct -- Make a commitment to yourself -- Take care of yourself -- Connect with colleagues -- Plan your career -- Make a commitment to your profession -- "True professional" -- Continue to learn and grow -- Join a professional organization -- Advocate -- Stand firm in what is right for children -- Appendix A. NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct and Statement of Commitment -- Appendix B. Environment checklists.

0137151934 9780137151936


Education, Preschool--United States
Preschool teaching--United States
Child development--United States
Early childhood education--United States

LB1140.23 / .F44 2010
