TY - BOOK AU - Dall'Olmo Riley,Francesca TI - Brand management T2 - SAGE library in marketing SN - 1848602081 U1 - 658.827 22 PY - 2010/// CY - Los Angeles, Calif. ; London PB - SAGE KW - Brand name products KW - Management KW - Branding (Marketing) N1 - Includes bibliographical references; Volume I: --; Part A; Fundamental Elements of Branding : --; Conceptual Foundations --; What Is a Brand? --; 1; What Does Brand Mean? Historical-Analysis Method and Construct Definition; Barbara B. Stern --; 2; Defining a "Brand": Beyond the Literature with Experts' Interpretations; Leslie de Chernatony and Francesca Dall'Olmo Riley --; Firms' Motivations for Branding --; 3; Umbrella Branding as a Signal of New Product Quality: An Example of Signalling by Posting a Bond; Birger Wernerfelt --; 4; Strategic Brand Concept-Image Management; C. Whan Park, Bernard J. Jaworski and Deborah J. Maclnnis --; 5; Brand Diagnostics: Mapping Branding Effects Using Consumer Associative Networks; Geraldine R. Henderson, Dawn Iacobucci and Bobby J. Colder --; 6; The Marketing Advantages of Strong Brands; Steve Hoeffler and Kevin Lane Keller --; 7; Exploring the Brand Value-Shareholder Value Nexus for Consumer Goods Companies; Roger A Kerin and Raj Sethuraman --; Consumer-Centred Roles of Brands --; 8; A Connectionist Model of Brand-Quality Associations; Chris Janiszewski and Stijn MJ. Van Osselaer --; 9; Brands as Signals: A Cross-Country Validation Study; Tu'lin Erdem, Joffre Swait and Ana Valenzuela --; Part B; Managing Brand Elements : --; Brand Names --; Sensory or Phonetic Elements --; 10; Creating Brand Names with Meaning: The Use of Sound Symbolism; Richard R. Klink --; Cultural Considerations --; 11; Language and Brand Attitudes: Impact of Script and Sound Matching in Chinese and English; Yigang Pan and Bernd Schmitt --; 12; Creating Local Brands in Multilingual International Markets; Shi Zhang and Bernd H. Schmitt --; Semantic Implications --; 13; Inferences from Brand Names; Judith Lynne Zaichkowsky and Padma Vipat --; 14; Recall and Recognition of Brand Names: A Comparison of Word and Nonword Name Types; Dawn Lerman and Ellen Garbarino --; Logos --; 15; Building Strong Brands in Asia: Selecting the Visual Components of Image to Maximize Brand Strength; Pamela W. Henderson, Joseph A Cote, Siew Meng Leong and Bernd Schmitt --; Legal Issues --; 16; The "Trade Dress" Controversy: A Case of Strategic Cross-Brand Cannibalization; Michael Harvey, James T. Rothe and Laurie A Lucas --; 17; Trademark Infringement from the Buyer Perspective: Conceptual Analysis and Measurement Implications; Itamar Simonson --; Volume II: --; Part A; Conceptualising and Measuring Brand Equity : --; Introduction --; 18. What Is Brand Equity Anyway, and How Do You Measure It? --; Paul Feldwick --; Brand Equity as Brand Strength --; 19. Conceptualizing, Measuring, and Managing Customer-Based --; Brand Equity {Kevin Lane Keller} --; 20. If You're So Strong, Why Aren't You Bigger? - Making the Case --; against Brand Equity {Andrew S.C. Ehrenberg} --; Measuring Brand Performance --; 21; The Structure of Survey-Based Brand Metrics; Donald R. Lehmann, Kevin Lane Keller and John U. Farley --; 22. Understanding Brand Performance Measures: Using Dirichlet --; Benchmarks {Andrew S.C. Ehrenberg, Mark D. Uncles and Gerald J. Goodhardt} --; Brand Loyalty --; 23; Customer Loyalty; R. East, M. Wright and M. Vanhuele --; 24; The Variability of Attitudinal Repeat-Rates; F. Dall'Olmo Riley, AS.C. Ehrenberg, S.B. Castleberry, T.P Barwise and N.R. Barnard --; Brand Equity as the Value of the Brand to the Firm --; 25; The Measurement and Determinants of Brand Equity: A Financial Approach; Carol J. Simon and Mary W. Sullivan --; Part B; Managing Brand Intangibles : --; Introduction --; 26; Marketing Images: Construct Definition, Measurement Issues, and Theory Development; Barbara Stern, George M. Zinkhan and Anupam Jaju --; Brand Identity, Brand Image and Brand Positioning --; 27; Brand Identity and Positioning; J.N. Kapferer --; 28; The Effect of Brand Attitude and Brand Image on Brand Equity; James B. Faircloth, Louis M. Capella and Bruce L. Alford --; 29; Brand Image and Brand Usage; M. Bird, C. Channon and AS.C. Ehrenberg --; 30; Evidence Concerning the Importance of Perceived Brand Differentiation; Jenni Romaniuk, Byron Sharp and Andrew Ehrenberg --; Brand Personality --; 31; Consumption Symbols as Carriers of Culture: A Study of Japanese and Spanish Brand Personality Constructs; Jennifer Lynn Aaker, Veronica Benet-Martinez and Jordi Garolera --; 32; Do Brand Personality Scales Really Measure Brand Personality?; Audrey Azoulay and Jean-Noel Kapferer --; Brand Relationships --; 33; Consumers and Their Brands: Developing Relationship Theory in Consumer Research; Susan Fournier --; 34; When Good Brands Do Bad; Jennifer Aaker, Susan Fournier and S. Adam Brasel --; Brand Communities --; 35; Social versus Psychological Brand Community: The Role of Psychological Sense of Brand Community; Brad D. Carlson, Tracy A Suter and Tom J. Brown --; 36; Brand Communities and New Product Adoption: The Influence and Limits of Oppositional Loyalty; Scott A Thompson and Rajiv K. Sinha --; Volume III: --; Part A; Brand Strategies (1) : --; Brand Architecture --; 37; How Is Manifest Branding Strategy Related to the Intangible Value of a Corporation?; Vithala R. Rao, Manoj K. Agarwal and Denise Dahlhojf --; 38; Brand Architecture in Services: The Example of Retail Financial Services; James Devlin --; 39; Consumer Perceptions of Brand Architecture in Financial Services; James F. Devlin and Sally McKechnk --; Brand Alliances --; 40; Is a Company Known by the Company It Keeps? Assessing the Spillover Effects of Brand Alliances on Consumer Brand Attitudes; Bernard L. Simonin and Julie A Ruth --; 41; Improving Competitive Position Using Branded Ingredients; Michael S. McCarthy and Donald G. Norris --; 42. Using Advertising Alliances for New Product Introduction: Interactions --; between Product Complementarity and Promotional Strategies {Sridhar Samu, H. Shanker Krishnan and Robert E. Smkh} --; Part B; Brand Strategies (2) : --; Introducing and Managing Brand Extensions --; Core Elements --; Consumer Evaluation of Brand Extensions --; 43; A Process-Tracing Study of Brand Extension Evaluation; David M. Boush and Barbara Loken --; 44; Drivers of Brand Extension Success; Franziska Volckner and Henrik Sattler --; Extension Fit --; 45. Evaluation of Brand Extensions: The Role of Product Feature --; Similarity and Brand Concept Consistency {C. Whan Park, Sandra Milberg and Robert Lawson} --; Extensions Feedback Effects on Parent Brand --; 46; Managing Negative Feedback Effects Associated with Brand Extensions: The Impact of Alternative Branding Strategies; Sandra J. Milberg, C. Whan Park and Michael S. McCarthy --; Extensions Types --; Line Extensions --; 47; Success Factors of Line Extensions of Fast-Moving Consumer Goods; Edwin J. Nijssen --; Vertical Extensions --; 48; Consumer Evaluation of Vertical Brand Extensions and Core Brands; Chung K. Kim, Anne M. Lavack and Margo Smith --; Multiple Brand Extensions --; 49; Sequential Brand Extensions and Brand Choice Behavior; Vanitha Swaminathan --; Moderating Factors --; Characteristics of Consumers --; 50. Product-Category Dynamics and Corporate Identity in Brand --; Extensions: A Comparison of Hong Kong and U.S. Consumers {Jin K. Han and Bernd H. Schmitt} --; Characteristics of the Parent Brand --; 51; The Impact of Parent Brand Attribute Associations and Affect on Brand Extension Evaluation; Sobodh Bhat and Srinivas K. Reddy --; Characteristics of the Extension Category --; 52; New Brands versus Brand Extensions, Attitudes versus Choice: Experimental Evidence for Theory and Practice; Michael S. McCarthy, Timothy B. Heath and Sandra J. Milberg --; Characteristics of the Extension Marketing Programme --; 53; Communication Strategies for Brand Extensions: Enhancing Perceived Fit by Establishing Explanatory links; Sheri Bridges, Kevin Lane Keller and Sanjay Sood --; Volume IV: --; Part A; Brand Management Systems : --; Brand or Category Management? --; 54; Punctuated Equilibrium and the Evolution of the Product Manager; Lea Prevel Katsanis and Dennis A Pitta --; 55; The Profit Benefits of Category Management; Michael J. Zenor --; 56; Fundamental Changes in Marketing Organization: The Movement toward a Customer-Focused Organizational Structure; Christian Homburg, John P. Workman, Jr. and Ove Jensen --; Part B; Managing Brand Typologies : --; Corporate Brands --; 57; Managing Corporate Identity: An Internal Perspective; Claudia Simoes, Sally Dibb and Raymond P. Fisk --; 58; The Effect of Corporate Branding Dimensions on Consumers' Product Evaluation: A Cross-Cultural Analysis; Nizar Souiden, Norizan M. Kassim and Heung-Ja Hong --; Socially Responsible Brands --; 59; The Company and the Product: Corporate Associations and Consumer Product Responses; Tom J. Brown and Peter A Dacin --; 60; Reaping Relational Rewards from Corporate Social Responsibility: The Role of Competitive Positioning; Shuili Du, C.B. Bhattacharya and Sankar Sen --; Business to Business Brands --; 61; Branding Importance in Business-to-Business Markets: Three Buyer Clusters; Susan Mudambi --; 62; An Application of Keller's Brand Equity Model in a B2B Context; Kerri-Ann L. Kuhn, Frank Alpert and Nigel K. LI. Pope --; Services Brands --; 63; The Criteria for Successful Services Brands; Leslie de Chernatony and Susan Segal-Horn --; 64; The Service Brand as Relationships Builder; Francesca Dall'Olmo Riley and Leslie de Chernatony --; Luxury Brands --; 65; Personal Taste and Family Face: Luxury Consumption in Confucian and Western Societies; Nancy Y. Wong and Aaron C. Ahuvia --; 66; Consuming Luxury Brands: The Relevance of the 'Rarity Principle'; Ian Phau and Gerard Prendergast --; Retailer Brands --; 67; The Buying of Own Labels; Mark D. Uncles and Katrina Ellis --; 68; Performance of Store Brands: A Cross-Country Analysis of Consumer Store-Brand Preferences, Perceptions, and Risk; Tulin Erdem, Ying Zhao and Ana Valenzuela --; Destination Brands --; 69; Effects of Hosting a Sport Event on Destination Brand: A Test of Co-branding and Match-up Models; Xiaoyan Xing and Laurence Chalip --; Global Brands --; 70; How Perceived Brand Globalness Creates Brand Value; Jan-Benedict E.M. Steenkamp, Rajeev Batra and Dana L. Alden ER -