Advances in consumer research. Volume XXXV / ACR07 Memphis ACR07Memphis - lix, 1053 p. : ill. ; 29 cm.


Includes bibliographical references and index.

Choices in Consumer Research: Unintended Consequences / Acr Fellows Address / Acr Fellows Address Acr and Me / Consumer Freedom from Consumer Culture Theory Perspectives / What Counts as Knowledge in Judgment and Decision Making? / Rigor in Information Processing Research / Consumers' Construal Levels: Organic Manipulations and Implications for Choice / Bridging Cultures: Theorizing the Spaces between Disciplines, Peoples and Consumer Identities / Money Makes the World Go 'Round- and Other Interesting Effects on Affect, Consumption, Goal Pursuit, and Generosity / Health Marketing: Understanding Consumer Response to Risk and Remedy Messages / Understanding the Role of Co-Creation in Fantasy and Fun / What Drives Word of Mouth: A Multi-Disciplinary Perspective / New Insights in Consumer Point-of-Purchase Decision Making / Temporal Consumption: How Time Influences our Memories of the Past, our Enjoyment of the Present, and our Preference for the Future / The Multiple Routes of Affective Influences on Consumer Behavior / Understanding Collaboration and Collective Production: New Insights on Consumer Co-Production / Commercial Mythology and the Global Organization of Consumption / Consumption, Health, and Consumer Wellbeing / Consumption over Time: Predictions of Future Use and Value / Categories in Context / Is Beauty Only Screen Deep? Perceptions of Avatars in Computer-Mediated Environments / Erroneous Lay Theories of Future Affect: Processes and Consequences / Consumer Motivation: Identifying Factors that Increase Goal Adherence / Sex and Consumption: Empirical and Theoretical Advances / Mindset-Dependent Consumer Decision Making / Bridging the Gap between Behavioral and Humanistic Perspectives to Improve Consumer Welfare: A Focus on Communication of Prescription Drug Information / Social Contagion Effects in Marketing / Feeling Mixed? Emerging Perspectives on Mixed Emotions and Consumer Responses / Health Communication and Consumer Action: Promise and Pitfalls / Attraction and Compromise Effects Revisited: The Role of Attribute Characteristics and Representation in Context Effects / Breaking Behavior Repetition: New Insights on the Role of Habits and Intentions / Deal or no Deal? The Neural Basis of Decision Utility and Loss Aversion During Consumer Decision-Making / On the Metacognition of Emotions: What I Think about How I Feel / Indulgence and Guilt: Evaluating the Boundaries of Consumers' Guilt-Management Strategies / Consumer Response to Aesthetic Aspects of Product Design: 1-, 2-, and 3-Dimensional Perspectives / Entertainment-Education: Dramatic Vehicles and Health Education / To Breakup or Make Up? The Psychology of Consumer Forgiveness / Ownership: How Thought, Effort, Emotion, and Memory Influence the Desirability of Possessions / Subjective Time and Decisions: The Role of Perception and Experience of Time in Consumer Decision Making / Influences on Spending: Mental Accounts and Self-Control / The Ties That Bind: Transnational Families, Transnational Consumption / Alternative Perspectives on Consumer Judgment and Choice / What's Your Motivation? Affective and Cognitive Processes that Motivate Behavior and Choices / There is a Time and Place and a Person to Vote for: Issues in Political Persuasion / From Tools to Theories: How Different Methodologies May Impact Theory Development in Brand Relationship Research / The Social Nature of Consumer Behavior / Consuming Uncertainty: Feelings, Expectations, and Wishful Thinking in Consumer Choice and Experience / Doing Family: The Temporal and Spatial Structuring of Family Consumption / The Role of Power In Consumer Behavior: New Perspectives and Insights / How Stock Prices Influence Investment Behavior / Merrie Brucks -- Donald R Lehmann -- Kent B Monroe -- David Glen Mick -- Joel Huber -- Miguel Brendl -- Kelly Goldsmith -- Laurel Anderson -- Kathleen Vohs -- Lisa E Bolton -- Andrew Baker -- Peeter W. J. Verlegh -- Ryan Hamilton -- Lief Nelson -- Jiewen Hong -- Ashlee Humphreys -- Eric Arnould -- Jason Riis -- Anastasiya Pocheptsova -- Kristin Diehl -- Natalie T. Wood -- Cecile Cho -- Minjung Koo -- Darren Dahl -- Michal Maimaran -- David Brinberg -- Suresh Ramanathan -- A. Peter McGraw -- Christine Moorman -- Selin A Malkoc -- Pierre Chandon -- Hilke Plassmann -- Aparna A. Labroo -- Patti Williams -- Wes Hutchinson -- Barbara Stern -- Cassie Mogilner -- Carey Morewedge -- Selin A Malkoc -- Karen Stilley -- Mary C Gilly -- Itamar Simonson -- Kelly Goldsmith -- Akshay Rao -- Christie Nordhielm -- Debora Viana Thompson -- Eduardo B Andrade -- Linda Price -- Derek D Rucker -- Susan Jung Grant -- 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. Considering the Alternatives: Cognitive Mechanisms Underlying Choice Processes / Real Consumers Have Curves: The Effects of Body Esteem and Weight on Consumer Responses to Marketing Stimuli / Exploring The Evolving Terrain of Consumer-Generated Brand Content / Politics and Consumption / The Role of Cognitive Processes in Overcoming Self-Control Failures / What Do You Think: The Role of Others' Opinions in the Marketplace / Homo Consumicus: Emerging Research in Evolutionary Consumer Behavior / Advances in Regulatory Focus and Regulatory Fit Theory: Effects on Consumer Search, Consumer Satisfaction, and Self-Control / Advances in Judgmental and Inferential Heuristics / The Best Offense is a Good Defense: Consumers' Defense-Motivated Strategies and their Effects on Memory, Choice, Preferences and Tastes / Truth or Consequences: The Ups and Downs of Perspective-Taking on the Accuracy of Predictions / Resolving Dilemmas Posed by Personal Sacrifices: Facilitators and Hindrances to Charitable Giving / Dazed and Confused by Choice: Antecedents and Consequences of Consumers' Desire for Choice Freedom / "Do Unto Others.": The Influence of Others on Perceptions of Price (Un)Fairness / Having vs. Doing: Materialism, Experientialism, and the Experience of Materiality / Should Marketers Use Price Partitioning or Total Prices? / The Influence of Culture on Responses to the Globe Dimension of Performance Orientation in Advertising Messages - Results from the U.S., Germany, France, Spain, and Thailand / Unsuccessful Purchase Experiences and Future Consumer Decisions: Effects of Initial Goal Setting Processes and Counterfactual Thoughts / Effect of Goal Salience and Goal Conflict on Typicality: The Case of "Health Food" / Verticalization: The Impact of Channel Strategy on Product Brand Loyalty and the Role of Involvement in the Fashion Industry / The Influence of In-Store Experiential Events on Shopping Value Perceptions and Shopping Behavior / Consuming $30-a-Pound Cheese: The Role of the Retail Cheesemonger as CICERONE / Drunk and (Dis) Orderly: The Role of Alcohol in Supporting Liminality / A Qualitative Approach for Conceptualizing Consumer Decision-Making in Online Auctions / To Start Being.The Anticipation of a Social Role Through Consumption in Life Transition: The Case of the First-Time Pregnancy / Exploring Consumer Fanaticism: Extraordinary Devotion in the Consumption Context / Are McNoodles and McDonald's Kinship Connected? Effects of Linguistic Information on Consumers' Categorization of New Products / Time Pressure and the Compromise and Attraction Effects in Choice / How Argument Structure Biases Acceptance of Advertising Claims: Explaining Deviations from Logical Reasoning in Terms of Subjective Probabilities / How Brands Enchant: Insights from Observing Community Driven Brand Creation / Relationship Glue: Customers and Marketers Co-Creating a Purchase Experience / Cultural Syncretism and Ramadan Observance: Consumer Research Visits Islam / Place Attachment: The Social Dimensions of the Retail Environment and the Need for Further Exploration / The Mediating Role of Consumer Conformity in E-compulsive Buying / Fashion and the College Transition: Liminality, Play, and the Structuring Power of the Habitus / Heard but Not Seen: A Teenage Centric Approach to Music Consumption Research / On the Role of Materialism in the Relationship Between Death Anxiety and Quality of Life / Factors Influencing Consumers' Evaluation and Adoption Intention of Really-New Products or Services: Prior Knowledge, Innovativeness and Timing of Product Evaluation / "Set the table": Women Communicating Status at Home / Peeps, Beemers and Scooby-doos: Exploring Community Value amongst Scottish Car Cruisers / Driven by Devotion-How Consumers Interact with their Objects of Devotion / Skin Lightening and Beauty in Four Asian Cultures / Keeping it in the Family: How Teenagers Use Music to Bond, Build Bridges and Seek Autonomy / The Effects of Trust Dimensions on Relationship Commitment: The Relative Efficacy and Effect Symmetry / Consumers Faced with Telephone Selling: Metacognition, Resistance and Strategies / The Relationships Between Dissatisfaction, Complaints and Subsequent Behavior in Electronic Marketplace / The "Dark Side" of Brand Alliances: How the Exit of Alliance Members Affects Consumer Perceptions / The Entropy of Symbolic Consumption: Demand Side Market Failure and the Counterproposals / Who Uses Stereotypes Against Saleswomen? Femininity as Self-Schema and Biases in Trust Judgment / Satisfied Customers' Love toward Retailers: A Cross-Product Exploration / Karim Kassam -- Elizabeth Gelfand Miller -- Susan Fournier -- Yesim Ozalp -- Sabrina Bruyneel -- Rohini Ahluwalia -- Nicole L. Mead -- Michel Tuan Pham -- Xianchi Dai -- Martin Zemborain -- Katherine Burson -- Sergio Carvalho -- Simona Botti -- A. Peter McGraw -- Michelle F. Weinberger -- Silke Bambauer -- Sandra Diehl -- June-Hee Na -- Hiba El Dahr -- Hanna Schramm-Klein -- Sean Sands -- Scott D. Roberts -- Emma N. Banister -- Mengkuan Lai -- Elodie Sevin -- Emily Chung -- Dengfeng Yan -- Chien-Huang Lin -- Charles S Areni -- Johann Fuller -- Edwin Rajah -- Mourad Touzani -- Micael-Lee Johnstone -- Yun Jung Lee -- Mark A Rademacher -- Peter Nuttall -- Bertrand Urien -- Qing Wang -- Katherine Sredl -- Paul Hewer -- Elisabeth A. Pichler -- Eric P. H. Li -- Peter Nuttall -- Dong-Jin Lee -- Dominique Roux -- Anne-Francoise Audrain-Pontevia -- David M. Woisetschlager -- Soonkwan Hong -- Eun-Ju Lee -- Hye-Young Kim -- 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. Customer Emotion Management and Symmetrical Emotional Exchange in (Extended) Service Encounters / The Effects of Service Quality Dimentsions on Customer Satisfaction Across Different Service Types: Alternative Differentiation As a Moderator / An Empirical Comparison of Ambushing and Sponsorship Effects: The Case of 2006 FIFA World Cup Germany / Profiling the Brand Personality of Specific Brands / Taking Control: An Integrated Model of Dispositional Self-Control and Measure / "I Can Do It!" Consumer Coping and Poverty / Examining Non-Medical Service Needs of Women Living with HIV /AIDS / A Comparison of Advertising, Social, and Cognitive Predictors of Overeating Behavior / Hard-Core Members' of Consumption-Oriented Subcultures Enactment of Identity: The Sacred Consumption of Two Subcultures / Musical Effects: Glocal Identities and Consumer Activism / The Antecedents of the Consumer Complaining Behavior (CCB) / Conditioning Implicit and Explicit Brand Attitudes Using Celebrity Affiliates / Visual Velocity: Content Font Effects and Incidental Online Ad Exposure / Balance and Word-of-Mouth Communication: A Signed Digraph Analysis of Consumers' Cognitive Networks / How Third-party Organization (TPO) Endorsement Advertising Works: Do Consumers Perceive TPO Endorsement As Signals of Quality? / For Those about to Rock: A New Understanding of Adolescent Music Consumption / Too Old to Choose? The Effects of Age and Age Related Constructs on Consumer Decision Making / Dynamic Pricing on the Internet: A Price Framing Approach / The Effects of Contextual Prices on Consumers' Price Evaluation: A Test of Alternative Reference Price Models / The Impact of Price Sequences on Preference and Choice / Culture Matters: The Impract of Power-Distance Belief on Consumers' Impulsive Buying Tendency / The Effect of Self-Construal on Impulsive Consumption / Promotion Matching: The Role of Promotion Type and Self-Construal on Purchase Intentions / A Social Approach to Voter Vengeance / Anti-Consumers in Action: Coping with the Challenges and Consequences of 'drinking Sensibly' / All Charity Advertisements Are Not Created Equal: Influences of Message Framing, Vividness Valence, and Number Size Framing / Avoiding the Debt Trap: How Attributional Retraining Can Influence Consumers' Perceived Control Over and Behavioural Intentions Towards Debt / NUKI Emotion Measurement Instrument: Development of a Non-Verbal Self-Report Emotion Measurement Instrument for Children / The Short Term Stability of Response Styles / Consumer Emotional Intelligence: Conceptualization, Measurement, and the Prediction of Consumer Decision Making / Measurement Invariance Assessment in Cross-National Marketing Research: A Status Quo Analysis of its Application / Background Goals in the Foreground: The Overriding Effect of Nonconscious Goals on Consumer Choice / Is Failure a Blessing or a Curse? Behavioral Goal Violation, Cognitive Dissonance and Consumer Welfare / Decomposition Model of the Total Store Purchase and Its Application / Tracing Cognitive Processes at the Point of Sale: New Developments and a Comparison of Methods / Evaluations of Bilingual Product Descriptions on Boxes / Exploratory Behavior: A Portuguese and British Study / Cross-cultural Differences in Delight / Cultural Differences in Brand Extension Evaluations: The Moderating Role of Functional and Prestige Brand Concepts / Food Shopping in Urban China in 1996 and 2006: Homogenization and Stratification / Guiltless Gluttony: The Asymmetric Effect of Size Labels On Size Perceptions and Consumption / Conspicuous Consumption: A Preliminary Report of Scale Development and Validation / Assessing the Consumer Perceived Value Scale / When Uncertainty Brings Pleasure: The Role of Outcome Imageability and Mental Imagery / Situation-Based Shifts in Consumer Benefit Salience: The Joint Role of Affect and Cognition / The Affective-Cognitive Model of Stimulus-Based Affect: Individual Differences in Response to the Vividness of Product Descriptions / The Effect of Weather on Consumer Spending / Mood Influence on the Valuation of Multiple Gains and Losses / The Effect of Primed Reference Points on the Shape of Attribute-Value Functions, Attribute Importance, and Choice / Driving the Extra Mile: The Interplay between Psychophysics and Loss Aversion in Determining Consumer Search Intensity / Gulnur Tumbat -- Nai-Hwa Lien -- Manuel Michaelis -- Annie Peng Cui -- Danit Ein-Gar -- Kathy Hamilton -- Yelena Tsarenko -- Brian R. Kinard -- Tandy D. Chalmers -- E. Tacli Yazicioglu -- Daniel von der Heyde Fernandes -- Douglas R. Ewing -- Francesca Baraggioli -- Andrea Wojnicki -- Jie Feng -- Peter Nuttall -- Heiner Evanschitzky -- Fei Lee -- Kwanho Suk -- Eric Dolansky -- Yinlong Zhang -- Yinlong Zhang -- Karen Page Winterich -- Nada Nasr Bechwati -- Maria G. Piacentini -- Chun-Tuan Chang -- Kelley Main -- Joelle Vanhamme -- Bert Weijters -- Blair Kidwell -- Yi He -- Hae Joo Kim -- Berna Devezer -- Songting Dong -- Oliver B. Buttner -- Mahesh Gopinath -- Ana Maria Soares -- Ana Valenzuela -- Alokparna Basu Monga -- Ann Veeck -- Aradhna Krishna -- Etta Y. I. Chen -- Gianfranco Walsh -- Cheng Qiu -- Sonja Wendel -- David J. Moore -- Kyle B. Murray -- Dorothea Schaffner -- Koert van Ittersum -- Ritesh Saini -- 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. The Endowment Effect and Its Reversal: Examining Possession Loss Aversion and Focus of Attention / Bipolar Scales Mask Loss Aversion / The Hungry Ghost Dinner and Auction: Real-World Auction, Other-World Meanings / Triggers of Extraordinary Experiences Within A Sub-cultural Consumption Event / Procedural Priming and Consumer Judgments: Effects on the Impact of Positively and Negatively Valenced Information / Left-Right, Left-Right: The Effects of Digit-Direction On Eye Movement Bias and Price Encoding Strategy / The Effect of Communication Norms on Interpretations of Meaningless Information / Sunk Cost Effects in Consumer Decisions: Role of Anticipated Regret / The Perceived Value of Time in a Transaction / The Mental Accounting of Gift Card versus Cash Gift Funds / The Tri-Mediation Model of Persuasion: Incorporating Negative Advertising Appeals / Permission to be Prejudiced: Legitimacy Credits in the Evaluation of Advertisements with Black and White Models / The Role of Product Category Familiarity in Self-Referent Advertising / The Impact of Narrative Immersion and Perceived Self-Character Similarity on Evaluations of Product Placements / Anti-consumption: Now on Sale / A Qualitative Study of Mother-Adolescent Daughter-Vicarious Role Model Consumption Interactions / Intergenerational Influence in Consumer Deal Proneness / Not Me or Not Them?: The Role of Culture in Discrepant Effects of Health Communication on Self and Others / When the Loss of Free Will Can Be Costly: A Novel Approach to an Anti-Smoking Campaign / Reward or Punish: Willingness to Pay for Ethically-Produced Goods / The Influence of the Online Decision Environment Characteristics on Consumer Selective Information Processing and Choice / The Impact of Online Information on the Purchase of Certified Used Cars / The Multiple Source Effect of Online Consumer Reviews on Brand Evaluations: Test of the Risk Diversification Hypothesis / Time versus Money: Differential Use of Heuristics / Achieving the Compromise Effect with Missing Attribute Information: Introducing Shadow Options / Would Perceived Unfairness Lead to Regret? / Big Raccoons and Small Giraffes: Anchoring in Sequential Judgments / If I Want You to Like Me, Should I Be Like You or Unlike You? The Effect of Prior Positive Interaction with a Group on Conformity and Distinctiveness in Consumer Decision-Making / A Psychophysiological Perspective of the Stress-buffering and Persuasive Impact of Positive Communication Style / The Evolution of New Product Rumors in Online Consumer Communities: Social Identity or Social Impact? / A Life Course Perspective of Family Meals Via the Life Grid Method / Cognitive Load, Need for Closure, and Socially Desirable Responding: Cognitively Constrained versus Motivated Response Biases in Cross-Cultural Consumer Research / Construction of Country-Specific, Yet Internationally Comparable Short Form Marketing Scales / A Test of the Validity of Hofstede's Cultural Framework / To Have and to Hold? Implications of Disposition Tendencies for Consumer Research / The Role of Uniqueness Motivations in Social Comparison Processes / The Effects of Product Quality and the Perceived Structural Relation Between Functions on the Value Inference of Convergence Products / Let it Rock: The Effects of Brand Name Placement in Songs on Attitudes toward the Artist and the Brand / A Friend and /or A Foe?: Exploring Activeness of Objects in Consumption / Tinsel, Trimmings, and Tensions: Consumer Negotiations of a Focal Christmas Artifact / Protecting the Portals of Home / The "Shaken Self": Product Choice as a Means of Restoring Self-View Confidence / Flattery and Persuasion: A Dual Attitudes Perspective / The Roles of Product Characteristics and Framing Effects in the Effectiveness of Cause-Related Marketing / The Role of Mortality Salience in Consumer Persuasion / The Impact of Goal Framing on the Choose-Reject Discrepancy / When Regulatory Fit Does Not 'Feel Right': The Inhibiting Effect of Contextually Dominant Decision Strategies / When Do Consumers Prefer More Choice? Moderating Effects of Regulatory Focus / Bystanders Don't Just Stand By: The Influence of Social Presence on Service Experience / Proximity to or Progress toward Receiving a Telephone Service? An Experimental Investigation of Customer Reactions to Features of Telephone Auditory Messages / Mauricio Palmeira -- A. Peter McGraw -- Siok Kuan Tambyah -- Jeffrey Allen -- Hao Shen -- Keith S Coulter -- Alison Jing Xu -- Junsik Kwak -- Yu-Tse Lin -- Rebecca White -- Keith S Coulter -- Beomjoon Choi -- Claudiu Dimofte -- Namita Bhatnagar -- Ahir Gopaldas -- Yossi Gavish -- Robert M. Schindler -- Sukki Yoon -- Aditi Grover -- Remi Trudel -- Ying Jiang -- Vandana Ramachandran -- Do-Hyung Park -- Ashwani Monga -- Kunter Gunasti -- Felix Tang -- Daniel Mochon -- Veronika Papyrina -- Zhenfeng Ma -- Scott A. Thompson -- Robert Harrison -- Ashok K. Lalwani -- Martijn G. de Jong -- Jeffrey Blodgett -- Rebecca W. Naylor -- Caglar Irmak -- Sara Kim -- Bruno Kocher -- Olga Kravets -- Cele C. Otnes -- Karen V Fernandez -- Leilei Gao -- Elaine Chan -- Chun-Tuan Chang -- Javier Horcajo -- Parthasarathy Krishnamurthy -- Mehdi Mourali -- H. Onur Bodur -- Yi He -- Liad Weiss -- 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. The Value of Human Warmth: Social Presence Cues and Computer-Mediated Communications / The Influence of Art Infusion on the Perception and Evaluation of Consumer Products / Persuasion Pleasure and Selling Stress: The Role of Non-Verbal Communication in Consumer Influence Settings / Effect of Delay on Perceptions of Bargaining Outcomes: Moderating Role of Persuasion Knowledge / Inferences of Interpersonal Preference Similarity Based on Unrelated Product Categories / "Size Counts": The Effect of Queue Length on Choice between Similar Restaurants / The Impact of Size of Self-Generated Consideration Set on Post-Choice Regret / When Starbucks Meets Turkish Coffee: Cultural Imperialism and Islamism as 'Other' Discourses of Consumer Resistance / Cries from the Goblin Market: Consumer Narratives in the Marketplace / Contested Consumption in Everyday Life / Choice with Inference is Different From Choice without Inference / Effects of Two Dimensions of Psychological Distance on Consumer Judgments / Feast or Famine: How Expectations Polarize Judgments of Ambiguous Alternative Set Sizes / The Learning (and not) of Effort and Accuracy Tradeoffs / The Global Brand's Meaning Melange: Seeking Home Abroad through Global Brands / Do Sales Promotions Necessarily Erode Brand Equity? Maybe Not / The Effects of Centrality and Distinctiveness on the Usage of Co-promotions / Brand Visualization: Effects of 'Product Shape-Typeface Design' Congruence on Brand Perceptions and Price Expectations / Remembering Words and Brands after a Perception of Discrepancy / Should I Stay or Should I Go? Mood Congruity, Self-monitoring and Retail Context Preference / The Impact of Language Code-Switching on Ad Claim Recall / Pick me, Pick me! An Extension of Theory Regarding Human Branding through Investigation of Editorial Fashion Models / The Branding of Next-Generation Products / Effectiveness of Abstract vs. Concrete Challenge Strategies in Response to the Competitive Threat of Extensions from Mega Brands / Whatever People Say I Am That's What I Am: Social Labeling as a Social Marketing Tool / How Self-View and Type of Processing Affect Context Effects Produced by Viewing Products on Various Display Table Surfaces / Temporal Response to Opportunities: A Look at the Last Name Effect / Self-Construal and Temporal Distance / Sneaky Small Sins Flying Under the Radar: Package Sizes and Consumption Self-Regulation / Self-Medication versus Pure Pleasure Seeking Compulsive Consumption / Is High-Caloric Food Consumption an Addictive Behavior in Our Modern World of Plenty? A Test of the Relationship between Inhibitory Performance in a Neuropsychological Positive- Emotion Shifting Task and Everyday Snacking Behavior in Non-Obese Adult Women / Exploring Needs, Desires, and Hopes: A Study of Impoverished Migrant Consumers / We Happy Few: Redefining Community in Marketing / The Relationship between Online Brand Community Participation and Consciousness of Kind, Moral Responsibility, and Shared Rituals and Traditions / Responding to Ethical and Competence Failures / Making Probability Judgments of Future Product Failures: Packing versus Unpacking the Problem / Consumers' Evaluation After a Service Encounter: The Effects of the Actions of Company Unrelated Party / It is not Whether You Win or Lose, But How You Play the Game: The Role of Memory in How Consumers Feel After Lying / The Role of Creative Cognitions on Consumer Feature Reliance / A ReExamination of Post-Experience Advertising Effects: The Moderating Role of Accuracy Motivation / Protection of Prior Learning in Complex Consumer Learning Environments / The Effects of Outcome versus Process-Oriented Thinking on Decision Difficulty / The Persistence of Fictional Character Images beyond the Program and their Use in Celebrity Endorsement: Experimental Results from a Media Context Perspective / Evaluation of Brand Alliances: Product Fit and the Moderating Role of Brand Concept Consistency / Need for Closure and Media Use and Preference of Young Adults / When I Grow Up: The Moderating Role of Aspiration in Intergenerational Code-switching / "Cross Border Shopping: Family Narratives" / "Disney Dreams in China" / "Hoarding Behavior & Attachment to Material Possessions" / "Stay-at-Home Dads Unite: Coping with Stigma and Isolation" / Ji Hee Song -- Henrik Hagtvedt -- Bob M Fennis -- Shweta Oza -- Valeria Noguti -- Ornit Raz -- Song Su -- Elif Izberk-Bilgin -- Shakeel Siddiqui -- Marius K. Luedicke -- Kunter Gunasti -- Kyeongheui Kim -- S. Adam Brasel -- Jeffrey S Larson -- Anders Bengtsson -- Joshy Joseph -- Hurrem Yilmaz -- Thomas Van Rompay -- Antonia Mantonakis -- Nancy M. Puccinelli -- Melissa Maier Bishop -- Marie-Agnes Parmentier -- Marco Bertini -- Kalpesh Kaushik Desai -- Gert Cornelissen -- Rui Zhu -- Kurt A. Carlson -- Gerri Spassova -- Rita Coelho do Vale -- Xiuping Li -- Ji Lu -- Berna Tari -- Aubrey Fowler III -- Vivek Madupu -- Sekar Raju -- Dipayan Biswas -- Jessica Y. Y. Kwong -- Christina Anthony -- Huifang Mao -- Kunter Gunasti -- Juliano Laran -- Debora Thompson -- Anja Spilski -- Even Johan Lanseng -- Iris Vermeir -- Sangwon Lee -- Raquel Castano -- Eric Li -- Tresa Ponner -- Gokcen Coskuner-Balli -- 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. 250. "Living a Theme" / "Consumer Innovation in Online Computer Tuning Communities" / "Luxury Value Pyramid: What are the Dimensions of Luxury" / "Body and Appearance Perceptions of Latino Youth" / "The Responsibility of Respect in the Marketplace: Opening Doors for Community" / Introduction to Structural Equations Models and Lisrel.Full Text Available / Philosophy and Consumption: Discussions on Trust and Brands.Full Text Available / Conducting Consumer Research in India and China: Issues, Challenges and New Directions.Full Text Available / If Only I Switched Instead: Exploring the Consequence of Regret & Consumer Brand Switching Behaviors / The Effect of Surplus Avoidance on Completing a Goal in Loyalty Program / On the Compatibility of Orientation, Task and Preference: The Role of Brand Information / The "Sticky Choice" Bias in Sequential Decision-Making / Fantasizing About Winning: Motivational and Cognitive Determinants of Narrative Transportation / Friend and Foe? The paradoxical Dynamics of Intergroup Conflict in a Cooperative / The Role of Congruence Theory in Consumer Response to Business-to-Consumer Gift Giving / Luxury Versus Humor: Contrasting the Use of Art in Advertising / Social Identity Threat and Consumer Preferences: The Role of Self-Protection / I Know a "Guy": The Consequences of Using Social Capital to Facilitate Consumption Experiences / Making Choices Depletes the Self's Resources and Impairs Subsequent Self-Regulation / Developing a New Measure of Materialism / End of Life Decision Making: Examining Factors that Lead to Planning / The Moderate Effect of Customer's Brand Awareness on Attitude Change of a Well-Known Brand / More Than Meets the Eye: The Influence of Implicit versus Explicit Self-Esteem on Materialism / The Effect of Regulatory Focus on the Anchoring Bias / Getting Begets Wanting: A New Theory about Long-term Changes in Strength of Motivation / Remembering What Was New: The Role of Stimlus Novelty in Retrospective Evaluation of Experiences / Sources of Brand Personality: A Survey of Ten Brands / Transferring Meaning from Cultural Entities to Brands / The Everyday Practices Surrounding Young People's Food Consumption / Toward a Better Understanding of the Effects of Customer Education on Usage Behavior and Satisfaction / Cause Related Marketing: Improving People Willingness to Donate by Selling Them a Product / Who Has Mixed Feelings About Consumption? Self-Monitoring and the Antecedents of Attitude Ambivalence / The Dynamic Nature of Customers' Criteria for Assessing Customer Value: A Longitudinal Investigation / The Incremental Utility of Adding New Functionalities to Products: The Role of Goal Congruence and Perceived Brand Quality / Developing a Better Understanding of Co-Creation: Consumers' Motivations to Create and the Underlying Processes / Formation of Consideration Set and Consumer Decision-Making Process under Brand Extension Signal / Effects of Spatial Location of Price Information on Consumers' Perception of Prices and Products / Information Sort and Consumers' Evaluation of Prices / Discounting Pleasure? Lay Intuitions about the Value of Deferred Hedonic Experience / The Single Consumer: Avoiding Tradition and Extending the Self / "Effort-as-Information": The Impact of Decision-Related Effort on Subsequent Evaluation and Price Judgment / Commodifying the Self: Online Social Networking Profiles as Brand Communities / Fairness in Consumer Markets: Price Expectation, Cost Saliency, and Competition / The Antecedents of Image Transfer-An Empirical Study of Event Sponsorship / Avatar and Extended Self in Online Gaming / The Role of Commitment on the Customer Benefits-Loyalty Relationship in the Service Context / The Velocity of Time: Primacy and Recency Effects on Time Perception / A. Fuat Firat -- Johannes Gebauer -- Junko Kimura -- Samuel Doss -- Carolyn Costley -- 257. Defining and Exploring Exorbitant Buying Behavior.Full Text Available -- 259. Internet Tracking and Clickstream Data: Methodological Issues.Full Text Available -- 261. Interrogating Fashion: Fashion Cultures and Fashion Discourses.Full Text Available -- My Bui -- Jessica Y. Y. Kwong -- Jingjing Ma -- Aaron Brough -- Brent McFerran -- Katherine Loveland -- Atul Kulkarni -- Henrik Hagtvedt -- Katherine White -- Bryan Johnson -- Noelle M. Nelson -- Eda Gurel Atay -- Elyria Kemp -- Jinsong Huang -- Ji Kyung Park -- Shenghui Zhao -- Kathleen D. Vohs -- Rajesh Bhargave -- Natalia Maehle -- Margaret C. Campbell -- Pepukayi David Chitakunye -- Benoit Aubert -- Ilaria Baghi -- Sandor Czellar -- Jeroen Bleijerveld -- Tripat Gill -- C. Page Moreau -- Yi Zhang -- Rajneesh Suri -- Rajneesh Suri -- Elaine Chan -- Angeline G. Close -- Jungkeun Kim -- Lucy Atkinson -- Mark Ratchford -- Lee Zhang -- Jeff Wang -- Won-Moo Hur -- Doreen Kum -- 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 258. 260. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. 271. 272. 273. 274. 275. 276. 277. 278. 279. 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 299. 300. A Meta-Analysis of the Moderation Effect of Regulatory Focus / Development of an Instrument for Measuring Consumers' Perception of Atmosphere / The Impact of Regulatory Focus on the Effect of Two-sided Advertising / Negative Emotions as Motivators of Consumption / Narrative Transportation in Concept Tests for Really New Products: Are All Protagonists Equally Convincing? / Transforming Self and by Extension Society. An Exploration of Activism Against Consumerism / When Ads Make Drama Seem Silly and Comedy Seem Dull: Role-Fulfillment Effects of Mood on Evaluations of Emotional Television Commercials / Being Hedonic and Becoming Prudent / Nice Guys Finish First: An Examination Customer-First Strategies on Consumer Attitudes and Loyalty / Leapfrogging over the Joneses: Can Wealth Redistribution Reduce Conspicuous Consumption by Relatively Worse-Off Consumers? / 'When the Chips are Down': The Relation between Stress, Social Support, and Food Product Attitudes / Who's Got the Power? A Social Power Perspective on Teen Purchase Influences / Exploring the Role of Shopping Efficacy on Customer Satisfaction and Behavioral Intentions / Nature and Function of Scripts in the Evaluation of Service Experiences / The Effect of Promotion Framing on the Evaluation of Price Bundling / Examining Advertising Practitioners' Ethical Considerations and its Implications for Consumer Welfare / The Activation-Striving Model: When Will the Same Prime Lead to Goal Activation and When Will It Lead to Trait Activation? / Is the Internet a New Eldorado for Counterfeits? / International Festivals: Reverse Acculturation or the Peddling of Ethnicity / Language Domain Effects on Bilingual Advertising / The Morphing Self: Changing Self-Concept as a Response to Threats / A Bibliographic Survey of Experiential Consumption Research / When Images and Words don't Agree, Images Win: the Shielding Effect of Imagination on Attitude Change / Accessibility and Availability: The Role of Prior Preferences in Judgment Formation / Perhaps it Would be Better if Materialistic Birds of a Feather Did Not Shop Together: Materialism, Accountability, and Luxury Brand Consumption Experiences / Much Ado about Nothing: Avoiding Products Because of the Negative Impressions They Never Create / Assessing Consumer Reaction to New Product Ideas: Does it Matter Where You Live and How Old You Are? / Power and Donation: Does Perceived Power Decrease or Increase Charitable Contribution? / Do All-or-Nothing Reference Points Support Regular Savings? / Culture, Social Comparison and Responses to Advertising / The Effect of Brand Personality on Evaluations of Utilitarian Product Benefits / "Want to watch? You've got to pay": The Link between Intrusiveness and Outcomes Typifying the Customer-Firm Relationship / From Luxury to Populence: Inconspicuous Consumption as Described by Female Consumers / The Surprising Influencers: How the Inferred Attributes of Observed Consumers Shape Observer Consumers' Buying Intentions / How Personal Are Consumer Brand Evaluations? Disentangling the Role of Personal and Extrapersonal Associations in Consumer Judgments / Impact of Value Aspirations, Age, and Gender on Television Viewing Connectedness among Preteens and Teens / The Use of Humor in Promoting Healthy Eating and Better Communication in Parent-Child Dyads and the Moderating Role of Attachment: A Web-Related Intervention / Effect of Country-of-Targeting on Product Evaluations / Anticipating Consumption: The Impact of Expectations on Decision-Making for Healthy Products / Consider the Consequences: The Effect of Consequence Information on Consumer Choice of Snack Foods / How Media and Advertising Jointly Affect Ad Effectiveness / How Embarrassing: An Examination of the Sources of Consumer Embarrassment and the Role of Self-Awareness / Product Failure and Warranty Purchase: Their Effects on Target-Specific Emotions and Attitude toward the Brand / The Impact of Brand Relatedness on Negative Spillover Effects in Brand Portfolios / Self and Social Signaling Explanations for Consumption of CSR-Associated Products / Consumers' Elaboration of Really-New-Product Messages / The Cross-Cultural Effect of Trust on Subjective Well-Being / The Subjective Well-Being of Buying: A Grounded Theory Analysis of Habitual Acts of Consumption / Consumers' Reactions to Acquisitions of Socially Responsible Companies / MySimon Sez: Reducing Negative Consequences of Missed Sales via Online Shopping Agents / Ahmad Daryanto -- Morten Heide -- Arnd Florack -- Harish Kapoor -- Ellis A. van den Hende -- Simona Romani -- Joseph Lajos -- Camille S. Johnson -- Rishtee Kumar -- Nailya Ordabayeva -- Claartje L. ter Hoeven -- Kendall Goodrich -- Eda Gurel Atay -- Mark P Healey -- Nai-Chi Yeh -- Linda Tuncay -- Aner Sela -- Bruno Kocher -- L. Wakiuru Wamwara-Mbugua -- Ryall Carroll -- Christian Schmid -- Johnny Chen -- Massimiliano Ostinelli -- Maria Kratcholova -- Dan Freeman -- Laurence Ashworth -- Jing Wang -- Xianchi Dai -- Caezilia Loibl -- Theresa A. Wajda -- Adrian Peretz -- Marco Lalos -- Elad Granot -- Edith Shalev -- Sandor Czellar -- David S. Bickham -- Aida Faber -- Mahesh Gopinath -- Diane M. Phillips -- Andrew Wilson -- Jing Wang -- Rishtee Kumar -- Kiran Karande -- Jing Lei -- Aronte Bennett -- David Alexander -- Dante Pirouz -- Dante Pirouz -- Eleni Zoi Papavasileiou -- Demetra Andrews -- 301. 302. 303. 304. 305. 306. 307. 308. 309. 310. 311. 312. 313. 314. 315. 316. 317. 318. 319. 320. 321. 322. 323. 324. 325. 326. 327. 328. 329. 330. 331. 332. 333. 334. 335. 336. 337. 338. 339. 340. 341. 342. 343. 344. 345. 346. 347. 348. 349. 350. A Psychophysical Approach to Assessment of Relationship between Vehicle Color and Purchase Price / Airing Dirty Laundry in the Public Square: An Examination of Public Complaining and the Mitigating Effects of Branding / Two Designer Skill Sets: Perspective Taking and Creativity / The Robin Hoods of the Information Age: The Differential Effects of Financial and Time Expenditures on Sharing / A Three-Factor Model of Consumer Preference for Self-Designed Products / When Social Influences Have Far Reaching Implications / You and Us: Causal Effects of Language Use on Consumers' Perceptions of Brands / Investigating the Motivational Processes Underlying Bicultural Consumer Response to Cultural Product Cues / Country-of-Origin Effects on Consumers' Attributions and Word-of-Mouth Communications about Services / Role of Incongruity and 'Aha' Effect in Positive Affect Experienced from Visual Metaphors / The "Kick Him While He's Down" Effect: Consumers' Responses to Unfortunate Leaders when Judging Corporate Crime / Examining the Effects of Narrators' Accents When Informational Programming Has Verbal and Visual Cues / The Lifestyle Consumer Confidence Index: Detecting the Undercurrents and Dynamics of Consumer Confidence / Parenting, Peer Influence, and Role Model on Compulsive Buying Tendencies of Early Adolescent Consumers / The Good, the Bad, and the Red: Does "Giving" through Buying Replace Direct Giving? / Consumer Inferences about Hybrid Goods and Services from Pricing and Innovation / Think Fast, Feel Good? Thought Speed Enhances Mood and Product Trial / It Tastes Better Conscious: The Role of Attention in Hedonic Consumption Experience / The Sins of the Father Shall Be Visited Upon the Sons: The Effect of Corporate Parent Affiliation on Consumers' Perceptions of Corporate Societal Marketing / Experts, Novices, and Non-consumption among Appalachian Trail Thru-hikers / Keiko I Powers -- Andrew Wilson -- Jaewoo Joo -- Yuliya Komarova -- Xiaoyan Deng -- Monica Popa -- Aner Sela -- Alexandra Aguirre-Rodriguez -- Kachat Andrew Wong -- Praggyan Mohanty -- Morgan K. Ward -- Juliana Renovato -- Michael Merz -- Chuanlan Liu -- Aner Tal -- Nita Umashankar -- Brittany Duff -- Aner Tal -- Andrew E. Wilson -- Jon Littlefield. 351. 352. 353. 354. 355. 356. 357. 358. 359. 360. 361. 362. 363. 364. 365. 366. 367. 368. 369. 370.

9780915552610 (hbk.) 0915552612 (hbk.)

Consumers--United States--Congresses
Consumers--Research--United States--Congresses
Consumer behavior--Congresses

HF5415.3 / .A84 2007
