Barker, Kit,

Unjust enrichment / Kit Barker, Ross Grantham. - xxxv, 627 pages ; 24 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.

1. Unjust enrichment: an overview -- 2. Models and theories of liability -- 3. Unjust enrichment and property rights -- 4. Locating unjust enrichment in the private law -- 5. The elements of an unjust enrichment claim -- 6. Defects in legal capacity -- 7. Defects in personal capacity -- 8. Mistake (and 'ignorance -- 9. Failure of basis -- 10. Coercion -- 11. Wrongdoing -- 12. Necessitous intervention -- 13. Restitution from public authorities -- 14. Defences founded on injustice to the defendant -- 15. Defences founded on a denial of enrichment -- 16. Defences denying enrichment at the plaintiff's expense -- 17. Defences founded on public policy reasons -- 18. The nature and basis of tracing -- 19. Restitution - general considerations and personal restitution -- 20. Proprietary restitution -- -- Unjust enrichment: an overview -- Introduction -- A brief history of the law of restitution -- The implied contract theory -- Equity and restitution -- The reception of the principle of unjust enrichment -- Elements of the principle of unjust enrichment -- Restitution and the principle of unjust enrichment -- -- Models and theories of liability -- Introduction -- Unjust enrichment -- Possible roles of unjust enrichment -- The early Birksian model of unjust enrichment -- Criticisms of the early model: the challenge of contextual diversity -- Modern views: wide and narrow models of unjust enrichment -- Unjustified enrichment and absence of basis -- Unconscionability -- -- Unjust enrichment and property rights -- Introduction -- Unjust enrichment claims and property rights -- Actions vindicating property rights -- Conversion as a vindication of property rights -- Money had and received as a vindication of property rights -- Debt as a vindication of property rights -- Vindication of equitable property rights -- -- Locating unjust enrichment in the private law -- Introduction -- Foundational aims -- Types of theory -- Summary and reflections -- Mapping (taxonomy -- Unjust enrichment as a 'subsidiary' doctrine -- -- The elements of an unjust enrichment claim -- Introduction -- Benefit -- A broad conception -- Positive and negative -- Services and 'non-wealth' benefits -- Methodology: subjectivity and objectivity -- 'Tests' of benefit -- Benefit-- a legal or factual issue -- Injustice -- At the plaintiff's expense -- The minimum requirement: causation -- Recovery from indirect recipients: the permissibility of leapfrogging -- Claims in respect of assets never owned: interceptive subtraction -- -- Defects in legal capacity -- Introduction -- The effect of incapacity on the passing of title -- The incapacity of minors -- Minors' contracts at common law -- Recovery at common law of benefits conferred by a minor -- Statutory rights of restitution -- The mentally disordered -- Ultra vires transactions -- Private bodies -- Public bodies -- -- Defects in personal capacity -- Introduction -- Constraints on relief -- Undue influence -- Classes of undue influence -- Actual (relational) undue influence -- Presumed undue influence -- Relationships proved to be of influence -- A transaction requiring explanation -- Undue influence and third parties -- Rebutting the presumption -- Unconscionable bargains -- A special disadvantage -- Knowledge of the special disadvantage -- The basis of equitable intervention: impaired judgmental capacity -- or wrongdoing -- -- Mistake (and 'ignorance -- Introduction -- Defective consent -- Mistake -- overview -- The concept of mistake -- Mistakes of fact -- Mistakes of law -- Limitations on recovery -- Voluntary submission to an honest claim -- 'Good consideration' - payments to meet valid obligations -- Honest receipt -- Mistakes and contract -- Non-monetary benefits -- 'Ignorance -- The argument from mistake -- Property analyses -- Two key cases at common law and in equity -- -- Failure of basis -- Introduction -- The concept of 'basis' ('consideration -- 'Failure' of basis (consideration -- Identifying the basis of a benefit's provision -- Confirming that the basis has failed -- The requirement of 'total' failure -- Contracts discharged by frustration -- Contracts terminated for breach -- Claims by the innocent party -- Claims by the party in breach -- Unenforceable and void contracts -- Incomplete and anticipated contracts -- Valid contracts -- Escaping bad bargains -- -- 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Coercion -- Introduction -- The concept of coercion -- A definition -- Coercion and compulsion -- Threats and warnings -- Duress -- The rationale of recovery in duress cases -- The first requirement: 'illegitimate' threat -- The second requirement: causation -- A possible third requirement: absence of reasonable alternatives -- Actual undue influence (equitable duress -- Legal coercion and compulsion -- Reimbursement -- Contribution -- -- Wrongdoing -- Introduction -- Terminology and taxonomy -- Foundational aims -- The current pattern of recovery -- Torts and intellectual property infringements -- Equitable wrongs -- Breach of contract -- Quantification -- -- Necessitous intervention -- Introduction -- Necessity as a basis for restitution -- Necessity and unjust enrichment -- -- Restitution from public authorities -- Introduction -- The Woolwich principle -- -- Defences founded on injustice to the defendant -- Introduction -- Estoppel -- Estoppel as an 'unjust-focused' defence -- The elements of estoppel -- The extent of the defence -- Bona fide purchase -- Land registration as a defence to restitutionary claims -- The defence of incapacity -- Incapacity as a defence at common law -- Change of position - justice as between the parties -- -- Defences founded on a denial of enrichment -- Introduction -- Change of position -- Elements of the change of position defence -- The relevance of fault and bad faith -- Personal and proprietary claims -- Counter-restitution -- -- Defences denying enrichment at the plaintiff's expense -- Introduction -- Ministerial receipt -- The doctrinal basis of ministerial receipt -- Making out the defence of ministerial receipt -- The defence of passing on -- -- Defences founded on public policy reasons -- Introduction -- Delay and limitation -- The limitation statutes -- Delay in equity - laches, acquiescence and delay -- Illegality -- -- The nature and basis of tracing -- Introduction -- The nature of tracing -- Common law and equitable tracing -- A unitary law of tracing -- The reasons for tracing -- The prerequisites for tracing -- Tracing into discharged debts -- The effect of tracing -- The rules of tracing -- Tracing at common law -- Tracing in equity -- Tracing and unjust enrichment -- -- Restitution - general considerations and personal restitution -- Introduction -- General considerations -- Correspondence between the defendant's gain and the plaintiff's loss -- Valuation of the benefit -- Personal restitutionary remedies -- Historic forms of action -- Account -- -- Proprietary restitution -- Introduction -- Proprietary restitutionary remedies - 'constructive trusts -- Vindication of equitable proprietary rights -- Imperfected intention to create a trust -- The remedial constructive trust -- When is a proprietary remedy an appropriate remedy -- Limiting factors in deciding to award a proprietary remedy -- Discretionary remedialism -- The equitable lien -- Subrogation -- Rescission. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

0409323071 9780409323078


Unjust enrichment--Australia

KU939.3 / .B37 2008
