Eisner, Thomas, 1929-2011

Secret weapons : defenses of insects, spiders, scorpions, and other many-legged creatures / Secret weapons : Defences of insects, spiders, scorpions, and other many-legged creatures Defenses of insects, spiders, scorpions, and other many-legged creatures Thomas Eisner, Maria Eisner, Melody Siegler. - x, 372 pages : illustrations (some colour) ; 24 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Prologue -- Class Arachnida -- Order Uropygi -- Family Theliphonidae -- Mastigoproctus giganteus (the vinegaroon) -- Order Opiliones -- Family Cosmetidae -- Vonones sayi (a harvestman) -- Family Sclerosomatidae -- Leiobunum nigripalpi (a daddylonglegs) -- Order Scorpiones -- Family Vejovidae -- Vejovis spinigerus (the striped tail scorpion) -- Order Araneida -- Family Oxyopidae -- Peucetia viridans (the green lynx spider) -- Class Chilopoda -- Order Scolopendrida -- Family Scholopendiridae -- Scolopendra heroes (the giant Sonoran centipede) -- Order Geophilida -- Family Oryidae -- Orphnaeus brasilianus (a geophilid centipede) -- Class Diplopoda -- Order Spirobolida -- Floridobolus penneri (the Florida scrub millipede) -- Order Polydesmida -- Family Polydesmidae -- Apheloria kleinpeteri (a polydesmid millipede) -- Order Polyzoniida -- Family Polyzoniidae -- Polyzonium rosalbum (a polyzoniid millipede) -- Order Glomerida -- Family Glomeridae -- Glomeris marginata (a pill millipede) -- Order polyxenida -- Family polyxenidae -- Polyxenus fasciculatus (a bristle millipede) -- Class Insecta -- Order Dyctioptera -- Family Blattidae -- Eurycotis floridana (the Florida woods cockroach) -- Periplaneta australasiae (the Australian cockroach) -- Deropeltis wahlbergi (a blattid cockroach) -- Family Blaberidae -- Diploptera punctata (the Pacific beetle cockroach) -- 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Order Dermaptera -- Family Forficulidae -- Doru taeniatum (an earwig) -- Order Isoptera -- Family Termitidae -- Nasutitermes exitiosus (a termite) -- Order Phasmatodea -- Family Diapheromeridae -- Oreophoetes perusana (a walkingstick) -- Family Pseudophasmatidae -- Anisomorpha buprestoides (the two-striped walkingstick) -- Order Orthoptera -- Family Romaleidae -- Romalea guttata (the eastern lubber grasshopper) -- Order Hemiptera -- Family Coreidae -- Chelinidea vittiger (a leaf-footed bug) -- Family Reduviidae -- Apiomerus flaviventris (a reduviid bug) -- Family Belostomatidae -- Abedus herberti (a giant water bug) -- Family Aphididae -- Aphis nerii (the oleander aphid) -- Prociphilus tessellatus (the woolly alder aphid) -- Family Flatidae -- Ormenaria rufifascia (a flatid planthopper) -- Family Cercopidae -- Prosapia bicincta (the two-lined spittlebug) -- Family Dactylopiidae -- Dactylopius confusus (a cochineal bug) -- Family Aleyrodidae -- Metaleurodicus griseus (a whitefly) -- Order Neuroptera -- Family Chrysopidae -- Ceraeochrysa cubana (a green lacewing) -- Ceraeochrysa smithi (a green lacewing) -- Chrysopa slossonae (a green lacewing) -- Order Coleoptera -- Family Carabidae -- Galerita lecontei (a ground beetle) -- Brachinus (many species) (bombardier beetles) -- Family Gyrinidae -- Dineutus hornii (a whirligig beetle) -- Family Dytiscidae -- Thermonectus marmoratus (a predaceous diving beetle) -- Family Silphidae -- Necrodes surinamensis (the red-lined carrion beetle) -- Family Staphylinidae -- Creophilus maxillosus (the hairy rove beetle) -- 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. Family Cantharidae -- Chauliognathus lecontei (a soldier beetle) -- Family Lampyridae -- Photinus ignitus and Photuris versicolor (fireflies) -- Family Lycidae -- Calopteron reticulatum (the banded net-winged beetle) -- Family Elateridae -- Alaus myops (the eyed elater) -- Family Buprestidae -- Acmaeodera pulchella (the flat-headed baldcypress sapwood borer) -- Family Coccinellidae -- Cycloneda sanguinea (a ladybird beetle) -- Epilachna varivestis (the Mexican bean beetle) -- Family Meloidae -- Epicauta (an unidentified species) (a blister beetle) -- Family Pyrochroidae -- Neopyrochroa flabellata (a fire-colored beetle) -- Family Tenebrionidae -- Adelium percatum (a darkling beetle) -- Bolitotherus cornutus (the forked fungus beetle) -- Eleodes longicollis (a darkling beetle) -- Family Scarabaeidae -- Trichiotinus rufobrunneus (a scarab beetle) -- Family Chrysomelidae -- Hemisphaerota cyanea (a tortoise beetle) -- Gratiana pallidula (a tortoise beetle) -- Plagiodera versicolora (the imported willow leaf beetle) -- Order Lepidoptera -- Family Dalceridae -- Dalcerides ingenita (a dalcerid moth) -- Family Noctuidae -- Litoprosopus futilis (the palmetto borer moth) -- Family Notodontidae -- Schizura unicornis (the unicorn caterpillar moth) -- Family Thyrididae -- Calindoea trifascialis (a thyridid moth) -- Family Yponomeutidae -- Ypsolopha dentella (the European honeysuckle leaf roller) -- 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. Family Geometridae -- Nemoria outina (a geometrid moth) -- Family Arctiidae -- Utetheisa ornatrix (the rattlebox moth) -- Family Saturniidae -- Automeris io (the io moth) -- Family Papilionidae -- Eurytides marcellus (the zebra swallowtail butterfly) -- Family Pieridae -- Pieris rapae (the cabbage butterfly) -- Family Nymphalidae -- Danaus plexippus (the monarch butterfly) -- Order Hymenoptera -- Family Pergidae -- Perga affinis (a pergine sawfly) -- Family Formicidae -- Camponotus floridanus (a carpenter ant) -- Family Apidae -- Apis mellifera (the honey bee) -- Epilogue -- How to study insects and their kin -- Acknowledgments -- Illustration credits -- Index. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69.

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Animal behavior.

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