Elgar companion to neo-Schumpeterian economics / edited by Horst Hanusch and Andreas Pyka. - 416 p. - Elgar original reference . - Elgar original reference. .

Schumpeter, Joseph Alois (1883-1950) / Schumpeter's views on methodology : their source and their evolution / Schumpeterian universal social science / The pillars of Schumpeter's economics : micro, meso, macro / Reflections on Schumpeter's 'lost' seventh chapter to the Theory of economic development / 'Schumpeterian capitalism' in capitalist development : toward a synthesis of capitalist development and the 'economy as a whole' / The neo-Schumpeterian clement in the sociological analysis of innovation / A Schumpeterian renaissance? / Neo-Schumpeterian perspectives in entrepreneurship research / From a routine-based to a knowledge-based view : towards an evolutionary theory of the firm / Managing the process of new venture creation : an integrative perspective / Technological collaboration / Strategic and organizational understanding of inter-firm partnerships and networks / The models of the managed and entrepreneurial economies / Tacit and codified knowledge / Localized technological change / Competencies, capabilities and the neo-Schumpeterian tradition / Firm organization / The role of knowledge in the Schumpeterian economy / Selection, learning and Schumpeterian dynamics : a conceptual debate / Technological paradigms and trajectories / Schumpeterian patterns of innovation and technological regimes / Innovation networks / Technological diffusion : aspects of self-propagation as a neo-Schumpeterian characteristic / Schumpeterian modelling / Neo-Schumpeterian simulation models / Replicator dynamics / 'History-friendly' models of industrial evolution / Agent-based modelling : a methodology for neo-Schumpeterian economics / Empirical tools for the analysis of technological heterogeneity and change : some basic building blocks of 'evolumetrics' / Typology of science and technology indicators / Sectoral taxonomics : identifying competitive regimes by statistical cluster analysis / Entropy statistics and information theory / A methodology to identify local industrial clusters and its application to Germany / Technology spillovers and their impact on productivity / The Japanese system from the neo-Schumpeterian perspective / Biotechnology industries / Telecommunications, the Internet and Mr. Schumpeter / Innovation in services / Flexible labour markets and labour productivity growth : is there a trade-off? / Schumpeter and the micro-foundations of endogenous growth / New directions in Schumpeterian growth theory / The dynamics of technology, growth and trade : a Schumpeterian perspective / Innovation and employment / Macro-econometrics / The mechanisms of economic evolution : completing Schumpeter's theory / Innovation and demand / Long waves, the pulsation of modern capitalism / Finance and technical change : a long-term view / Long waves : conceptual, empirical and modelling issues / Qualitative change and economic development / Understanding economic growth as the central task of economic analysis / Innovation systems : a survey of the literature from a Schumpeterian perspective / National innovation systems : from List to Freeman / Catching a glimpse of national systems of innovation : the input output approach / Schumpeter and varieties of innovation : lessons from the rise of regional innovation systems research / Fundamentals of the concept of national innovation systems / Policy for innovation / Growth policy / Time strategics in innovation policy / Macroeconomic policy / Schumpeter's influence on game theory / Transaction costs, innovation and learning / Austrian economics and innovation / On Austrian-Schumpeterian economics and the Swedish growth school / Experimental economics / Complexity and the economy / Self-organization in economic systems / Regional economics and economic geography from a neo-Schumpeterian perspective / A roadmap to comprehensive neo-Schumpeterian economics / H. Hanusch and A. Pyka -- M. Perlman -- Y. Shionoya -- K. Dopfer -- J. A. Mathews -- Z. J. Acs -- M. Weber -- C. Freeman -- T. Grebel -- F. Rahmeyer -- M. Gruber -- M. Dodgson -- N. Roijakkers and J. Hagedoorn -- D. Audretsch and A. R. Thurik -- D. Foray -- C. Antonelli -- M. Augier and D. J. Teece -- B. J. Loasby -- E. Helmstadter -- U. Witt and C. Cordes -- G. Dosi and M. Sylos Labini -- F. Materba -- A. Pyka -- P. Stoneman -- W. Kwasnicki -- P. Windrum -- J. S. Metcalfe -- L. Orsenigo -- A. Pyka and G. Fagiolo -- U. Cantner and J. J. Kruger -- H. Grupp -- M. Peneder -- K. Frenken -- T. Brenner -- B. Los and B. Verspagen -- K. Imai -- M. McKelvey -- J. Kraffi -- P. Windrum -- A. Kleinknecht and C. W. M. Naastepad -- F. M. Scherer -- E. Dinopoulos and F. Sener -- J. Fagerberg -- M. Vivarelli -- J. Foster -- R. H. Day -- S. Andersen -- F. Louca -- G. Perez -- G. Silverberg -- P. P. Saviotti -- R. R. Nelson -- B. Carlsson -- B.-A. Lundvall -- H. Schabl -- P. Cooke and N. Schall -- M. Balzat and H. Hanusch -- J. S. Metcalfe -- H. Siebert -- G. Erdmann, J. Nill, C. Sartorius and S. Zundel -- H. Hanappi -- J. Lesourne -- B. Nooteboom -- J.-I. Gaffard -- G. Eliasson -- S. Berninghaus and W. Guth -- W. B. Arthur -- P. M. Allen -- C. Werker -- H. Hanusch and A. Pyka. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70.

9781843762539 (hbk.) : £120.00 1843762536 (hbk.) : £120.00

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