Routledge encyclopedia of narrative theory / edited by David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. - xxix, 718 p. : 25 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Actant -- Action theory -- Adaptation -- Address -- Addresser and addressee -- Adolescent narrative -- Advertisements -- African narrative -- Agency -- Allegory -- Alteration -- Alterity -- Anachrony -- Analepsis -- Ancient theories of narrative (Western) -- Ancient theories of narrative (non-Western) -- Anecdote -- Animated film -- Annals -- Anti-narrative -- Apology -- Archetypal patterns -- Architext -- Artificial Intelligence and narrative -- Atomic and molecular narratives -- Attributive discourse -- Audience -- Australian Aboriginal narrative -- Authentication -- Author -- Authorial narrative situation -- Autobiography -- Autodiegetic narration -- Autofiction -- Backstory -- Ballad -- Biblical narrative -- Bildungsroman -- Biography -- Biological foundations of narrative -- Blog (weblog) -- Catachresis -- Catharsis -- Causality -- Character -- Chicago school -- Children's stories (narratives written for children) -- Children's storytelling -- Chinese narrative -- Chronicle -- Chronotope -- Cineroman -- Closure -- Codes for reading -- Cognitive narratology -- Coincidence -- Comics and graphic novel -- Coming-out story -- Commentary -- Communication in narrative -- Communication studies and narrative -- Composite novel -- Computational approaches to narrative -- Computer games and narrative -- Concretisation -- Confessional narrative -- Conflict -- Constance school -- Contextualism (in historiography) -- Conversational storytelling -- Counterfactual history -- Courtroom narrative -- Cultural-studies approaches to narrative -- Cyberpunk fiction -- Dance and narrative -- Deconstructive approaches to narrative -- Defamiliarisation -- Deixis -- Denarration -- Description -- Desire -- Detective fiction -- Dialogism -- Dialogue in the novel -- Diary -- Didactic narrative -- Diegesis -- Digital narrative -- Discourse analysis (Foucault) -- Discourse analysis (linguistics) -- Disnarrated, the -- Distance -- Drama and narrative -- Dramatic irony -- Dramatic monologue -- Dramatic situations -- Dream narrative -- Dual-voice hypothesis -- Dystopian fiction -- Eco-narratives -- Ecriture feminine -- Education and narrative -- Ekphrasis -- Embedding -- Emic and etic -- Emotion and narrative -- Emplotment -- Encyclopedic novel -- Epic -- Epiphany -- Episode -- Epistolary novel -- Ergodic literature -- Ethical turn -- Ethnographic approaches to narrative -- Events and event-types -- Evolution of narrative forms -- Existent -- Experiencing-I -- Experientiality -- Exposition -- Extradiegetic narrator -- Fable -- Fabula -- Fairy tale -- Family chronicle -- Fantastic, the -- Fantasy -- Feminist narratology -- Fiction, theories of -- Figura (Auerbach) -- Figural narration -- Film narrative -- First-person narration -- Focalization -- Folklore -- Folktale -- Foregrounding -- Formalism -- Frame theory -- Framed narrative -- Free indirect discourse -- Frequency -- Freytag's triangle -- Function (Jakobson) -- Function (Propp) -- Gapping -- Gaze -- Gender studies -- Genealogy -- Genre fiction -- Genre theory in film studies -- Genre theory in narrative studies -- Gesture -- Gossip -- Gothic novel -- Grand recit -- Graphic presentation as expressive device -- Hagiography -- Hermeneutics -- Hero -- Heterodiegetic narration -- Heteroglossia -- Historical novel -- Historical present -- Historicis -- Historiographic metafiction -- Historiographic narratology -- Historiography -- Holocaust narrative -- Homodiegetic narration -- Horizon of expectations -- Horror narrative -- Humour studies and narrative -- Hybrid genres -- Hybridity -- Hypertext -- Hypertext and hypotext (Genette) -- Hypodiegetic narrative -- Identity and narrative -- Ideology and narrative -- Image and narrative -- Immersion -- Implied author -- Implied reader -- In medias res -- Indeterminacy -- Institutional narrative -- Intentionality -- Interactive fiction -- Interactivity -- Interdisciplinary approaches to narrative -- Interior monologue -- Intermediality -- Intertextuality -- Intradiegetic narrator -- Irony -- Isotopy -- Japanese narrative -- Joke -- Journalism -- Law and narrative -- Legal fiction -- Legend -- Leitmotif -- Letters as narrative -- Life story -- Linguistic approaches to narrative -- Logic of narrative -- Magical realism -- Marxist approaches to narrative -- Master narrative -- Media and narrative -- Mediacy -- Medicine and narrative -- Medieval narrative -- Memory -- Mental mapping of narrative -- Metafiction -- Metahistory -- Metalepsis -- Metanarrative comment -- Metaphor -- Metonymy -- Micro-storie -- Mimesis -- Mindscreen -- Mind-style -- Minimal narrative -- Mise en abyme -- Modality -- Mode -- Modernist narrative -- Molecular narratives -- Montage -- Mood (Genette) -- Motif -- Multi-path narrative -- Multi-plot narrative -- Music and narrative -- Myth: thematic approaches -- Myth: theoretical approaches -- Mytheme -- Naming in narrative -- Narratee -- Narrating (Genette) -- Narrating-I -- Narration -- Narrative -- Narrative as argument -- Narrative as cognitive instrument -- Narrative comprehension -- Narrative disorders -- Narrative dynamics -- Narrative explanation -- Narrative in poetry -- Narrative intelligence -- Narrative levels -- Narrative progression -- Narrative psychology -- Narrative semantics -- Narrative situations -- Narrative speed -- Narrative structure -- Narrative techniques -- Narrative therapy -- Narrative transformation -- Narrative transmission -- Narrative turn in the humanities -- Narrative units -- Narrative universals -- Narrative versions -- Narrative, games, and play -- Narrativisation -- Narrativity -- Narrator -- Native American narrative -- Natural narratology -- Naturalisation -- Neo-Aristotelianism -- No-narrator theory -- Nonfiction novel -- Nouveau roman -- Novel, the -- Novella -- Nursery rhyme -- Obituary -- Opera -- Oral cultures and narrative -- Oral history -- Oral-formulaic theory -- Orality -- Organisations and narrative -- Oulipo -- Palimpsest -- Panfictionality -- Parable -- Paralepsis and paralipsis -- Paratext -- Parody -- Participatory narrative -- Pastiche -- Performance -- Performativity -- Person -- Perspective -- Phenomenology of narrative -- Philosophy and narrative -- Philosophical novel -- Photographs -- Picaresque novel -- Pictorial narrativity -- Plot -- Plot types -- Point -- Point of attack -- Point of view (cinematic) -- Point of view (literary) -- Polyphony -- Pornographic narrative -- Positioning -- Possible-worlds theory -- Postclassical narratology -- Post-colonialism and narrative -- Postmodern narrative -- Postmodern rewrites -- Poststructuralist approaches to narrative -- Pragmatics -- Prison narrative -- Prolepsis -- Prospective narration -- Psychoanalysis and narrative -- Psychological approaches to narrative -- Psychological novel -- Psychonarration -- Queer theory -- Quixotic novel -- Quotation theory -- Radio narrative -- Reader address -- Reader constructs -- Readerly text, writerly text (Barthes) -- Reader-response theory -- Realeme -- Realism, theories of -- Realist novel -- Reality effect -- Reception theory -- Reference -- Reflector -- Reflexivity -- Reliability -- Remediation -- Repurposing -- Retardatory devices -- Retrospective narration -- Rhetorical approaches to narrative -- Riddle -- Ring-composition -- Roman a clef -- Roman a these -- Romance -- Romance novel -- Russian Formalism -- Sanskrit narrative -- Satiric narrative -- Scene (cinematic) -- Schemata -- Science and narrative -- Science fiction -- Screenplay -- Scripts and schemata -- Secondary orality -- Second-person narration -- Semiotics -- Serial form -- Sermon -- Short story -- Shot -- Showing versus telling -- Simple forms -- Simulation and narrative -- Simultaneous narration -- Situation model -- Sjuzhet -- Skaz -- Slash fiction -- Slave narrative -- Soap opera -- Sociolinguistic approaches to narrative -- Sociological approaches to literary narrative -- Sociology and narrative -- Soundtrack -- Space in narrative -- Spatial form -- Spectacle -- Speech act theory -- Speech representation -- Sports broadcast -- Story arc -- Story grammars -- Story schemata and causal structure -- Story-discourse distinction -- Storyworld -- Stream of consciousness and interior monologue -- Structuralist narratology -- Summary and scene -- Surfiction -- Surrealist narrative -- Suspense and surprise -- Syllepsis -- Tabloid narrative -- Tall tale -- Tel Aviv School of narrative poetics -- Tel Quel -- Television -- Tellability -- Temporal ordering -- Tense and narrative -- Testimonio -- Text -- Text-world approach to narrative -- Thematic approaches to narrative -- Thematisation -- Theology and narrative -- Third-person narration -- Thought and consciousness representation (film) -- Thought and consciousness representation (literature) -- Thriller -- Time in narrative -- Transfictionality -- Transfocalization and transvocalization -- Transgressive fictions -- Trauma theory -- Travel narrative -- Trebling /triplication -- Truth -- Unnarratable, the -- Unreliable narration -- Urban legend -- Utopian and dystopian fiction -- Verisimilitude -- Virtuality -- Visual narrativity visualisation -- Voice -- Voice-over narration -- Writerly text.

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Narration (Rhetoric)--Encyclopedias

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