Between worlds : a sourcebook of Central European avant-gardes, 1910-1930 / Sourcebook of Central European avant-gardes, 1910-1930 edited by Timothy O. Benson and Éva Forgács ; selected by Timothy O. Benson [and others]. - First MIT Press edition. - 735 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm

"Published in conjunction with the exhibition 'Central European avant-gardes : exchange and transformation, 1910-1930'"--T.p. verso.

Includes bibliographical references.

Section 1. Art as the crucible of past and future. Chapter 1. National traditions ; chapter 2. New alternatives -- section 2. Art and social change. chapter 3. The activation of the avant-garde ; chapter 4. Art and revolution ; chapter 5. Form as the agent of social change -- section 3. Internationalism. chapter 6. International dada ; chapter 7. International constructivism in Germany and Austria ; chapter 8. International Constructivism in central Europe -- section 4. The twilight of ideologies. chapter 9. Hungarians in Exile ; chapter 10. Bauhaus resonances ; chapter 11. Poland ; chapter 12. Praque ; chapter 13. Amsterdam and Stuttgart ; chapter 14. Bucharest ; chapter 15. Germany -- -- Introduction / National Traditions. Quousque Tandem / The Historical Development of Modern Art / The Czechness of our Art / Josef Manes Exhibition at the Topic Salon / Wyspianski as a Painter-Poet (Personal Impressions) / Excerpts from Jan Matejko / On the Artist's Calling and the Tasks of Art / Wyspianskis's Stained Glass Windows at the Wawel Cathedral / Excerpt from Hungarian Art / Exhibition Committee of University Youth (Belgrade), Invitation Letter (1904) -- New Alternatives. Honore Daumier: A Few Notes and His Work / The Prism and the Pyramid / Surface and Space / On the Virtue of Neo-Primitivism / Introduction to the second Skupina exhibition catalogue / The Intellectual Basis of Modern Time / Fragments of correspondence / The Beauty of Modern Visual Form / The Spirit of Change in Visual Art / Excerpt from Cubism / Forms and the Soul / Investigative Art / The Ways Have Parted / The Role of the Artist in Society / Fragment from "Light the Torches" / The Exhibit of Painting and Drawing: Derain, Forain, Galanis, Iser / Fragment from Tinerimea artistica exhibition catalogue / New Guidelines in Art / Statement / Warning / The Activation of the Avant-Garde. The Possessed / Listen! / The Futurists / Futurism: New Possibilities in Art and Life / To Accompany Carlo D. Carra's Painting Anarchist Funeral / Program / Advertisement / The Poster and The New Painting / For the Comprehensive Ma Exhibition / Lajos Tihanyi / Janos Mattis-Teutsch / Onward on Our Way / The Galimbertis / To the Holy Rebel / Notes / On Expressionism / Expressionism (Fragments from a Lecture) / The Struggle for A New Form / Overcoming Art / To the Polish Nation: A Manifesto Concerning the Immediate Futurization of Life / Manifesto Concerning Futurist Poetry / A Nife in the Stomak: Futurist Speshal Ishew 2 / And Yet! / The Obstinates and Friends / Art and Revolution. Manifesto / Program of the Bauhaus in Weimar / Manifesto / On the First Exhibition of Bauhaus Student Work / Proclamation for the Communist Republic! / Proclamation for Art! / Soviet Hungary since March 21 / Art of the Revolution - Or Art of the Party? / Excerpts from "Activism" / We Need a Dictatorship! / Mass Culture, Mass Art / Letter to Bela Kun in the Name Of Art / Letter / Form as the Agent of Social Change. Statement / Defeatism in Art / Excerpts from New Form in Painting and the Misunderstanding Arising Therefrom / On Deformation in Pictures / Excerpt from "About Multiplicity of Reality in Art" / On Green Eye and his Painting / Aesthetic Sketches / Point of Departure / City Mass Machine / Notes on Russian Art / The Reaction of the Environment / The Zenithist Manifesto / Manifesto / Man and Art / Excerpts from "The Spirit of Zenithism" / Expressionism is Dying / International Dada. Dada Manifesto / What is Dadaism and What Does it Want in Germany? / The Black Tomcat / Green-Headed Man / The First Gathering of the Mad in a Garbage Bin / Manifesto / Green Donkey Pantomime / Manifesto (Festo-Mani) / Selections from Dada-Nyet / Dadaism / Kurt Schwitters Dada / Tatlin: HPs + Man / Zenith Express / Dada / The Modern Art Bazaar / Picture / Painting and Poetry / Creative Dada / Excerpts from "Dadaism" / Excerpts from "Dada" / International Constructivism in Germany and Austria. Congress of International Progressive Artists: A Short Review of the Proceedings / Manifesto of the Commune / Second Manifesto of the Commune / The International Exhibition in Dusseldorf / The Stand Taken by the Vienna Ma Group toward the First Dusseldorf Congress of Progressive Artists / International Constructivist Creative Union / The Exhibition of Russian Artists / On the Russian Exhibition / The Russian Exhibit in Berlin / The Russian Exhibition in Berlin / Notes To the Russian Artist Exhibition in Berlin / Through the Russian Exhibition in Berlin / To the Artists of All Nations! / The Provisional International Moscow Bureau of Creative-Artist Questions to the Hungarian Activists and the Hungarian Activists Reply. Moholy-Nagy / Lajos Kassak / Picture Architecture / The Great Festival in Moscow / Constructivism / Correction (to the Attention of De Stijl) / Manifesto / On the New Theatrical Art / The Electro-Mechanical Show / Theater as an Artistic Phenomenon / The Hungarian Activist Movement / Production-Reproduction / KURI Manifesto / Bauhaus Manifesto / Film Sketch Dynamics of a Metropolis / Life at the Bauhaus / Film at the Bauhaus: a Rejoinder / Herwarth Walden / A Call for Elementarist Art / Statement from Der Sturm catalogue / Dynamic-Constructive System of Forces / Aims of the Pre Theater / The Arts Abroad / Constructivist Art and Peri's Spatial Constructions / Second Presentist Declaration - Addressed to the International Constructivists / The Dynamic Principle of Cosmic Construction, as Related to the Functional Significance of Constructive Design / Abstract Design from Suprematism to the Present / Prague / Toward Constructivism / Photography in Reverse / Concrete Light / International Constructivism in Central Europe. Mechano-facture / Editorial-Statement / Timothy O. Benson and Eva Forgacs -- Carl Vinnen. Wilhelm Worringer. Milos Jiranek. Bohumil Kubista. Juliusz Kaden-Bandrowski. Stanislaw Witkiewicz. Jacek Malczewski. Wlodzimierz Zulawski. Lajos Fulep. Emil Filla. Pavel Janak. Otto Gutfreund. Emil Filla. Vaclav Vilem Stech. Bohumil Kubista. Josef Capek. Josef Capek. Vlastislav Hofman. Vincenc Kramar. Gyorgy Lukacs. Karoly Kernstok. Gyorgy Lukacs. Karoly Kernstok. Ion Minulescu. N. D. Cocea. Theodor Cornel. Theodor Cornel. Editors of Insula. Ion Vinea -- Franz Pfemfert. Ludwig Rubiner. Bela Balazs. Dezso Szabo. Lajos Kassak. Lajos Kassak. Editors of Ma. Lajos Kassak. Lajos Kassak. Gyorgy Boloni. Ivan Hevesy. Lajos Kassak. Bela Uitz. Jerzy Hulewicz. Stanislaw Kubicki. Zbigniew Pronaszko. Jankiel Adler. Henryk Berlewi. El Lissitzky. Bruno Jasienski. Bruno Jasienski. Bruno Jasienski. Stanislav K. Neumann. Vaclav Nebesky -- The November Group. Walter Gropius. Work Council for Art. Walter Gropius. The Artists of Ma. Lajos Kassak. Georg Kulka. Arpad Szelpal. Lajos Kassak. Bela Uitz. Ivan Hevesy. Lajos Kassak. Lajos Tihanyi -- The Devetsil Association of Artists. Vaclav Nebesky. Stanislaw Ignacy Witkiewicz. Stanislaw Ignacy Witkiewicz. Leon Chwistek. Tytus Czyzewski. Stanislaw Ignacy Witkiewicz. Tadeusz Peiper. Tadeusz Peiper. Wladyslaw Strzeminski. Mieczyslaw Szczuka. Ljubomir Micic, Ivan Goll and Bosko Tokin. Branko Ve Poljanski. Ljubomir Micic. Ljubomir Micic. Ivan Goll -- Tristan Tzara. Raoul Hausmann, Richard Huelsenbeck and Jelim Golyscheff. Janos Macza. Sandor Barta. Sandor Barta. Odon Palasovszky and Ivan Hevesy. Sandor Bortnyik. Stanislaw Ignacy Witkiewicz. Branko Ve Poljanski. Dragan Aleksic. Dragan Aleksic. Dragan Aleksic. Branko Ve Poljanski. Roman Jakobson. Jaroslav Jira. Jindrich Styrsky. Karel-Teige. Bedrich Vaclavek. Frantisek Halas. Karel Teige -- Editors of De Stijl. Stanislaw Kubicki / [et al.]. Stanislaw Kubicki / [et al.]. Henryk Berlewi. Lajos Kassak / [et al.]. Theo van Doesburg / [et al.]. Paul Westheim. Adolf Behne. Lajos Kassak. Erno Kallai. Alfred-Kemeny. Branko Ve Poljanski. Lajos Kassak. Erno Kallai. Erno Kallai. Lajos Kassak. Bela Uitz. Erno Kallai. Erno Kallai. Erno Kallai / [et al.]. Lajos Kassak. El Lissitzky. Herwarth Walden. Endre Gaspar. Laszlo Moholy-Nagy. Farkas Molnar. Oskar Schlemmer. Laszlo Moholy-Nagy. Farkas Molnar. Laszlo Moholy-Nagy. Erno Kallai. Raoul Hausmann, Hans Arp and Ivan Puni / [et al.]. Janos Mattis-Teutsch. Laszlo Moholy-Nagy and Alfred Kemeny. Raoul Hausmann and Laszlo Peri. Henryk Berlewi. Alfred Kemeny. Viking-Eggeling and Raoul Hausmann. Alfred Kemeny. Alfred Kemeny. Hans Richter. Hans Richter. Tristan Tzara. Nikolaus Braun -- Henryk Berlewi. Editors of Blok -- Ch. 1. Ch. 2. Ch. 3. Ch. 4. Ch. 5. Ch. 6. Ch. 7. Ch. 8. Untitled statements on Suprematism and painting / Theses on New Art / At Attempt to Explain the Misunderstandings Related to the Public's Attitude to New Art / What Constructivism Is / B=2 / Photomontage / On Abstract Art / Shimmy at the Latin Quarter Graveyard / A Categorical Imperative of the Zenithist School of Poetry / Barbarogenius / The New Art / Zenithosophy: Or the Energetics of Creative Zenithism / Barbarism as Culture / Toward the Documentation of the European Cultural Crisis: Five Years of Zenithism / Upside Down / Beyond-Sense Poetry / Zenithism through the Prism of Marxism / Notes on Painting / Art Notes / Victor Brauner / Aviograma / Untitled statement / Pictopoetry / Assessments / The Contimporanul Exhibition (Notes) / The First Contimporanul International Exhibition / Marcel Janco / Visual Chrona-metering / Conversations with Lucian Blaga / Grammar / Voices / The International Exhibition Organized by the Magazine Contimporanul / Man / Surrealism and Integralism / From Futurism to Integralism / Black Art / Note about Sculpture / Initiation in the Mysteries of an Exhibition: The Sensational Pronouncements of Militsa Petrascu and Marcel Janco / Cubism / Coloring / Urmuz / Greetings! / Marij Kogoj's Black Masks / Theater Co-op / Tank Manifesto / The Constructivist Group in Trieste / Poetism / Constructivism and the Liquidation of Art / Artificialism / The Poet (Lecture Given on the Occasion of an Exhibition Opening) / Excerpts from "Poetism Manitesto" / Ultraviolet Paintings, or, Artificialism (Notes on the Paintings of Styrsky and Toyen) / Hungarians in Exile. Back to the Workbench / Architecture / The Twilight of Ideologies / Excerpt from New Painting in Hungary / Advertisements / Letter to Erich Buchholz / Bauhaus Resonances. At the Bauhaus / Ten Years of the Bauhaus / Excerpts from "Ten Years of Bauhaus" / Poland. The Contemporary Style / Rules of the S.I. Witkiewicz Portrait-Painting Firm / Unism in Painting / Sculpture and Solid / Plastic Art as the Summary of Culture Life / Communique of the a.r. Group / Excerpts from Composition of Space: Calculations of Space-Time Rhythm / Malevich in Poland / Funeral of Suprematism / Art and Reality / Prague. Introduction to the Fronta Almanac / The Generation's Corner / Founding Manifesto / Amsterdam and Stuttgart. Photography Unparalleled / Painting and Photography / Debate on Erno Kallai's Article Painting and Photography / Reply / Letter to Laszlo Moholy-Nagy / Vanguard Skirmish' in Stuttgart / Photography - The Pictorial Art of the Present Day / Opening of the Werkbund Exhibition Film and Photo / Form, Photo and Film / Bucharest. Reflections of Cubism / Fragments from "A Contribution to Our History of Modernism: What A Young Painter Tells Us" / Manifesto / M. H. Maxy / Victor Brauner / Marinetti / F. T. Marinetti / Our Own Futurism / The Rehabilitation of the Dream / Germany. Ten Years of the November Group / Art and the General Public / Vision and the Law of Form / Theo van Doesburg / Politics of Art in the Third Reich / Henryk Stazewski. Wladislaw Strzeminski. Mieczyslaw Szczuka. Editors of Blok. Wladyslaw Strzeminski. Mieczyslaw Szczuka. Henryk Stazewski. Ljubomir Micic. Ljubomir Micic. Ljubomir Micic. Ljubomir Micic. Ljubomic Micic. Risto Ratkovic. Tivadar Raitn. Branko Ve Poljanski. Ljubomic Micic. Ljubomir Micic. Marcel Janco. Marcel Janco. Ilarie Voronca. Ilarie Voronca. Ilarie Voronca. Victor Brauner and Ilarie Voronca. Ilarie Voronca. Scarlat Callimachi. Tudor Vianu. Ilarie Voronca. M. H. Maxy. Felix Aderca. Ilarie Voronca. Ilarie Voronca. Oscar Walter Cisek. Editors of Integral. Ilarie Voronca. Mihail Cosma. Corneliu Michailescu. Militsa Petrascu. G. C. Jacques. Marcel Janco. Marcel Janco. Geo Bogza. Avgust Cernigoj. Mirko Polic. Ferdinand Delak. Avgust Cernigoj. Avgust Cernigoj. Karel Teige. Karel Teige. Jindrich Styrsky and Toyen. Jindrich Styrsky and Toyen. Karel Teige. Karel Teige -- Lajos Kassak. Erno Kallai. Erno Kallai. Erno Kallai. Lajos Kassak. Laszlo Moholy-Nagy -- Tadeusz Peiper. Karel Teige. Erno Kallai -- Henryk Stazewski. Stanislaw Ignacy Witkiewicz. Wladyslaw Strzeminski. Katarzyna Kobro. Henryk Stazewski. Wladyslaw Strzeminski / [et al.]. Katarzyna Kobro and Wladyslaw Strzeminski. Tadeusz Peiper. Mieczyslaw Szczuka. Mieczyslaw Szczuka -- Editors of Fronta. Jindrich Styrsky. The Left Front -- Laszlo Moholy-Nagy. Erno Kallai. Willi Baumeister / [et al.]. Erno Kallai. Kazimir Malevich. Andor Kraszna-Krausz. Ludwig Neundorter. Anonymous. W. Riezler -- Marcel Janco. Ionel Jianu. Sasa Pana. Ilaire Voronca. Ilarie Voronca. Ion Vinea and Marcel Janco. Ilarie Voronca. Marcel Janco. Geo Bogza -- Erno Kallai. Erno Kallai. Erno Kallai. Walter Dexel. Erno Kallai. Ch. 9. Ch. 10. Ch. 11. Ch. 12. Ch. 13. Ch. 14. Ch. 15.

0262025302 9780262025300


Avant-garde (Aesthetics)--History--Europe, Central--20th century--Sources.
Art, Central European--20th century--Sources
Art, European--20th century--Exhibitions
Avant-garde (Aesthetics)--History--Europe, Central--20th century--Exhibitions.

N6758 / .B48 2002 BH301.A94 / B48 2002
