Wittkower, Rudolf

Art and architecture in Italy, 1600 to 1750 / Art and architecture in Italy, sixteen hundred to seventeen fifty Rudolf Wittkower. - Third revised edition, reprinted with corrections and augmented bibliography. - 664 pages : illustrations ; 21 cm. - The Pelican history of art . - Pelican history of art. .

Includes bibliographical references (pages 581-621) and index.

Forewords -- Principles followed in the New Edition -- Map -- Introduction -- Seicento Devotion and Religious Imagery -- Rhetoric and Baroque Procedure -- Patronage -- Gianlorenzo Bernini (1598-1680) -- Introduction -- Sculpture -- Stylistic Development -- Sculpture with One and Many Views -- Colour and Light -- The Transcending of Traditional Modes -- New Iconographical Types -- The Role of the 'Concetto' -- Working Procedure -- Painting -- Architecture -- Ecclesiastical Buildings -- Secular Buildings -- The Piazza of St Peter's -- Francesco Borromini (1599-1667) -- S. Carlo alle Quattro Fontane -- S. Ivo della Sapienza -- S. Giovanni in Laterano, S. Agnese, S. Andrea delle Fratte, and Minor Ecclesiastical Works -- The Oratory of St Philip Neri -- Domestic Buildings -- The Collegio di Propaganda Fide -- Pietro da Cortona (1596-1669) -- Introduction -- Architecture -- The Early Works -- S.S. Martina e Luca -- S. Maria della Pace, S. Maria in Via Lata, Projects, and Minor Works -- Painting and Decoration -- The Early Works -- The Gran Salone of the Palazzo Barberini -- The Frescoes of the Palazzo Pitti and the Late Work -- 'High Baroque Classicism': Sacchi, Algardi, and Duquesnoy -- Andrea Sacchi (1599-1661) -- The Controversy between Sacchi and Cortona -- Alessandro Algardi (1598-1654) -- Francesco Duquesnoy (1597-1643) -- Architectural Currents of the High Baroque -- Rome -- Carlo Rainaldi -- Martino Loughi the Younger, Vincenzo della Greca, Antonio del Grande, and Giovan Antonio de' Rossi -- Architecture outside Rome -- Baldassare Longhena (1598-1682) -- Florence and Naples: Silvani and Fanzago -- Trends in High Baroque Sculpture -- Rome -- The First Generation -- The Second Generation -- Tombs with the Effigy in Prayer -- Minor Masters of the later Seventeenth Century -- Bernini's Studio and the Position of Sculptors in Rome -- Sculpture outside Rome -- High Baroque Painting and its Aftermath -- Rome -- Baroque Classicism; Archaizing Classicism; Crypto-Romanticism -- The Great Fresco Cycles -- Carlo Maratti (1625-1713) -- Painting outside Rome -- Bologna, Florence, Venice, and Lombardy -- Genoa -- Naples -- Abbreviations Used in the Notes -- Notes -- Index. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

0140561161 9780140561166


Art, Italian--17th century
Art, Italian--18th century
Art, Italian
Architecture, Baroque--Italy

N6916 / .W5 1980
