Boris, Eileen, 1948- (Personal Name)
Her Art and labor, 1985: CIP t.p. (Eileen Boris) data sheet (b. 11/1/48)
North Carolina women : their lives and times. Volume 2, 2015: page 395 (Eileen Boris; professor of feminist studies, history, black studies, and global studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara; writes on home labors and the racialized gendered state)
The Oxford handbook of American women's and gender history, 2018: page xi (Eileen Boris is the Hull Professor and Distinguished Professor of Feminist Studies and Distinguished Professor of history, Black Studies, and Global Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara)
UC, Santa Barbara web site, February 12, 2019: (Eileen Boris, ; specialization: Labor Studies, Gender, Race, Class, Women's History, Social Politics ; Education: 1981 Ph.D. Brown University (American Civilization); 1974 M.A. Brown University (American Civilization); 1970 B.A. Boston University)