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Puzzles and games (Genre/Form Term)

Preferred form: Puzzles and games
Used for/see from:
  • Games and puzzles
  • Language games
  • Literary recreations
  • Math puzzles
  • Mathematical puzzles
  • Mathematical recreations
  • Number games
  • Science puzzles
  • Scientific recreations
  • Word games
See also:

Reitz, J.M. ODLIS : online dictionary for library and information science, Aug. 7, 2014 (game: A single physical item or set of materials designed for recreational or instructional play according to a prescribed or implicit set of rules, usually stored in a container to keep the pieces together. The category includes puzzles and simulations; puzzle: A mental exercise or physical object contrived to pose a problem likely to test the ingenuity and patience of anyone attempting to solve it, including items bearing an image that can disassembled into pieces and reassembled. Most puzzles are recreational devices.)

Art & architecture thesaurus online, Aug. 7, 2014 (puzzles. Recreational artifacts designed as amusements or diversions by presenting constructional difficulties to be solved by ingenuity or patient effort; games. Forms of competitive play, usually involving an element of strategy, especially to interfere with an opponent's play; may or may not require physical skill.)

Genre terms : a thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloging, via WWW, Aug. 7, 2014: Puzzles (Puzzles. Scope Note: Use for toys, contrivances, questions or problems designed for testing ingenuity. BT Recreations. NT Acrostics; Anagrams; Charades; Ciphers; Mathematical recreations; Rebuses; Riddles; Scientific recreations) Games (Games. Scope Note: Use for materials designed for play, usually according to prescribed rules. BT Recreations)

ERIC thesaurus, via WWW, Aug. 7, 2014: Puzzles (Puzzles. BT Games) Games (Games. UF Business Games; Childrens Games; Management Games. BT Activities. NT Computer Games; Educational Games; Puzzles; Video Games)

Thesaurus for graphic materials, via WWW, Aug. 7, 2014: Puzzles (Puzzles. Scope Note: Recreational devices that present difficulties to be solved. BT Ephemera; Game pieces. NT Jigsaw puzzles; Mazes; Picture puzzles. RT Rebuses) Games (Games. BT Play (Recreation). NT Billiards; Bingo; Blind man's bluff; Board games; Bobbing for apples; Card games; Carnival games; Croquet; Crossword puzzles; Darts; Dominoes; Fetch (Game); Gambling; Hopscotch; Lotería (Game); Marbles (Game); Pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey; Ring-around-a-rosy; Shell games; Shuffleboard; Singing games; Tug of war)

Görlach, M. An alphabetical list of English text types, in Text types and the history of English, c2004: p. 67 (puzzle)

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