Encyclopedias and dictionaries (Topical Term)
- Books of knowledge
- Cyclopedias
- Dictionaries
- Encyclopedias and dictionaries, English
- Knowledge, Books of
- Subject dictionaries
- Broader heading: Reference books
Here are entered comprehensive reference works in the English language consisting of explanatory articles arranged alphabetically or topically and not limited to a specific topic. Works of this type in other languages are entered under headings of the type Encyclopedias and dictionaries, [language], e.g. Encyclopedias and dictionaries, French; Encyclopedias and dictionaries, Spanish. Works about encyclopedias and dictionaries in general, and works about English-language encyclopedias and dictionaries, are entered under Encyclopedias and dictionaries with further subdivision, e.g. Encyclopedias and dictionaries--History and criticism. Works consisting of comprehensive alphabetical lists of the words of a specific language, usually with definitions, are entered under the heading for the language with subdivision Dictionaries, e.g. English language--Dictionaries. Works about dictionaries of a specific language are entered under the heading for the language with subdivision Lexicography, e.g. English language--Lexicography.