Citizens' associations (Topical Term)
- Block associations
- Block clubs
- Citizen associations
- Neighborhood associations
- Residents' committees
- Taxpayers' associations
- Broader heading: Associations, institutions, etc.
- Neighborhood government
LC database, July 23, 1996 (neighborhood associations)
People's Association (Singapore). People's Association, via WWW, Apr. 7, 2003: grassroots organisations/residents committee (There are Residents' Committees (RCs) in all public housing estates. They promote neighbourliness, racial harmony and community cohesiveness among the residents through a wide range of activities; through these activities, the residents interact with one another and understand better government actions and policies which affect their lives and neighbours)
Web site 1UpInfo, Country study and guide, Singapore, May 20, 2003 (All Housing and Development Board apartment complexes had Residents' Committees, headed by volunteers and intended to promote neighborliness and community cohesion)
Chicago's block clubs, 2016: ECIP data (block clubs are voluntary locally based organizations of neighbors devoted to solving local problems; they are funded by clubs' members and their fundamental purpose is to unite neighbors to improve the local environment)
Chicago Police Department WWW site, February 5, 2016: "CLEARpath block clubs" webpage (Traditional block clubs are groups of people who have homes and families on any given block in the city and have organized to improve the quality of life in their neighborhoods. People who form block clubs are concerned and care about their communities and share information, identify concerns and act collectively to address those concerns), February 5, 2016: (block association; an association of residents of a city block who work together to maintain a safe and attractive neighborhood; also called block club, block organization)