Legal polycentricity (Topical Term)
- Bijuralism
- Legal pluralism
- Pluralism, Legal
- Polycentric law
- Polycentricity, Legal
- Broader heading: Law
- Conflict of laws
Work cat.: 95068004: Sinha, S.P. Legal polycentricity and international law, 1996.
LC database, July 15, 1998.
Humane Studies Review. Volume 7, Number 1 Winter 1991/92. Tom W. Bell. Polycentric law.
Gervais, M. Some thoughts on bijuralism in Canada and the world, c2001: p. 1 (Bijuralism is defined as the coexistence of two legal traditions within a single state. Since the common law and civil law coexist in Canada in both official languages, Canada is said to be a bijural country ... Out of a concern to provide a more accurate description of the legal landscape, some authors believe instead that the terms "plurijuridalism" or "legal pluralism" should be used to describe the Canadian situation in order to accommodate Aboriginal rights and the specific characteristics of each common law province)
Black's law dict.