Microfinance (Topical Term)
- Micro-finance
- Microcredit
- Microenterprise lending
- Microlending
- Broader heading: Financial services industry
- Broader heading: Small business Finance
Johnson, S. Microfinance and poverty reduction, 1997: p. 1 (microfinance: the provision of financial services dealing with very small deposits and loans)
Schneider, H. Microfinance for the poor, 1997.
ODA and microfinance, 1997.
WWW Yahoo & Altavista search, 9 Oct. 1997 (Microfinance, micro-finance)
LC database, 9 Oct. 1997 (Microfinance; micro-finance)
U.S. Cong. House. Comm. on Banking and Financial Services. H.R. 4179--the Program for Investments in Microenterpreneurs Act of 1998, hearing ... 1998: p. 1 (microenterprise lending; microlending; generally, a loan in amount under $15,000 for a microenterprise, enterprise of fewer than five employees) p. 2 (microfinance) p. 8 (microcredit)
Macmillan dict. of mod. econ.; Peng. dict. econ.; Reuters econ. fin.; Web. 3; OED
Here are entered works on non-traditional banking techniques and methodologies used to provide financial services to clients not served by traditional financial institutions.