Kearney, Richard (Personal Name)
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Heidegger et la question de Dieu, c1980: t.p. (Richard Kearney) p. 14 (Univ. Coll. Dublin, directeur de The Crane Bag, revue cult. irlandaise)
Twentieth century Continental philosophy, 1993: CIP t.p. (Richard Kearney) data sheet (b. 12-8-54)
On Paul Ricoeur, 2004: ECIP t.p. (Richard F. Kearney, Boston College)
Wikipedia, viewed October 22, 2020 (Richard Kearney, born 1954 in Cork, Ireland; philosopher and public intellectual specializing in contemporary continental philosophy; Charles Seelig professor in philosophy at Boston College; taught at University College Dublin, the Sorbonne, the University of Nice, and the Australian Catholic University)