WA Block refurbishment 1999 - 2000.

WA Block refurbishment 1999 - 2000. - 1 (Folder) - WA Block refurbishment 1999 - 2000 Compilation of documents referring mostly to the history of AIT's computer network and the refurbishment of selected buildings during the nineties. . - WA Block refurbishment 1999 - 2000 (ICT/ICTF/1001) Compilation of documents referring mostly to the history of AIT's computer network and the refurbishment of selected buildings during the nineties. (ICT/1001) .


Architectural drawings from Jasmax Architects. Communications fit out budget. Communication cables. Quotations on networking products. AIT relocation of WA Block PABX Room.

WA Building [ID1101052640]
Jasmax (Firm)

Telecommunications wiring

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