Inside Talk : AIT's fortnightly staff update. Issue 14, September 2, 1997.

Inside Talk : AIT's fortnightly staff update. Issue 14, September 2, 1997. - Inside Talk : AIT's fortnightly staff update. Issue 14, September 2, 1997. . - Inside Talk : AIT's fortnightly staff update. Issue 14, September 2, 1997. (PRMK/1012/46) .

PRMK/1012/46. Inside Talk was introduced on a fortnightly basis to replace the monthly AIT News. It costs approximately 18 cents a copy to print. It is also on email. To see Inside TALK electronically please fire up Netscape, and go to: = Inside Talk : AIT's fortnightly staff update. Issue 14, September 2, 1997



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