Directorate files - Department of Education inward/outward correspondence.

Directorate files - Department of Education inward/outward correspondence. - 3 linear metres (Material is filed in manilla folders.) (Includes typed letters, faxes, and telexes.) - Directorate files - Department of Education inward/outward correspondence . - Directorate files - Department of Education inward/outward correspondence (DIRC/1016) .

DIRC/1016. The material has been filed in the order it was received (i.e. chronological order) The files have been arranged into a chronological series by Archives.

Directorate staff only. Other enquirers must obtain permission from the Directorate.

Files of inward and outward correspondence between the Directorate and the Department of Education. Separate files for correspondence with the Department of Education's Wellington Office and its Northern Regional Office (Newmarket) were kept and these are both included in this series.

Directorate staff only.
Other enquirers must obtain permission from the Directorate. = Directorate files - Department of Education inward/outward correspondence

New Zealand. Department of Education

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