Auckland Institute of Technology [AIT] News - October 1996 + New Zealand Chinese Weekly Issue No.92, September 26, 1996.

Auckland Institute of Technology [AIT] News - October 1996 + New Zealand Chinese Weekly Issue No.92, September 26, 1996. - Auckland Institute of Technology [AIT] News - October 1996 + New Zealand Chinese Weekly Issue No.92, September 26, 1996 . - AIT news [ID1101055820] .

PRMK/1012/26. 12 p. One copy. In front page of this issue carries a photograph of members of the chinese community presenting donation to the AIT representatives including the Chairwoman of the Council of AIT and the President. The same photograph was published in New Zealand Chinese Weekly Issue No.92, September 26, 1996 which is available with this News letter. = Auckland Institute of Technology [AIT] News - October 1996 + New Zealand Chinese Weekly Issue No.92, September 26, 1996


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