Master shots. 100 setups, scenes, and moves for your breakthrough movie / Volume 3, The director's vision :

Kenworthy, Christopher,

Master shots. 100 setups, scenes, and moves for your breakthrough movie / Volume 3, The director's vision : Director's vision Christopher Kenworthy. - xii, 223 pages : illustrations ; 19 x 28 cm

Advanced Lensing -- 1.1 Long Lens Distant -- 1.2 Long Lens Close -- 1.3 Long Lens Stationary -- 1.4 Long Lens in Motion -- 1.5 Short Lens Distant -- 1.6 Short Lens Close -- 1.7 Short Lens Stationary -- 1.8 Short Lens in Motion -- 1.9 The Medium Lens -- 1.10 Cutting the Lens -- -- Essential Motion -- 2.1 Blended Moves -- 2.2 Camera in Motion -- 2.3 Character Drives Camera -- 2.4 Reveal Moves -- 2.5 Move with Camera -- 2.6 Moving Straight On -- 2.7 Moving Sideways -- 2.8 Moving at an Angle -- 2.9 Short Moves -- 2.10 Turns and Curves -- -- Depth Staging -- 3.1 Character Moves -- 3.2 Crossing -- 3.3 Move to Frame -- 3.4 Moving Point of View -- 3.5 Move to Reveal -- 3.6 Move with Reflection -- 3.7 Reversed Push -- 3.8 Velocity Dolly -- -- Expert Framing -- 4.1 Line Cross -- 4.2 Break Cut -- 4.3 Pan Motion -- 4.4 Push Through -- 4.5 Repeat Angle Push -- 4.6 Tilt Reveal -- 4.7 Rotate Out -- 4.8 Silhouette -- -- Symbolic Staging -- 5.1 Double Push -- 5.2 Magnetic Characters -- 5.3 Intimacy Break -- 5.4 High Drag -- 5.5 Power Exchange -- 5.6 Indecision -- 5.7 Isolating Push -- 5.8 Group Break -- -- Production Design And Location -- 6.1 Anti-Establishment Shots -- 6.2 Dirty Frame -- 6.3 Enrich the Foreground -- 6.4 Fake Wall -- 6.5 Framing Through. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

A highly visual exploration of the best shots, moves, and set-ups in the industry. This books reveals the secrets behind each shot’s success, so it can be adapted to the director’s individual scenes.

1615931546 9781615931545



TR850 / .K4633 2013


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