Choices and constraints in family life /

Baker, Maureen,

Choices and constraints in family life / Maureen Baker. - Third edition. - vii, 254 pages : 23 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.

1. Variations in Family Life -- 2. Theorizing and Researching Family Life -- 3. Forming Intimate Relationships -- 4. Formalizing Relationships -- 5. Child-bearing, Child-rearing, and Childhood -- 6. Household Work and Money -- 7. Separation, Divorce, and Re-partnering -- 8. Midlife, Aging, and Retirement -- 9. Constraints on Personal Choices -- -- Variations in Family Life -- Learning Objectives -- Introduction -- Defining Families -- Historical Changes in Marriage and Families -- Family Policies and the State -- Gender, Class, Ethnicity, and Family Policies -- Cultural and Historical Variations in Families -- Family Structure -- Authority and Lineage -- Marriage Systems -- Multiculturalism and Cultural Clashes -- Conclusion -- -- Theorizing and Researching Family Life -- Learning Objectives -- Introduction -- Social Structure Shapes Family Patterns -- Interpersonal Factors Shape Family Life -- Ideas, Global Culture, and Public Discourse Influence Family Life -- Theoretical Framework Used in This Book -- Methods of Family Research -- Conclusion -- -- Forming Intimate Relationships -- Learning Objectives -- Introduction -- The Social Regulation of Sexuality and Courtship -- Dating and Sexuality in the Past -- Early Patterns of Courtship and Engagement -- Current Dating and Sexual Practices -- Dating Abuse -- Remaining Single -- Finding Partners: Advertising versus Tradition -- The Transition from Dating to Cohabitation -- Rising Rates of Cohabitation -- The Social and Policy Implications of Increased Cohabitation -- Conclusion -- -- Formalizing Relationships -- Learning Objectives -- Introduction -- Negotiating the Transition from Cohabitation to Marriage -- Who Marries Whom? -- The Rise in Same-Sex Marriage -- Legal Marriage Rates -- Cultural Practices in Marriage -- Preferred Marriage Partners and the Exchange of Gifts -- Residence, Relations with Kin, and Surnames -- Western Weddings and Marriage Practices -- Marriage Quality -- Male Violence against Female Partners -- Barriers to Legal Marriage -- Conclusion -- -- Child-bearing, Child-rearing, and Childhood -- Learning Objectives -- Introduction -- Parenting and Childhood in the Past -- Fertility Patterns -- Why Have Children? -- Assisted Conception and Surrogacy -- Pregnancy and Maternity Practices -- Child-rearing Practices -- Socialization and Gender Roles -- Research on Fathering -- Same-Sex Parenting -- Parenting Challenges and Children's Well-Being -- The Extension of Adolescence -- Child Welfare Issues -- State Support for Child-rearing -- Conclusion -- -- Household Work and Money -- Learning Objectives -- Introduction -- Cohabitation, Marriage, and Housework -- Early Studies of Housework -- Current Studies on Housework -- Household Work, Paid Work, and Stress -- Household Money and Wealth Accumulation -- Changing Labour Markets -- Gender and Work -- Employment and Parenthood -- Dealing with Child Poverty -- Parental Leave and Child-Care Subsidies for Employed Parents -- Conclusion: The Growing Impact of Paid Work on Family Life -- -- Separation, Divorce, and Re-partnering -- Learning Objectives -- Introduction -- Why Are So Many Couples Separating? -- Outcomes of Separation and Divorce -- Family and Divorce Laws -- Marriage, Gender, and Property -- Reforms in Child Custody and Residence Patterns -- Reforms in Assessment and Enforcement of Child Support -- Children, Separation, and Divorce -- Remarriage and Stepfamilies -- Conclusion -- -- Midlife, Aging, and Retirement -- Learning Objectives -- Introduction -- The Changing Meaning of Aging -- Life Expectancy, the Life Cycle, and Aging -- Mid-Life: Is It a Time of Security or Crisis? -- Life Satisfaction and Marriage Stability -- Grandparenting and Widowhood -- Retirement Income and Pensions -- Becoming Frail or Disabled -- Does Aging Make People More Conservative? -- Conclusion -- -- Constraints on Personal Choices -- Learning Objectives -- Introduction -- Predicting Future Family Patterns -- Will People Still Get Married? -- Will People Still Have Children? -- How Will Couples Combine Earning and Caring? -- Will Couples Stay Together? -- Will Aging Be a Problem? -- The Future of Family Studies. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

9780199005376 0199005370

20139023720 016529657 Uk



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