News as it happens : an introduction to journalism /

Lamble, Stephen,

News as it happens : an introduction to journalism / Stephen Lamble. - xvii, 382 pages ; 26 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 355-370) and index.

Part 1. The History And Theory Of Journalism -- 1. The History of Journalism -- 2. The Methodology of Journalism -- Part 2. What Is News -- 3. News Values -- 4. Journalism Ethics -- 5. The Newsroom -- 6. Journalism Research -- Part 3. News Writing -- 7. Interviewing -- 8. Writing News for Print -- 9. Writing Broadcast News -- 10. Writing News for Online and Portable Devices -- Part 4. Other Forms Of Journalism -- 11. Feature Writing -- 12. Investigative Journalism -- 13. Photojournalism -- Part 5. Journalism Law -- 14. How We Are Governed -- 15. Defamation -- 16. Contempt -- 17. Other Legal Perils -- Part 6. News Rounds -- 18. Courts, Crime, Councils and Sports -- -- The History And Theory Of Journalism : -- The History of Journalism -- Journalism, democracy and technology -- Journalism and history intersect -- The evolution of newspapers -- No guarantee of media freedom in Australia -- Technology helps news travel further and faster -- The Methodology of Journalism -- Seeking and reporting truth -- Reactive and proactive journalism -- Journalism, history and law -- -- What Is News : -- News Values -- Attempts to define news -- Six functions of journalism -- The 'big six' news values -- Values tend to blend together -- Kipling's 'six honest serving men' -- The inverted pyramid -- Reactive and proactive news -- Journalists must distinguish between news, comment and opinion -- Smoke, mirrors and frightened rabbits -- Thieves and copycats -- Journalism Ethics -- Society is ambivalent about journalists and journalism -- Pragmatic reasons to be ethical -- Rogue journalists threaten media freedom -- Codes of ethics and codes of practice -- MEAA Journalists' Code of Ethics -- Industry codes -- Chequebook journalism -- Journalistic integrity -- The Newsroom -- The chain of command -- Newsroom presentation and etiquette -- Tips for finding stories -- When the spin-doctors spin out -- Reporting on protests and riots -- Reporting on death and tragedy -- Acknowledging your own feelings -- Making mistakes -- Journalism Research -- Getting the basics right -- Traditional approaches to research -- How not to research -- Beware of online traps -- Computer-assisted research -- Verifying online information -- Newspaper archives -- Searching the web -- Government websites -- Government and corporate information -- Social networking sites and blogs -- Email and text messaging -- The magic of number crunching -- -- News Writing : -- Interviewing -- Convincing people to talk to you -- Breaking the ice as a student -- Background research -- The arranged interview -- Beware of liars, fantasists and comedians -- Telephone and video interviews -- Email interviews and SMS dialogues -- Different types of questions -- Where to conduct interviews -- The art of listening -- The sounds of silence -- Closing an interview -- Journalists and sources -- Writing News for Print -- Building a relationship with words -- Journalistic writing style -- Sentences and paragraphs -- Introducing and quoting sources -- Writing the story -- The inverted pyramid and effective intros -- Writing Broadcast News -- Challenges of a changing media landscape -- The critical importance of voice -- Writing radio news -- Radio news style -- Television news -- Writing television news -- Television news style -- Writing News for Online and Portable Devices -- An era of change -- Writing news for online and mobile devices -- The inverted pyramid is an ideal model -- Geographic pointers are essential -- Cultural, ethnic and language differences -- The inverted pyramid: online version -- Online headings and intros -- Links in stories -- Online mistakes -- -- Other Forms Of Journalism : -- Feature Writing -- Feature writing and news values -- Personal traits of effective feature writers -- Different types of feature articles -- Researching for features -- Writing features -- Feature introductions and intros -- Structuring a feature -- Investigative Journalism -- Examples of major investigative stories -- Leaders in the field -- Setting agendas over time -- How to investigate -- Freedom of information -- Issues that work against investigations -- Qualities of investigative journalists -- Photojournalism -- A brief history of news photography -- Digital photojournalism -- Categories of news photos -- The mechanics of producing good photos -- Working with photographers -- Caption writing -- Photojournalism ethics -- Total packages -- -- Journalism Law : -- How We Are Governed -- Australia's three tiers of government -- How legislation is made -- Voting in a parliament -- Who's who in a parliament? -- Parliamentary privilege -- The separation of powers -- Two sources of law -- The court hierarchy -- Journalists and the fourth estate -- Defamation -- Defamation defined -- Libel and slander -- Defamation is a tort -- Who can sue? -- Time limits and penalties -- Stress and chilling effects -- State of mind is irrelevant -- Online defamation -- Defamation defences -- Criminal defamation -- How to minimise defamation risks -- Contempt -- Contempt of court -- Contempt in the face of a court -- Scandalising a court -- Sub judice contempt -- Restrictions on court reporting -- Contempt of parliament -- Contempt of commissions, inquiries and other related offences -- Other Legal Perils -- Trespass and nuisance -- Breach of confidence -- Hidden cameras and voice recorders -- Privacy -- Stalking -- Spent convictions -- Blasphemy -- Obscenity -- Censorship -- Discrimination and vilification -- Sedition -- Intellectual property, copyright and plagiarism -- -- News Rounds : -- Courts, Crime, Councils and Sports -- Working your way into a new round -- Tread carefully with sources and think outside the square -- Court reporting -- Crime reporting -- Council reporting -- Sport reporting -- Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance Journalists' Code of Ethics -- Australian Press Council General Statement of Principles -- Links to Industry Codes of Practice and Complaints-handling Organisations. Part 1. 1. 2. Part 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Part 3. 7. 8. 9. 10. Part 4. 11. 12. 13. Part 5. 14. 15. 16. 17. Part 6. 18. Appendix 1. Appendix 2. Appendix 3.

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