Modelling and evaluating treatment effects in econometrics /

Modelling and evaluating treatment effects in econometrics / edited by Daniel L. Millimet, Jeffrey A.Smith, Edward J. Vytlacil. - xvi, 428 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm. - Advances in econometrics ; v. 21 . - Advances in econometrics ; v. 21. .

Includes bibliographical references.

Selection bias in evaluating treatment effects : some formal illustrations / Arthur S. Goldberger -- The event-history approach to program evaluation / Jaap H. Abbring -- Bayesian analysis of treatment effects in an ordered potential outcomes model / Mingliang Li and Justin L. Tobias -- Instrumental variables estimation of the average treatment effect in the correlated random coefficient model / Jeffrey M. Wooldridge -- Evaluating the effects of job training programs on wages through principal stratification / Junni L. Zhang, Donald B. Rubin and Fabrizia Mealli -- Graphical diagnostics of endogeneity / Xavier de Luna and Per Johansson -- Fertility and the health of children : a nonparametric investigation / Daniel J. Henderson, Daniel L. Millimet, Christopher F. Parmeter and Le Wang -- Program participation, labor force dynamics, and accepted wage rates / Jakob Roland Munch and Lars Skipper -- When is ate enough? : risk aversion and inequality aversion in evaluating training programs / Rajeev Dehejia -- Matching estimation of dynamic treatment models : some practical issues / Michael Lechner -- Panel data models and transitory fluctuations in the explanatory variable / Terra McKinnish -- An empirical assessment of the effects of parenthood on wages / Marianne Simonsen and Lars Skipper -- The employment effects of job-creation schemes in Germany : a microeconometric evaluation / Marco Caliendo, Reinhard Hujer and Stephan L. Thomsen -- -- Selection Bias in Evaluating Treatment Effects: Some Formal Illustrations / The Event-History Approach to Program Evaluation / Bayesian Analysis of Treatment Effects in an Ordered Potential Outcomes Model / Instrumental Variables Estimation of the Average Treatment Effect in the Correlated Random Coefficient Model / Evaluating the Effects of Job Training Programs on Wages Through Principal Stratification / Graphical Diagnostics of Endogeneity / Fertility and the Health of Children: A Nonparametric Investigation / Program Participation, Labor Force Dynamics, and Accepted Wage Rates / When is Ate Enough? Risk Aversion and Inequality Aversion in Evaluating Training Programs / Matching Estimation of Dynamic Treatment Models: Some Practical Issues / Panel Data Models and Transitory Fluctuations in the Explanatory Variable / An Empirical Assessment of the Effects of Parenthood on Wages / The Employment Effects of Job-Creation Schemes in Germany: A Microeconometric Evaluation / Arthur S. Goldberger -- Jaap H. Abbring -- Mingliang Li and Justin L. Tobias -- Jeffrey M. Wooldridge -- Junni L. Zhang, Donald B. Rubin and Fabrizia Mealli -- Xavier de Luna and Per Johansson -- Daniel J. Henderson, Daniel L. Millimet, Christopher F. Parmeter and Le Wang -- Jakob Roland Munch and Lars Skipper -- Rajeev Dehejia -- Michael Lechner -- Terra McKinnish -- Marianne Simonsen and Lars Skipper -- Marco Caliendo, Reinhard Hujer and Stephan L. Thomsen.

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Econometric models.

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