China in the 21st century : what everyone needs to know /

Wasserstrom, Jeffrey N.,

China in the 21st century : what everyone needs to know / China in the twenty-first century Jeffrey N. Wasserstrom. - xxii, 164 pages : illustrations, map ; 22 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Historical Legacies -- Schools of Thought -- Who was Confucius? -- What were Confucius's core ideas? -- What was his political vision? -- How important was history to Confucius? -- Has Confucius always been venerated in China? -- Was Confucius celebrated in his own times? -- When did the ideas of Confucius gain influence? -- How was Confucius viewed a century ago? -- Is Confucianism a religion? -- How has Confucius fared since 1949? -- Why is Confucius back in favor? -- How exactly is the new regime using Confucius? -- Did Confucianism hinder imperial China's economic development? -- Does China have an indigenous "democratic" tradition? -- What is the Chinese term for democracy and what exactly does it mean? -- Imperial China -- What were the main early dynasties? -- How did dynasties rule? -- What was the "dynastic cycle"? -- What were the political implications of this cyclical view? -- Were all dynasties the same? -- How did dynasties interact with foreign countries? -- What was the Opium War? -- Why did the Qing Dynasty fall? -- What internal developments weakened the Qing? -- What was the significance of peasant rebellions? -- What impact did the Opium War have? -- What was the Taiping Uprising? -- Why was the 1894-1895 War with Japan so important? -- What was the Boxer Rebellion (1899-1901)? -- How has this crisis been misunderstood? -- How does the reputation of the crisis differ In China? -- Why does this difference in views of the Boxers matter? -- How did Qing rule finally end? -- Is the Chinese Communist Party a new dynasty? -- Revolutions and Revolutionaries -- Who was Sun Yah sen? -- What happened to Sun after he became president? -- What was the "Warlord era"? -- What was the May 4th movement? -- Who was the most important radical writer of the May 4th era? -- How does the Communist Party view the May 4th era? -- Why was the example of the Russian Revolution so important? -- What was the First United Front? -- Why was the May 30th movement important? -- What was the Northern Expedition? -- Who was Chiang Kai-shek? -- What was the Long March? -- What was the Rape of Nanjing? -- How did the Communists beat the Nationalists? -- What role have mass campaigns played in the People's Republic of China? -- What were some important early mass campaigns? -- What was the Resist America, Support Korea campaign? -- What was the Hundred Flowers campaign? -- What happened during the Anti-Rightist campaign? -- What sort of people were Mao and his main allies? -- How were Mao's writings viewed? -- What was the Great Leap Forward? -- What was the Cultural Revolution? -- What was the Gang of Four? -- Why hasn't Mao been repudiated by China's current leaders? -- What is the alternative to viewing Mao as a monster? -- Is Mao seen in China as someone who made errors? -- How do ordinary Chinese feel about Mao? -- The Present and the Future -- From Mao to Now -- Who was Deng Xiaoping? -- Who were Deng's successors? -- What exactly did Deng do? -- How is Deng viewed now? -- What was the Democracy Wall movement? -- What is the real story of the Tiananmen Uprising? -- Why hasn't the Chinese government changed its line on Tiananmen? -- What effect did the fall of other Communist governments have on China? -- How did China's rulers avoid falling prey to the "Leninist extinction"? -- How has the government responded to protests since 1989? -- Why and how has the CCP suppressed the Falun Gong movement? -- Who are the Chinese dissidents now? -- What is the role of the Internet in political dissent? -- What does the digital divide mean in China? -- Why were the 2008 Olympics such a big deal for China? -- What was unusual about China's preparations for the 2008 Olympics? -- What does the handling of the Olympics say about today's China? -- Will grand spectacles continue to be important to China? -- Why hold an Expo so soon after the Olympics? -- What is the "One-Child Family" policy? -- Was female infanticide encouraged to help limit population size? -- Is contemporary China utterly unique? -- What does China have in common with other countries? -- Is the Great Firewall of China a unique structure? -- U.S-China Misunderstandings -- What is the most common thing Americans get wrong about China? -- Why is China's diversity overlooked? -- How does ethnicity come into the picture? -- How important are regional divides? -- How important are age divides in China? -- Is China still truly an atheist state? -- Is China a Big Brother state? -- What is the biggest source of Chinese misunderstanding of the United States? -- How do U.S. and Chinese views on Tibet differ? -- The Future -- Is China bent on world domination? -- How likely is a war with Taiwan? -- Will China become the world's dominant economic power? -- Will China, long thought of as a land of villages, soon be a land of cities? -- Is China likely to become a democracy? -- How powerful is Chinese nationalism? -- What kind of government will China have in a decade? -- What big challenges lie ahead for the CCP? -- What big issues relating to the environment and energy does China face? -- Why is endemic corruption such a serious problem? -- How can the United States and China adjust to an era in which they are the two superpowers? -- What other kinds of things do China and the United States have in common? -- Is this an argument for Americans to refrain from all criticism of China?. Part I. 1. 2. 3. Part II. 4. 5. 6.

0195394127 9780195394122 019539447X 9780195394474


China--History--21st century.

DS779.4 / .W376 2010


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