Measurement and evaluation in physical activity applications : exercise science, physical education, coaching, athletic training, and health /

Bishop, Phillip A.,

Measurement and evaluation in physical activity applications : exercise science, physical education, coaching, athletic training, and health / Phillip A. Bishop. - xx, 428 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm

Preface -- About the author -- Understanding the measurement process -- Measurement and evaluation in your personal and professional life -- Section 1 : The value of measurement and evaluation -- Section 2 : Classifications in measurement and evaluation -- Section 3 : Measurement and evaluation applications in life -- Measurement may mean life or death-- Good measurement can alter our view of economics -- Practical exercise 1.1. -- Good measurement can altar our view of the world -- Practical exercise 1.2 -- Section 4 : Measurement and evaluation applications in professions -- Applications in physical education -- Applications for coaches and athletes -- Applications in sport psychology and exercise psychology -- Applications in the fitness industry -- Applications in athletic training -- Applications in nutrition -- Applications in health education -- Applications in research -- Practical exercise 1.3 -- Section 5 : Measurement and evaluation are harder than we think -- Concluding thoughts -- Application questions -- Additional practical exercises -- pt. 1. 1. The challenge of good measurement -- Section 1 : Measurement error -- Practical exercise 2.1 -- Box : Trivia question : world's longest measured coastline -- An example of measurement error in exercise science -- Examples of measurement error in sport -- Minimizing error -- Practical exercise 2.2 -- Understanding error -- How much error can we stand? -- Section 2 : Naming measurement errors -- Validity -- Reliability -- Practice exercise 2.3 -- Improving validity, reliability, and objectivity -- Box : Umpiring : an example of applied validity, reliability, and objectivity -- Concluding thoughts -- Application questions -- Additional practical exercises -- Understanding validity -- Section 1 : Types of validity -- Construct validity -- Practical exercise 3.1 -- Criterion validity -- Practical exercise 3.2 -- Content validity -- Practical exercise 3.3 -- Ecological validity and external validity -- Practical exercise 3.4 -- Practical exercise 3.5 -- Quick review : Validity -- Section 2 : Introduction to basic statistical concepts : descriptive statistics -- Measures of central tendency -- Practical exercise 3.6 -- Practical exercise 3.7 -- Practical exercise 3.8 -- Distributions : normal distributions and the normal curve -- Measures of dispersion : standard deviation -- Practical exercise 3.9 -- Practical exercise 3.10 -- Practical exercise 3.11 -- Concluding thoughts -- Application questions -- Additional practical exercise -- Appendix 3A : Computing standard deviation with Excel -- 2. 3. Calculating and evaluating validity -- Section 1 : Evaluating criterion validity for norm-references tests -- Comparing mean scores : t-tests -- Practical exercise 4.1 -- Correlations : Pearson product-moment correlation -- Practical exercise 4.2 -- Quick review : Correlation coefficient, R value -- Error analysis (Bland-Altman analysis) -- Quick review : Bland-Altman analysis -- Evaluating validity of ranked data -- Practical exercise 4.3 -- Section 2 : Evaluating the validity of criterion-referenced tests -- Balance between competent and not-competent -- Another statistic for evaluating validity for criterion-referenced tests -- Concluding thoughts -- Application questions -- Additional practical exercises -- Appendix 4A : Predicting VO₂max from meters run, using Excel -- Appendix 4B : Running a t-test with Excel -- Appendix 4C : Creating a scatter plot with Excel before calculating correlations -- Appendix 4D : Calculating correlations with Excel -- Appendix 4E : Crating a trendline in Excel -- Appendix 4F : Evaluating criterion validity with a Bland-Altman analysis using Excel -- 4. Understanding, calculating, and evaluating reliability and objectivity -- Section 1 : Evaluating reliability -- Test-retest method -- Practical exercise 5.1 -- Single-administration methods -- Evaluating the reliability of criterion-referenced measurements -- Standard error of measurement -- Practical exercise 5.2 -- Increasing reliability -- Quick review : reliability -- Section 2 : Evaluating objectivity -- Calculating objectivity for continuous measures -- Calculating objectivity for discrete measures -- Concluding thoughts -- Application questions -- Additional practical exercises -- Appendix 5A : Calculating the intraclass correlation using Excel -- Devising tests -- Introduction -- Section 1 : The process of devising a test -- Step one : Defining what to measure -- Step two : Researching relevant information -- Practical exercise 6.1 -- Step three : Establishing testing procedures -- Practical exercise 6.2 -- Step four : Determining scoring for the test -- Step five : Pilot- testing the test, scoring system, and instructions -- Step six : Evaluating, modifying, and retesting the pilot test -- Step seven : developing norms -- Quick review : Developing a test -- Section 2 : Evaluating the qualities of a new measurement -- Estimating the validity of the new measurement -- Quick review : Evaluating the validity of a test -- Estimating reliability -- Estimating objectivity -- Section 3 : Additional real-world measurement and evaluation applications -- Hand grip endurance -- Box : Devising bad measurements -- Box : Measurement and evaluation in the real world -- Evaluating employees -- Concluding thoughts-- Application questions -- Additional practical exercises -- 5. 6. Numbers and statistics in measurement -- Understanding numbers in measurement -- Section 1 : Introduction to numbers -- Types of numbers -- Practical exercise 7.1 -- Significant digits and precision -- Section 2 : Normal vs. non-normal (non-standard) distributions -- Practical exercise 7.2 -- Section 3 : Measures of dispersion -- Range -- Uses for the standard deviation -- Standard error of the estimate -- Practical exercise 7.3 -- Section 4 : Standard scores -- Percentile rank -- Percentile -- Z-scores -- Quick review : Standard scoring -- Practical exercise 7.4 -- Section 5 : Checking a measurement technique -- Case study : Bad measurement in a power lifting competition -- Practical exercise 7.5 -- Concluding thoughts -- Application questions -- Additional practical exercises -- pt. 2. 7. Practical inferential statistics for the physical activity and health professions -- Section 1 : Correlations as a measure of relationships between numbers -- Practical exercise 8.1 -- Assessing the correlation between two variables -- Practical exercise 8.2 -- Multiple correlation -- Case study : Using multiple correlations to predict football success -- Section 2 : Complex comparisons of group means -- T-tests for independent data -- Testing three or more means -- Section 3 : Probabilities -- Means and probabilities -- Probability and correlations -- Errors in probabilities -- Quick review : Errors in probabilities -- Section 4 : Statistical power -- Section 5 : Misusing statistics -- Use of non-normal samples -- Sample size and group mean comparison problems -- Over-reliance on group means -- Substituting statistics for clear thinking -- Case study : Using statistics in performance measurements -- Quick review : Using statistics in performance measurements -- Concluding thoughts -- Application questions -- Additional practical exercises -- 8. Measurement and evaluation applications -- Measuring physical fitness -- Section 1 : What is physical fitness? -- Section 2 : Measuring body composition -- Direct measures of body composition -- Practical exercise 9.1 -- Indirect measures of body composition -- Body mass index -- Practical exercise 9.2 -- Section 3 : Measuring cardiorespiratory fitness -- 12-minute run walk test -- Harvard step test -- Box : Measuring heart rate accurately -- Practical exercise 9.3 -- Box : Reading between the lines -- Practical exercise 9.4 -- Section 4 : Measuring muscular endurance -- Push-ups -- Pull-ups/chin ups -- Crunches -- Other tests -- Section 5 : Measuring muscular strength -- Lifting weights -- Isometric devices -- Isokinetic devices -- Measuring concentric and eccentric strength -- Section 6 : Measuring range of motion -- The sit-and-reach test -- Section 7 : Fitness tests for the elderly -- The 30-second chair stand -- Practical exercise 9.5 -- Two-minute step-in-place -- Practical exercise 9.6 -- Timed up-and-go (TUG) -- Section 8 : Fitness tests for children -- Section 9 : Fitness tests for individuals with disabilities -- Section 10 : Measuring physical fitness in athletic training and physical therapy -- Section 11 : Administering fitness tests -- Safety -- Time -- Equipment -- Trained personnel-- Facilities and environment -- Data management -- Combining different measures -- Practical exercise 9.7 -- Practical exercise 9.8 -- Practical exercise 9.9 -- Concluding thoughts-- Application questions -- Additional practical exercises -- pt. 3. 9. Measuring exercise, physical activity, and health -- Section 1 : Measuring exercise -- Measuring frequency, duration, and mode -- Measuring intensity -- Box : Measuring physical activity -- Pedometers -- Accelerometers -- Physical activity surveys -- Practical exercise 10.1 -- Practical exercise 10.2 -- Practical exercise 10.3 -- Section 3 : Measuring health -- Section 4 : The exercise prescription -- Medical status/health history -- Fitness level/exercise history -- Preferences and interests -- Exercise goals -- Concluding thoughts -- Application questions -- Additional practical exercises -- 10. Measuring psychomotor performance and sports skills -- Section 1 : Using taxonomies in human performance measurement -- Reflexes -- Basic intentional movements -- Sensing, differentiating, and responding to the environment -- Basic physical skills -- Skilled movement -- Communicative movement -- Section 2 : Measuring performance based on the psychomotor taxonomy -- Measuring reflexes -- Measuring basic intentional movements -- Practical exercise 11.1-- Measuring sensory ability and response to environmental challenges -- Practical exercise 11.2 -- Measuring basic physical skills -- Measuring skilled movements -- Measuring communicative movement -- Practical exercise 11.3 -- Quick review : Measuring human performance -- Section 3 : Issues in measuring human performance -- External validity -- Ecological validity -- Variables that may interfere with measurement -- Using test batteries -- Overtesting -- Misleading testing -- Resolving deficiencies -- Discrimination in skills tests -- Nonteaching applications -- Section 4 : Administration of psychomotor skills tests -- Planning for psychomotor skills tests -- Designing psychomotor skills tests -- Concluding thoughts -- Application questions -- Additional practical exercises -- 11. Measuring in competitive sports and coaching -- Section 1 : Measurement challenges in competitive sport -- Training for officiating -- Discarding scores -- Rules -- Changes to the structure of competitions -- Case study : Measurement in sport : women's steeplechase -- Practical exercise 12.1 -- Section 2 : Measuring in coaching -- Practical exercise 12.2 -- Measuring recruits in college sport -- Practical exercise 12.3 -- Section 3 : Measuring in athletic training -- Using standard scores in athletic training -- Practical exercise 12.4 -- Assessing hydration status -- Assessing the potential for heat injuries -- Practical exercise 12.5 -- Section 4 : Measuring in hunting and fishing -- Section 5 : Measuring multisport competitions -- Case study : Multisport competitions -- Section 6 : Advances in sport measurement -- Instant replay -- Electronic timing -- Practical exercise 12.6 -- Videography -- Biomechanical analysis -- Biochemical measurement -- Section 7 : Testing athletes and employees for illicit substances -- Alcohol testing -- Drug testing -- Concluding thoughts -- Application questions -- Additional practical exercises -- 12. Alternative approaches to measurement and subjective measurement -- Section 1 : Authentic assessment -- Section 2 : Alternative assessment instruments -- Rubrics -- Practical exercise 13.1 -- Questionnaires -- Section 3 : Alternative assessment techniques -- Systematic observation -- Interviews -- Section 4 : Measuring the affective domain -- Rating scales -- Practical exercise 13.2 -- Borg rating of perceived exertion scale -- Myers-Briggs personality factors -- Other affective measurements -- Concluding thoughts -- Application questions -- Additional practical exercises -- 13. Measuring and evaluating knowledge and assigning grades -- Section 1 : Why test and grade? -- Practical exercise 14.1 -- Box : Mistakes in testing and grading -- Section 2 : Planning for testing and grading -- Content orientation -- Assignment orientation -- Student orientation -- Section 3 : Devising cognitive tests -- Using Bloom's taxonomy of cognition to measure knowledge -- Types of test questions -- Practical exercise 14.2 -- Item analysis for evaluating tests -- Practical exercise 14.3 -- Standardized tests -- Section 4 : Grading -- Options in physical education grading -- Methods for calculating grades -- Practical exercise 14.4 -- Developing a philosophy of grading -- Practical exercise 14.5 -- Common errors in grading -- Practical exercise 14.6 -- Formative and summative assessment in grading -- Case study : A poorly written multiple-choice exam -- Practical exercise 14.7 -- Box : Sample essay questions -- Concluding thoughts -- Application questions -- Additional practical exercises -- 14. Measuring employees -- Section 1 : Overview of the employee evaluation process -- Job performance standards and employee goals -- Performance records -- Writing the evaluation -- Meeting for the evaluation -- Rating systems -- Section 2 : Data collection methods -- Peer reviews -- Supervisor visits -- Committee visits -- One-time observations -- Videotaping -- Section 3 : Written performance evaluations -- Section 4 : Pre-employment measurements -- Pre-employment performance testing -- Pre-employment cognitive testing -- Other forms of pre-employment testing -- Section 5 : Evaluating ourselves -- Section 6 : Measurement, evaluation, and professional ethics -- Practice exercise 15.1 -- Concluding thoughts -- Practical exercise 15.2 -- Application questions -- Additional practical exercises -- 15. Measuring in research -- Section 1 : Measurement challenges in physical education, sport, and exercise science research -- Field versus laboratory studies -- Section 2 : Quantitative and qualitative research -- Section 3 : Challenges in quantitative research -- Getting an overview of the data -- Using non-normal data -- Confusing practical significance and statistical significance -- Box : Statistical difference without practical significance -- Choosing appropriate research subjects -- Measuring the right items -- Recognizing ceiling effects, floor effects, and regression to the mean -- Over-relying on group means -- Small sample sizes -- Case study : Calculating the statistical power of a study on urine production -- Mistakes in data interpretation -- Equipment issues -- Measurement challenges in clinical and epidemiological quantitative research -- Practice exercise 16.1 -- Section 4 : Challenges in qualitative research -- Evaluating validity in qualitative research -- Evaluating reliability in qualitative research -- Evaluating objectivity in qualitative research -- Practical exercise 16.2 -- Section 5 : Reading research papers -- Finding relevant research papers -- Reading quantitative journal articles -- Practical exercise 16.3 -- The peer-review evaluation process -- Box : Peer review is not foolproof -- Concluding thoughts -- Application questions -- Additional practical exercises -- Appendices -- Skinfold sites -- NCAA 2006-2007 banned drug classes with examples -- Sample rubrics -- Glossary -- Index. 16. A. B. C.

1890871834 9781890871833


Physical fitness--Measurement
Exercise--Research--Statistical methods.
Sports sciences--Statistics.

QP301 / .B4787 2008


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