Dental assisting : a comprehensive approach /

Phinney, Donna J.,

Dental assisting : a comprehensive approach / Donna J. Phinney, Judy H. Halstead. - Third edition. - xxxi, 1006 pages : illustrations (chiefly colour) ; 29 cm + 1 computer disc (12 cm)

Accompanied by: 1 computer disc (CD-ROM)

Includes bibliographical references (pages 977-980) and index.

Section 1: Introduction -- 1: Introduction to the dental profession -- Introduction -- History of dentistry -- Later progress of dentistry -- Progress of dentistry in the United States -- Education and organized dentistry -- Dental team -- Chapter summary -- 2: Psychology, communication, and multicultural interaction -- Introduction -- Psychology and understanding individual paradigms -- Communication -- Communication process components -- Listening skills -- Verbal and non-verbal communication -- Maslow's hierarchy of needs -- Defense mechanisms -- Culture, ethnicity, and race -- Multicultural interaction -- Chapter summary -- 3: Ethics, jurisprudence, and health information portability and accountably act -- Introduction -- Law -- Dentist, the dental assistant, and the law -- Standard of care -- Dental records -- Ethics -- Health insurance portability and accountability act -- American Dental Assistants Association principles of ethics and professional conduct -- Chapter summary -- Section 2: Prevention And Nutrition -- 4: Oral health and preventive techniques -- Introduction -- Preventive dentistry -- Oral hygiene aids -- Toothbrushes and techniques -- Dental flossing -- Oral hygiene for patients with special needs -- Fluoride -- Chapter summary -- 5: Nutrition -- Introduction -- Nutrition -- Nutrients -- Balancing energy -- Eating disorders -- Chapter summary -- Section 3: Basic Dental Sciences -- 6: General anatomy and physiology -- Introduction -- Body systems -- Body planes and directions -- Body cavities -- Basic structure and functions of the cell -- Skeletal system -- Muscular system -- Nervous system -- Endocrine system and reproductive system -- Circulatory system -- Digestive system -- Respiratory system -- Lymphatic system and immune system -- Chapter summary -- 7: Head and neck anatomy -- Introduction -- Landmarks of the face and oral cavity -- Bones of the head -- Temporomandibular joint -- Muscles of the head and neck -- Nerves of the head and neck -- Circulation of the head and neck -- Chapter summary -- 8: Embryology and histology -- Introduction -- Embryology -- Histology and the life cycle of the tooth -- Tooth structure -- Components of the periodontium -- Chapter summary -- 9: Tooth morphology -- Introduction -- Dental arches -- Dental quadrants -- Types of teeth and their functions -- Eruption schedule -- Divisions of the tooth -- Surfaces of the teeth -- Anatomical structures -- Permanent teeth -- Deciduous (primary) teeth descriptions -- Chapter summary -- Section 4: Preclinical Dental Skills -- 10: Microbiology -- Introduction -- Important people in microbiology -- Groups of microorganisms -- Bacteria -- Protozoa -- Rickettsiae -- Yeasts and molds -- Prions -- Viruses -- Diseases of major concern to the dental assistant -- How the body resists diseases -- Chapter summary -- 11: Infection control -- Introduction -- Rationales and regulations of infection control -- Cross-contamination pathways -- Chain of infections -- Breaking the chain of infection -- Routes of microbial transmission in the dental office -- Infection control in the dental office -- Disinfection -- Sterilization -- Sterilization monitoring -- Techniques and aids for infection control -- Clinical asepsis protocol -- Dental unit waterlines -- Dental radiography room and equipment -- Dental laboratory -- Chapter summary -- 12: Management of hazardous materials -- Introduction -- OSHA's bloodborne pathogen standard revision -- Engineering/work practice controls -- Sharps -- Hazardous chemicals -- Chapter summary -- 13: Preparation for patient care -- Introduction -- Patient history -- Clinical evaluation -- Vital signs -- Chapter summary -- 14: Dental charting -- Introduction -- Dental charts -- Numbering systems -- Cavity classifications -- Abbreviations of tooth surfaces -- Basic charting terms -- Charting color indications and symbols -- Chapter summary -- 15: Pharmacology -- Introduction -- Drug names -- Prescriptions -- Drug laws -- Drug administration routes -- Drugs -- Herbal and other alternative medications -- Chapter summary -- 16: Emergency management -- Introduction -- Routine preparedness for dental team members -- Dental assistant's role in emergency care -- Dental office emergency kit -- Cardiopulmonary resuscitation -- Foreign body airway obstruction -- Causes, signs, and treatment of emergencies -- Dental emergencies -- Chapter summary -- Section 5: Clinical Dental Procedures -- 17: Introduction to the dental office and basic chair side assisting -- Introduction -- Dental office design -- Treatment rooms and dental equipment -- Routine office care -- Concepts of dental assisting -- Preparing the treatment room -- Seating the dental patient -- Ergonomics for the operator and the assistant -- Dismissing the patient -- Patients with special needs -- Chapter summary -- 18: Instrument transfer and maintain the operating field -- Introduction -- Instrument transfer -- Maintaining the operating field -- Techniques for moisture control and isolation -- Chapter summary -- 19: Basic chair side instruments and tray systems -- Introduction -- Instruments for basic chair side procdures -- Dental rotary instruments -- Abrasives -- Dental hand pieces -- Tray systems -- Chapter summary -- 20: Anesthesia and sedation -- Introduction -- Anesthetics and sedation -- Topical Anesthetics -- Local anesthetics -- Injection sites -- Anesthetics, syringes, and needles -- Supplemental anesthetic techniques -- Nitrous oxide sedation -- Chapter summary -- Section 6: Dental Radiography -- 21: Introduction to dental radiography and equipment -- Introduction -- Radiation physics and biology -- Biological effects of radiation -- Components of the dental x-ray unit -- Safety and precautions -- Radiation production -- Dental x-ray film -- Chapter summary -- 22: Production and evaluation of dental radiographs -- Producing special radiographs -- Processing quality radiographs -- Mounting radiographs -- Common radiographic errors -- Duplicating radiographs -- Storage of patient radiographs -- Legal implications of radiographs -- Quality assurance -- Chapter summary -- 23: Extraoral and digital radiography -- Introduction -- Extraoral radiographs -- Radiographic interpretation -- Imaging systems/digital imaging systems -- Digital radiography in the dental office -- Chapter summary -- Section 7: Dental Specialties -- 24: Endodontics -- Introduction -- Endodontic team -- Progress of pulpal and periapical diseases -- Endodontic diagnosis -- Endodontic instruments -- Endodontic materials -- Equipment used in endodontic procedures -- Sterilization procedures -- Endodontic procedures -- Surgical endodontics -- Chapter summary -- 25: Oral and maxillofacial surgery -- Introduction -- Oral and maxillofacial surgeon's office -- Oral and maxillofacial surgery team -- Oral surgery instruments -- Asepsis in oral surgery -- Patient considerations -- Patients preparation -- Oral surgery procedures -- Postoperative care of the patient -- Post surgical complications -- Temporomandibular joint disease -- Hospital dentistry -- Advanced chair side functions -- Suture removal -- Chapter summary -- 26: Oral pathology -- Introduction -- Inflammation -- Diagnosing oral pathology -- Oral lesions -- Biological agents -- Physical agents -- Chemical agents -- Hormonal disturbances -- Developmental disturbances -- Nutritional disturbances -- Neoplasms -- Oral lesions related to AIDS and HIV -- Miscellaneous disorders -- Chapter summary -- 27: Orthodontics -- Introduction -- Orthodontic practice -- Occlusion and malocclusion -- Etiology of malocclusion -- Types of orthodontic treatments -- Process of tooth movement -- Preorthodontic treatment -- Consultation appointment -- Orthodontic appliances -- Orthodontic instruments -- Orthodontic treatment -- Completion appointment -- Chapter summary -- 28: Pediatric dentistry -- Introduction -- Pediatric dental office -- Behavior characteristics of children at various ages -- Patient management -- Role of parent or guardian -- Procedures in pediatric dentistry -- Emergency treatment for traumatic injuries -- Child abuse -- Advanced chair side functions -- Enamel sealants -- Indications and contraindications for sealants -- Role of dental assistant -- Enamel sealant materials -- Placement of enamel sealants -- Chapter summary -- 29: Periodontics and coronal polish -- Introduction -- Periodontal team -- Periodontal disease -- Periodontal diagnostic procedures -- Periodontal instruments -- Lasers -- Nonsurgical periodontal procedures -- Surgical periodontal procedures -- Periodontal dressing -- Periodontal maintenance procedures -- Advanced chair side functions -- Coronal polish -- Rationale for performing coronal polish -- Contraindications and modifications -- Dental deposits -- Abrasives and polishing agents -- Equipment and supplies -- Maintaining the operating field -- Auxiliary polishing aids -- Chapter summary -- 30: Fixed prosthodontics and gingival retraction -- Introduction -- Patient considerations -- Types of fixed prostheses -- Types of material used for fixed prostheses -- CAD/CAM restorative systems -- Role of laboratory technician -- Role of dental assistant -- Retention techniques -- Implant retainer prostheses -- Maintenance of fixed prosthodontics -- Advanced chair side functions -- Gingival retraction -- Types of gingival retraction -- Chapter summary -- 31: Cosmetic dentistry and teeth whitening -- Introduction -- Cosmetic dentist and staff -- Scope of cosmetic/esthetic dentistry -- Fundamentals of cosmetic dentistry -- Cosmetic dentistry and psychology -- How a patient selects a cosmetic dentist -- Procedures in cosmetic dentistry -- Oral photography -- Contouring soft tissues in cosmetic dentistry -- Occlusion in cosmetic dentistry -- Types of restorations and materials -- Marketing cosmetic dentistry -- Advanced chair side functions -- Introduction to tooth whitening -- How teeth are whitened -- Causes of tooth stains -- Role of the dental assistant -- Whitening techniques -- Over-the-counter whitening materials -- Patient information -- Chapter summary -- 32: Removable prosthodontics -- Introduction -- Patient considerations -- Dental assistant's role -- Diagnosis and treatment planning -- Consultation appointment -- Removable partial denture -- Complete denture -- Denture reline -- Denture repair -- Polishing removable prostheses -- Overdenture -- Chapter summary -- Section 8: Restorative And Laboratory Materials And Techniques -- 33: Dental cements, bases, liners, and bonding agents -- Introduction -- Role of the dental assistant -- Properties of dental materials -- Types of restorative dental materials -- Dental cements -- Bonding agents -- Restorative dentistry -- Advanced chair side functions -- Placing cements, bases, and liners -- Cavity preparation/pulpal involvement -- Treatment of cavity preparations -- Cavity liners -- Cavity varnish -- Cement bases -- Chapter summary -- 34: Restorative materials, dental dam, matrix, and wedge -- Introduction -- Amalgam restorative materials -- Composite restorative materials -- Glass ionomer restorations -- Compomers -- Advanced chair side functions -- Dental dam -- Advantages of dental dam use -- Contraindications to dental dam isolation -- Materials and equipment -- Preparation before dental dam placement -- Placement and removal procedures for dental dam -- Dental dam for pediatric patients -- Alternatives to full dental dam placement -- Matrix and wedge -- Matrices -- Wedges -- Tofflemire matrix -- Plastic strip matrix -- Sectional matrix systems -- Chapter summary -- 35: Laboratory materials and techniques -- Introduction -- Hydrocolloid impression materials -- Elastomeric impression materials -- Gypsum materials -- Articulating casts or study models -- Dental waxes -- Custom trays -- Constructing a custom tray -- Vacuum-formed tray -- Temporary (provisional) restorations -- Chapter summary -- Section 9: Dental Practice Management -- 36: Dental office management -- Introduction -- Reception area -- Dental receptionist and business office staff -- Dentistry marketing -- US postal service -- Telephone technique -- Business office systems -- Patient scheduling -- Dental records management -- Accounts receivable -- Patient account management -- Accounts payable -- Chapter summary -- 37: Employment strategies -- Introduction -- Obtaining national certification -- Employment -- Employment search -- Preparing a cover letter and resume -- Setting up an interview -- Interview process -- Professional conduct during employment -- Chapter summary -- Appendix A: Dental and dental-related organizations and publications resource list -- Appendix B: Stages of tooth eruption -- Glossary -- References -- Index -- List Of Procedures -- 4: Oral Health And Prevention Techniques -- 4-1: Applying disclosing agent for plaque identification -- 4-2: Bass or modified bass brushing technique -- 4-3: Charters brushing technique -- 4-4: Modified stillman brushing technique -- 4-5: Rolling stroke brushing technique -- 4-6: Fones brushing tehnique -- 4-7: Modified scrub brushing technique -- 4-8: Dental flossing technique -- 4-9: Fluoride application -- 11: Infection Control -- 11-1: Handwashing -- 11-2: Preparing the dental treatment room -- 11-3: Completion of dental treatment -- 11-4: Final treatment room disinfecting and cleaning -- 11-5: Treatment of contaminated tray in the sterilization center -- 11-6 Dental radiography infection control protocol -- 13: Preparation For Patient Care -- 13-1: Taking an oral temperature using a digital thermometer -- 13-2: Taking a radial pulse and measuring the respiration rate -- 13-3: Measuring blood pressure -- 16: Emergency Management -- 16-1: Administration of oxygen -- 16-2: Rescue breathing for adults -- 16-3: CPR for an adult, one rescuer -- 16-4: Operating an automated external defibrillation (AED) unit -- 16-5: Heimlich maneuver (subdiaphragmatic thrusts) for a conscious adult -- 16-6: Abdominal thrusts for an unconscious adult with airway obstruction -- 16-7: Treatment of a patient with syncope -- 17: Introduction To The Dental Office And Basic Chairside Assisting -- 17-1: Daily routine to open the office -- 17-2: Daily routine to close the office -- 17-3: Seating the dental patient -- 17-4: Dismissing the dental patient -- 18: Instrument Transfer And Maintaining The Operating Field -- 18-1 One-handed instrument transfer -- 18-2: Specific tip placements for evacuation of the oral cavity -- 20: Anesthesia And Sedation -- 20-1: Preparing the anesthetic syringe -- 20-2: Assisting with the administration of topical and local anesthetics -- 20-3: Administration and monitoring of nitrous oxide sedation -- 22: Production And Evaluation Of Dental Radiographs -- 22-1: Radiography infection control -- 22-2: Full-mouth x-ray exposure with paralleling technique -- 22-3: Exposing occlusal radiographs -- 22-4: Full-mouth pediatric x-ray exposure -- 22-5: Processing radiographs using a manual tank -- 22-6: Processing radiographs using an automatic processor -- 22-7: Mounting radiographs -- 22-8: Processing duplicating technique -- 23: Extraoral And Digital Radiography -- 23-1: Exposing panoramic radiographs -- 23-2: Digital radiology techniques -- 24: Endodontics -- 24-1: Electronic pulp testing -- 24-2: Root canal treatment -- 24-3: Apicoectomy -- 25: Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery -- 25-1: Surgical scrub -- 25-2: Routine or uncomplicated extraction -- 25-3: Multiple extractions and alveoplasty -- 25-4: Removal of impacted third molars -- 25-5: Biopsy -- 25-6: Dental implant surgery -- 25-7: Treatment for alveolitis -- 25-8: Removal of simple and continuous simple sutures -- 25-9: Removal of sling and continuous sling sutures -- 25-10: Removal of horizontal and vertical mattress sutures -- 27: Orthodontics -- 27-1: Placement and removal of elastic separators -- 27-2: Placement and removal of steel spring separators -- 27-3: Placement and removal of brass wire -- 27-4: Cementation of orthodontic bands -- 27-5: Direct bonding of brackets -- 27-6 Placement of the arch wire and ligature ties -- 27-7: Completion appointment -- 28: Pediatric Dentistry And Enamel Sealants -- 28-1: T-band placement -- 28-2: Spot-welded matrix band placement -- 28-3: Pulpotomy -- 28-4: Stainless steel crown placement -- 28-5: Procedure for placing enamel sealants -- 29: Periodontics And Coronal Polish -- 29-1: Occlusal adjustment -- 29-2: Scaling, curettage, and polishing -- 29-3: Gingivectomy -- 29-4: Osseous surgery -- 29-5: Preparation and placement of the non-eugenol periodontal dressing -- 29-6: Removal of the periodontal dressing -- 29-7: Polishing with the rubber cup -- 29-8: Using the prophy brush -- 29-9: Polishing with dental tape and dental floss -- 29-10: Coronal polish -- 30: Fixed Prosthodontics And Gingival Retraction -- 30-1: Porcelain veneers -- 30-2: Preparation for a porcelain-fused-to-metal crown -- 30-3: Cementation of porcelain-fused-to-metal crown -- 30-3: Placing and removing retraction cord -- 31: Cosmetic Dentistry And Teeth Whitening -- 31-1: Nonvital whitening -- 31-2: In-office whitening for vital teeth -- 31-3: Home whitening -- 32: Removable Prosthodontics -- 32-1: Final impressions for a partial denture -- 32-2: Try-in appointment for a partial denture -- 32-3: Delivery appointment for a partial denture -- 32-4: Final impression appointment -- 32-5: Jaw relationship appointment -- 32-6: Try-in appointment -- 32-7: Delivery appointment for the complete denture -- 32-8: Denture relining -- 33: Dental Cements, Bases, Liners, And Bonding Agents -- 33-1: Mixing zinc phosphate cement -- 33-2: Mixing zinc oxide eugenol cement-powder/liquid form -- 33-3: Mixing zinc oxide eugenol cement-two-paste system -- 33-4: Mixing polycarboxylate cement -- 33-5: Mixing glass ionomer cement -- 33-6: Mixing calcium hydroxide cement-two-paste system -- 33-7: Preparing cavity varnish -- 33-8: Placing resin cement-dual-curing technique -- 33-9: Placing etchant -- 33-10: Placing bonding agent -- 33-11: Placing cavity liners-glass ionomer -- 33-12: Placing cavity varnish -- 33-13: Placement of cement bases -- 34: Restorative Materials, Dental Dam, Matrix, And Wedge -- 34-1: Using the dental amalgamator -- 34-2: Amalgam restoration-class II -- 34-3: Composite restoration-class III -- 34-4: Placing and removing dental dam -- 34-5: Rubber dam application for child patient -- 34-6: Quickdam placement -- 34-7: Assembly of Tofflemire matrix -- 34-8: Placement of Tofflemire matrix -- 34-9: Removal of wedge and Tofflemire matrix -- 34-10: Placement of strip matrix -- 34-11: Removal of strip matrix -- 35: Laboratory Materials And Techniques -- 35-1: Mixing alginate with an alginator II mixing device -- 35-2: Preparing for an alginate impression -- 35-3: Taking an alginate impression -- 35-4: Removing the alginate impression -- 35-5: Disinfecting alginate impressions -- 35-6: Taking a bite registration -- 35-7: Taking a polysulfide impression -- 35-8: Taking a silicone (polysiloxane) two-step impression -- 35-9: Pouring an alginate impression with plaster -- 35-10: Pouring an aginate impression for a study model -- 35-11: Pouring art portion of a plaster study model using the two-pour method -- 35-12: Removing plaster model from the alginate impression -- 35-13: Trimming diagnostic casts/study models -- 35-14: Constructing a self-cured acrylic resin custom tray -- 35-15: Constructing a vacuum-formed acrylic resin custom tray -- 35-16: Sizing, adapting, and seating an aluminum temporary crown -- 35-17: Cementing the aluminum crown -- 35-18: Sizing, adapting, and seating preformed acrylic crown -- 35-19: Adapting, trimming, and seating matrix and custom temporary restoration -- 35-20: Cementing custom self-curing composite temporary crown -- 36: Dental Office Management -- 36-1: Preparing for the day's patients -- 36-2: Day sheet preparation for posting -- 36-3: Posting charges and payments on pegboard -- 36-4: Balancing day sheets and end-of-the-month figures -- 36-5: Preparing a deposit slip -- 36-6: Reordering supplies -- 36-7: Reconciling a bank statement -- 36-8: Writing a business check.

From the Publisher: Dynamic, comprehensive, and user-friendly aptly describes the latest edition of Dental Assisting: A Comprehensive Approach. This best-selling text is specifically designed to help you prepare for and pass the DANB certification exam, as well as to manage the challenges of working in the modern day dental office. Prepare for your new profession with the latest information on HIPAA standards, cosmetic dentistry, and communication in the workplace. Open the companion software, an integral learning tool, which offers interaction and promises comprehension of all dental assisting areas.

System requirements for accompanying CD-ROM: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Vista.

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