Theorising early childhood practice : emerging dialogues /

Theorising early childhood practice : emerging dialogues / edited by Linda Keesing-Styles, Helen Hedges. - xxvii, 260 pages ; 25 cm

"An Australian-New Zealand collaboration".

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Ch. 1. Theory, policy and practice : Three contexts for the development of Australasia's early childhood curriculum documents / Joce Nuttall and Suzy Edwards. Introduction ( Understanding curriculum ). Contexts for the development of early childhood curriculum frameworks ( Early childhood curriculum framework development : Theoretical and philosophical contexts ; Early childhood curriculum framework development : Sociopolitical contexts ; Early childhood curriculum framework development : Professional contexts ). Australasian early childhood curriculum frameworks ( Early childhood curriculum frameworks in Australian states and territories ; The Aotearoa/New Zealand early childhood curriculum framework ). Conclusion -- Ch. 2. Developmental colonisation of early childhood education in Aotearoa/New Zealand and Australia / Sandy Farquhar and Marilyn Fleer. Introduction. Cultural tools - curriculum and pedagogy. Cultural reproduction - teacher education programs. Contextualising early childhood education. Postmodern perspectives ; problematising developmentalism. Cultural-historical perspectives - problematising developmentalism. New directions - 'institutional and cultural intersubjectivity'. Conclusion -- Ch. 3. Building connections : Assessment and evaluation revisited / Ann Hatherly and Carmel Richardson. Introduction ( Assessment and evaluation ). Reframing practice ( Sociocultural perspectives on learning and assessment ). Incorporating sociocultural perspectives in practice ( An Australian example. 'A good idea' ; An Aotearoa/New Zealand example. 'Technological whiz' ). Implications for evaluation. Concluding thoughts -- Ch. 4. Infant-toddler care and education in Australia and Aotearoa/New Zealand : In search of status / Berenice Nyland and Jean Rockel. Introduction. Aotearoa/New Zealand perspectives ( History ; Social images of infants, toddlers, motherhood and caring professionals ; The role of the state ; Theoretical debates and research. Impact of neuroscience on pedagogical considerations. A pedagogy of relationships ; The future - A unique pedagogy of relationships ; The future - a unique pedagogy for a unique curriculum ). Australian perspectives ( History ; Social images of infants, toddlers, motherhood and caring professionals. Children and culture ; The role of the state ; Theoretical debates and research ; The future ). Conclusions -- Ch. 5. Forging ahead : Moving towards inclusive and anti-discriminatory education / Karina Davis ... [et al.]. Introduction. Australian and Aotearoa/New Zealand policy contexts for inclusive and anti-discriminatory education. Kylie and Karina's ideas about anti-discriminatory education. Kerry and Alex's ideas about inclusive education. Perspectives on inclusion and exclusion in early childhood settings ( Disability : Inclusion and exclusion experiences in early childhood settings ; Sexualities : Inclusion and exclusion experiences in early childhood settings ; The 'other' " Inclusion and exclusion experiences in early childhood settings ; Using different lenses : Inclusion and exclusion experiences in early childhood settings ). Pressing for change in early childhood communities. Transformative actions for change. Conclusion -- Ch. 6. Boys and boyhoods : The problems and possibilities of equity and gender diversity in early childhood settings / Alexandra Gunn and Glenda MacNaughton. Boys and gender diversity in the preschool : Insights from Australian preschool children. Explaining the differences : The essentialist gender binary. Good boys don't cross-dress : Insights from Aotearoa/New Zealand. Boys and their differences : Beyond essentialism and towards gender diversity. Seeking alternatives to binary gender essentialism : Acknowledging gender diversity. Seeking practices that support equity and gender diversity. Some final reflections -- Ch. 7. Indigenous peoples and perspectives in early childhood education / Mochael Colbung ... [et al.]. Pt. 1. Introduction. Indigenous peoples and perspectives. Colonisation as context. Decolonisation as a contemporary project. Spotlighting racism. Post-colonial theorising and critiques. Indigenous-led partnerships. Pt. 2. Aotearoa/New Zealand : Perspectives on key concepts. Kaupapa Māori as decolonisation : Kōhanga reo. Te whāriki as promise. Partnership in policy and practice. Pt. 3. Australian perspectives. The traditional experience. The colonial experience. The stolen generations. Early childhood education. Early childhood partnership projects. The secretariat of National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care. Conclusion -- Ch. 8. Critical issues for the early childhood profession / Helen Aitken and Anne Kennedy. Introduction. Early childhood professional identity ( Early childhood professional identity : A matter of definition? ; Early childhood professional identity : A matter of history? ; Early childhood professional identity : A matter of role confusion? ). Professional issues in early childhood education : Contemporary challenges ( Professional issue : Strengthening the knowledge and qualification base of early childhood professionals ; Professional issue : Privitisation and managerialism in early childhood education ; Professional issue : The commodification of childhood and children ). Conclusion -- Ch. 9. Practitioner research 'centre stage' : Contexts, contributions and challenges / Joy Goodfellow and Helen Hedges. Introduction. The value of practitioner research. A brief history of the teacher research movement. Practitioners' involvement in research and inquiry ( Responding to calls for evidence-based practice ; Differentiating research and teaching activities ; Characteristics of practitioner inquiry ; Drawing a line in the sand : Defining practitioner research ). Practitioner research in Australia and Aotearoa/New Zealand ( Practitioners' contributions to the literature ; Methodologies used in practitioner research ; Challenging the dominance of action research ; The value of narrative, voice, metaphor and dialogue in practitioner research methods ). Benefits and challenges of practitioner research ( Benefits and challenges of practitioner research ; Benefits ; Challenges. Practical challenges. Personal and political challenges. Ethical challenges ). Building a culture of inquiry and research ( A context for practitioner inquiry ; Future growth in practitioner research in Australasia ). Conclusions -- Ch. 10. Connections, dissension and dialogue : The role of teacher education in promoting social justice / Linda Keesing-Styles and Jennifer Sumsion. Introduction. Postcard from Sydney. Postcard from Auckland. Postcard from Sydney - Mapping the terrain. Postcard from Auckland. Postcard from Sydney - Social justice - Another slogan?. Postcard from Auckland. Postcard from Sydney - Pedagogical processes. Postcard from Auckland. Postcard from Sydney - Power shared? The role of assessment. Postcard from Auckland. Postcard from Syndey - Relevance to early childhood practice. Postcard from Auckland. Conclusion -- Ch. 11. Challenges for leadership in Aotearoa/New Zealand and Australian early childhood contexts / Lyn Fasoli, Cushla Scrivens and Christine Woodrow. Introduction. Challenges for early childhood leadership ( Nature and pace of change is insignificant ; New political interests for investment in early childhood ; The gendered nature of early childhood work ; Leadership and culture ). Frameworks for leadership ( Leadership revisioned ; Sustainable professionalism ; Ethical entrepreneurship ; Futures perspective ; Leadership and caring ; Activism ). Conclusion -- -- Emerging trans-Tasman dialogues / EMERGING DIALOGUES : PERSPECTIVES ON CURRICULUM -- Theory, policy and practice : three contexts for the development of Australasia's early childhood curriculum documents / Developmental colonisation of early childhood education in Aotearoa / New Zealand and Australia / Building connections : assessment and evaluation revisited / Infant-toddler care and education in Australia and Aotearoa-New Zealand : in search of status / EMERGING DIALOGUES : PERSPECTIVES ON DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION -- Ch. 5. Forging ahead : moving towards inclusive and anti-discriminatory education / Boys and boyhoods : the problems and possibilities of equity and gender diversity in early childhood settings / Indigenous peoples and perspectives in early childhood education / EMERGING DIALOGUES : PERSPECTIVES ON PROFESSIONAL ISSUES -- Critical issues for the early childhood profession / Practitioner research 'Centre State' : contexts, contributions and challenges / Connections, dissension and dialogue : the role of teacher education in promoting social justice / Challenges for leadership in Aotearoa/New Zealand and Australian early childhood contexts / Helen Hedges and Linda Keesing-Styles -- Joce Nuttall and Suzy Edwards -- Sandy Farquhar and Marilyn Fleer -- Ann Hatherly and Carmel Richardson -- Bernice Nyland and Jean Rockel -- Karina Davis ... [et al.] -- Alexandra Gunn and Glena MacNaughton -- Michael Colbung ... [et al.] -- Helen Aitken and Anne Kennedy -- Joy Goodfellow and Helen Hedges -- Linda Keesing-Styles and Jennifer Sumison -- Lyn Fasoli, Cushla Scrivens and Christine Woodrow. SECTION ONE : Ch. 1. Ch. 2. Ch. 3. Ch. 4. SECTION TWO : Ch. 6. Ch. 7. SECTION THREE : Ch. 8. Ch. 9. Ch. 10. Ch. 11.

1876138262 9781876138264

Early childhood education--Australia
Early childhood education--New Zealand
Early childhood education--Curricula


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