Being together, working apart : dual-career families and the work-life balance /

Being together, working apart : dual-career families and the work-life balance / edited by Barbara Schneider and Linda J. Waite. - xxiii, 553 pages ; 24 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Studying working families : an experiential approach. Why study working families? / Barbara Schneider and Linda J. Waite -- The design of the 500 family study / Lisa Hoogstra ; Commentary / Joel M. Hektner, Jiri Zuzanek -- Experiences at work and at home. Overview / Jennifer Hanis-Martin ; Spending time at work and at home : what workers do, how they feel about it, and how these emotions affect family life / Holly R. Sexton ; Commentary / Jerry A. Jacobs, Patricia M. Raskin -- Women's intrinsic and extrinsic motivations for working / Sylvia Martinez ; Commentary / Phyllis Moen -- Momentary emotion and cortisol levels in the everyday lives of working parents / Emma K. Adam ; Commentary / Douglas A. Granger and Elizabeth A. Shirtcliff -- Emotional transmission between parents and adolescents : the importance of work characteristics and relationship quality / Jennifer L. Matjasko and Amy F. Feldman ; Commentary / Reed Larson -- Marriage and family. Overview / Alisa C. Lewin -- The everyday emotional experiences of husbands and wives / Chi-Young Koh ; Commentary / Elaine Wethington, Norval D. Glenn -- Couples making it happen : marital satisfaction and what works for highly satisfied couples / Mark R. Nielsen ; Commentary / William J. Doherty, Scott M. Stanley -- Making it work at home. Overview / Shira Offer -- Measuring the gender gap in household labor : accurately estimating wives' and husbands' contributions / Yun-Suk Lee ; Commentary / Glenna Spitze -- A strategy for working families : high-level commodification of household services / Carolyn P. Stuenkel ; Commentary / Tom Fricke -- Television use and communication within families with adolescents / Nicholas P. Dempsey ; Commentary / Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Robert Kubey -- Religiosity, emotional well-being, and family processes in working families / Jennifer A. Schmidt ; Commentary / Don S. Browning -- Parenting and adolescent development. Overview / Phillip L. Hammack -- Adolescents' assessments of parental role management in dual-earner families / Elaine Marchena ; Commentary / Rena L. Repetti, Tali Klima, and Tamar Kremer-Sadlik -- Imagining family roles : parental influences on the expectations of adolescents in dual-earner families / Matthew N. Weinshenker ; Commentary / Mick Cunningham, Jennifer Glass -- Transmitting educational values : parental occupation and adolescent development / Kimberly S. Maier ; Commentary / Jeylan T. Mortimer -- Following in their parents' footsteps : how characteristics of parental work predict adolescents' interest in parents' jobs / Ariel Kalil, Judith A. Levine, and Kathleen M. Ziol-Guest ; Commentary / Nancy L. Galambos -- Achieving work-life balance : strategies for dual-earner families / Kathleen E. Christensen -- Appendix A. Obtaining accurate measures of time use from the ESM / Jae-Gea Jeong ; Commentary / Suzanne M. Bianchi, Kazuo Yamaguchi -- Appendix B. Estimating and imputing incomes for middle-class families / Yona Rubinstein and Casey B. Mulligan ; Commentary / Lars Lefgren, Ross M. Stolzenberg -- -- Why study working families? / The design of the 500 family study / Commentary / Overview / Spending time at work and at home : what workers do, how they feel about it, and how these emotions affect family life / Commentary / Women's intrinsic and extrinsic motivations for working / Commentary / Momentary emotion and cortisol levels in the everyday lives of working parents / Commentary / Emotional transmission between parents and adolescents : the importance of work characteristics and relationship quality / Commentary / Overview / The everyday emotional experiences of husbands and wives / Commentary / Couples making it happen : marital satisfaction and what works for highly satisfied couples / Commentary / Overview / Measuring the gender gap in household labor : accurately estimating wives' and husbands' contributions / Commentary / A strategy for working families : high-level commodification of household services / Commentary / Television use and communication within families with adolescents / Commentary / Religiosity, emotional well-being, and family processes in working families / Commentary / Overview / Adolescents' assessments of parental role management in dual-earner families / Commentary / Imagining family roles : parental influences on the expectations of adolescents in dual-earner families / Commentary / Transmitting educational values : parent occupation and adolescent development / Commentary / Following in their parents' footsteps : how characteristics of parental work predict adolescents' interest in parents' jobs / Commentary / Achieving work-life balance : strategies for dual-earner families / Obtaining accurate measures of time use from the ESM / Commentary / Estimating and imputing incomes for middle-class families / Commentary / Barbara Schneider and Linda J. Waite -- Lisa Hoogstra -- Joel M. Hektner and Jiri Zuzanek -- Jennifer Hanis-Martin -- Holly R. Sexton -- Jerry A. Jacobs and Patricia M. Raskin -- Sylvia Martinez -- Phyllis Moen -- Emma K. Adam -- Douglas A. Granger and Elizabeth A. Shirtcliff -- Jennifer L. Matjasko and Amy F. Feldman -- Reed Larson -- Alisa C. Lewin -- Chi-Young Koh -- Elaine Wethington and Norval D. Glenn -- Mark R. Nielsen -- William J. Doherty and Scott M. Stanley -- Shira Offer -- Yun-Suk Lee -- Glenna Spitze -- Carolyn P. Stuenkel -- Tom Fricke -- Nicholas P. Dempsey -- Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and Robert Kubey -- Jennifer A. Schmidt -- Don S. Browning -- Phillip L. Hammack -- Elaine Marchena -- Rena L. Repetti, Tali Klima and Tamar Kremer-Sadlik -- Matthew N. Weinshenker -- Mick Cunningham and Jennifer Glass -- Kimberly S. Maier -- Jeylan T. Mortimer -- Ariel Kalil, Judith A. Levine and Kathleen M. Ziol-Guest -- Nancy L. Galambos -- Kathleen E. Christensen -- Jae-Gea Jeong -- Suzanne M. Bianchi and Kazuo Yamaguchi -- Yona Rubinstein and Casey B. Mulligan -- Lars Lefgren and Ross M. Stolzenberg. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. App. A. App. B.

"A recent study of 500 families, which focuses on middle-class dual-career families in eight communities across the US, provides a holistic view of the complexities of work and family life experienced by parents and their children. This unique study has resulted in an unusually rich data set due to the variety of methods used. Drawing on the study, this book explores how dual-earner families cope with the stresses and demands of balancing work and family life, whether the time parents spend working is negatively affecting their children, how mothers feel managing both work and household responsibilities, and what role fathers are taking in family life. In answering these questions the authors argue for a new balance between work and family life. The book with its rich data, findings, and commentary from an interdisciplinary group of scholars provides a valuable resource for academics, policy makers, and working parents."--Jacket. "A recent study of 500 families, which focuses on middle-class dual-career families in eight communities across the US, provides a holistic view of the complexities of work and family life experienced by parents and their children. This unique study has resulted in an unusually rich data set due to the variety of methods used. Drawing on the study, this book explores how dual-earner families cope with the stresses and demands of balancing work and family life, whether the time parents spend working is negatively affecting their children, how mothers feel managing both work and household responsibilities, and what role fathers are taking in family life. In answering these questions the authors argue for a new balance between work and family life. The book with its rich data, findings, and commentary from an interdisciplinary group of scholars provides a valuable resource for academics, policy makers, and working parents."--BOOK JACKET.

0521845718 9780521845717 0521607892 9780521607896


Dual-career families--United States
Middle class families--United States
Work-life balance--United States
Work and family--United States

HQ536 / .B432 2005


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