The field guide to the birds of New Zealand /

Heather, B. D.

The field guide to the birds of New Zealand / Birds of New Zealand Barrie D. Heather & Hugh A. Robertson ; illustrated by Derek J. Onley. - 432 pages : illustrations (some colour), maps ; 23 cm

Originally published: Auckland, N.Z. : Viking, 1996. Includes index.

Introduction -- Identification Guide -- Plates, facing text and maps -- Handbook -- Kiwi -- Apterygidae Grebes -- Podicipedidae Albatrosses -- Diomedeidae Shearwaters, Fulmers, Prions and Petrels -- Procellariidae Storm Petrels -- Oceanitidae Penguins -- Spheniscidae Tropicbirds -- Phaethontidae Pelicans -- Pelecanidae Gannets and Boobies -- Sulidae Shags -- Phalacrocoracidae Darters -- Anhingidae Frigatebirds -- Fregatidae Herons, Egrets and Bitterns -- Ardeidae Ibises and Spoonbills -- Threskiornithidae Waterfowl -- Anatidae Contents List - Page 2 Contents cont'd Raptors -- Accipitridae and Falconidae Gamebirds -- Phasianidae Rails, Gallinules and Coots -- Rallidae Cranes -- Gruidae Painted Snupe -- Rostratulidae Oystercatchers -- Haematopodidae Stilts and Avocets -- Recurvirostridae Pratincoles and Coursers -- Glareolidae Plovers, Dotterels and Lapwigs -- Charadriidae Snipe, Sandpipers, Godwits and Curlews -- Scolopacidae Phalaropes -- Phalaropodidae Skuas -- Stercorariidae Gulls, Terns and Noddies -- Laridae Pigeons and Doves -- Columbidae Cockatoos and Parrots -- Cacatuidae and Psittacidae Cuckoos -- Cuculidae Typical Owls -- Strigidae Barn Owls -- Tytonidae Swifts -- Apodidae Kingfishers -- Alcedinidae Rollers -- Coraciidae New Zealans Wrens -- Acanthisittidae Larks -- Alaudidae Swallows and Martins -- Hirundinidae Pipits -- Motacillidae Cuckoo-shrikes and Trillers -- Campephagidae Bulbuls -- Pycnonotidae Accentors -- Prunellidae Thrushes -- Muscicapidae Old World Warblers -- Sylviidae Whistlers and allies -- Pachycephalidae Australasian Warblers -- Acanthizidae Monarch Flycatchers -- Monarchidae Australasian Robins -- Eopsaltriidae White-eyes -- Zosteropidae Honeyeaters -- Meliphagidae Buntings, Cardinals and Tanagers -- Emberizidae Finches -- Fringillidae Sparrows and Weavers -- Ploceidae Starlings and Mynas -- Sturnidae Wattlebirds -- Callaeidae Woodswallows -- Artamidae Bell Magpies -- Cracticidae Birds-of-Paradise, Bowerbirds and Piopio -- Paradisaeidae Crows and Jays -- Corvidae.

0198501463 9780198501466 0198501455 9780198501459

Birds--New Zealand
Birds--New Zealand--Identification


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