The European tradition of qualitative research /

The European tradition of qualitative research / edited by Raymond Boudon, Mohamed Cherkaoui and Pierre Demeulnaere. - 4 v. (1664 p.) - Sage benchmarks in social research methods . - Sage benchmarks in social research methods. .

Collecting Data -- Using Available Data -- An Analysis of the Verbal Content of Suicide Notes / Intellectualism, Intellectuals and the History of Religion / The Church and the Social Classes / Benjamin Franklin / How the Spirit of Revolt Was Promoted by Well-Intentioned Efforts to Improve the People's Lot / The Sorrows of Young Werther / Problems in the Histography of Science / Can There Be an Alternative Mathematics? / Joy, High Spirits, Love, Tender Feelings, Devotion / The Handle / Designs as Signs / Recent History / Understanding Errors in Perspective / Friedrich, or, The Other Fatherland : A Besancon Structural Analysis / COLLECTING NEW DATA The Interview Technique in Social Anthropology(S F Nadel ) -- Sur l'utilisation de l'entretien non directif en sociologie / What Method of Empirical Analysis Shall We Choose?Affluence and the British Class Structure / The Principles of Selection of Cultural Data / The Observers Observed / French Survey Researchers at Work Research Concerning Prisons: Return to the Methodological Difficulties of Field Studies in this Area / Selecting a Type of Approach -- Case Studies -- On Family, Work and Social Change / Neighbourhood Relations in the Making / When Describing is Explaining / Qualitative Analysis of Small Social Units -- The Social System at the Shop Level: The Plant Subculture and the Formal Authority System / Comparative Analysis -- How Towards the Middle of the Eighteenth Century Men of Letters Took the Lead in Politics and the Consequences of this New Development / Historical Tendency of Capitalist Accumulation / Introduction to the Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism / Economic Backwardness in Historical Perspective / The Kemalist Revolution in Comparative Perspective / Building Concepts -- Description and Conceptualisation -- Preface to the First Edition of Histories of the Latin and Germanic Nations from 1494-1514 / La Priere / Danses et legendes de la Chine ancienne / Conceptualization and Narration / The Contours of High Modernity / A Typology of Nationalisms / Classifying and Building Typologies -- The Multidimensional Space of Classes / How to Determine Social Causes and Social Types / Three Types of Christian Thought / General Statement of the Main Concepts / Objectivity in Social Science and Social Policy / Political Systems of Highland Burma / Polythetic Classification / Ideal Types and Historical Explanation / Some Functions of Qualitative Analysis in Social Research / Four Whole Persons / Formal and Empirical Pragmatics / Building Concepts (Continued) -- Content Analysis -- Social Class, Linguistic Codes and Grammatical Elements / Building Theories -- Styles of Theory -- Caracteres fondamentaux de la methode positive dans l'etude rationnelle des phenomenes sociaux / The Scientific Approach / Introduction to On Sociology, Numbers, Narratives and the Integration of Research and Theory / The Debate about Quantitative and Qualitative Research: A Question of Method or Epistemology? / Some General Models -- Basic Mechanisms Generating Inequality of Educational Opportunity / Relative Deprivation / Elements and Mechanism of Production / The General Form of Society / The Social Organism / The Aimlessness of Cultural Development / The Selectionist Paradigm and its Implications for Sociology / Rules for the Explanation of Social Facts / Sur l'analogie et l'homologie / Morphology of the Folktale / Introduction to the Structural Analysis of Narratives / Gothic Architecture and Scholasticism / Explaining and Understanding -- What Is 'Verstehen'? -- The Development of Hermeneutics / The Psychological a priori and its Polar Antitheses / The Definition of Sociology and of Social Action / Methodological Foundations The Operation Called Verstehen / Verstehen and the Unconscious: A Historical Overview / Explaining and Understanding (Continued) -- What Is 'Verstehen'? (Continued) -- Different Cultures, Different Rationalities? / Interpretation and Hypothesis in Social Studies / Phenomenological Sociology -- Interpretative Sociology / Rational Choice Model -- Rational Choice and Sociological Theory / Opp Rational Action Theory for Sociology / Risky Choices and Rationality: The Case of HIV / /AIDS Preventive Behaviours / Cognitive and Axiological Rationality -- Of the Sense of Justice, of Remorse and of the Consciousness of Merit / Religious Rejections of the World and Their Directions / The Rationality Principle / Rational Choice Theory or Methodological Individualism? / Finding Out the Right Theoretical Frame -- Making Quantitative Data Meaningful Through Qualitative Theories -- The Universal Welfare State as a Social Dilemma / How Competing Theories Explain the Same Phenomenon -- Of the Expense of the Institutions for the Instruction of People of All Ages / The Example of the Americans Does Not Prove That a Democratic People Can Have No Aptitude and No Taste for Science, Literature or Art / The Protestant Sects and the Spirit of Capitalism / Imitative Rites / Ressentiment and Moral Value Judgement / The Social Psychology of the World Religions / African Traditional Thought and Western Science / From Tradition to Science Religion and the Decline of Magic / Rational Fools / A Critique of the Behavioral Foundations of Economic Theory Not Just for the Money / An Economic Theory of Personal Motivation Beyond Homo Oeconomicus and Homo Sociologicus / Louis A Gottschalk and Goldine C Gleser -- Max Weber -- Bernard Groethuysen -- Kurt Samuelsson -- Alexis de Tocqueville -- Georg Lukacs -- Alexandre Koyre -- David Bloor -- Charles Darwin -- Georg Simmel -- Ernst Hans Gombrich -- Quentin Bell -- Dominique Raynaud -- Siegfried Kracauer -- Guy Michelat -- John H Goldthorpe and David Lockwood -- Florian Znaniecki -- Jean Peneff -- Bruno Milly -- Frederic le Play -- Norbert Elias -- Henri Bergeron -- Michel Crozier -- Alexis de Tocqueville -- Karl Marx -- Max Weber -- Alexander Gerschenkron -- S N Eisenstadt -- Leopold von Ranke -- Marcel Mauss -- Marcel Granet -- W G Runciman -- Anthony Giddens -- Ernst Gellner -- Karl Marx -- Emile Durkheim -- Ernst Troeltsch -- Ferdinand Tonnies -- Max Weber -- Edward Leach -- Rodney Needham -- J W N Watkins -- A H Barton and P F Lazarsfeld -- Mary Douglas and Steven Ney -- Jurgen Habermas -- Basil B Bernstein -- Auguste Comte -- Vilfredo Pareto -- John H Goldthorpe -- Alan Bryman -- Raymond Boudon -- Mohammed Cherkaoui -- Leon Walras -- Vilfredo Pareto -- Herbert Spencer -- Konrad Lorenz -- W G Runciman -- Emile Durkheim -- Gabriel Tarde -- Vladimir Propp -- Roland Barthes -- Erwin Panofsky -- Wilhelm Dilthey -- Georg Simmel -- Max Weber -- Theodore Abel -- Alberto Izzo -- Steven Lukes -- Mario Bunge -- Alfred Schutz -- Siegwart Lindenberg -- John H Goldthorpe -- Albertina Oliverio -- Adam Smith -- Max Weber -- Karl Popper -- Raymond Boudon -- Bo Rothstein -- Adam Smith -- Alexis de Tocqueville -- Max Weber -- Emile Durkheim -- Max Scheler -- Max Weber -- Robin Horton -- Keith Thomas -- Amartya K Sen -- Bruno S Frey -- C Mantzavinos. Volume One: -- Part One. Section One. Section Two. Volume Two: -- Part Two. Section One. Section Two. Section Three. Part Three. Section One. Section Two. Volume Three: -- Part Three. Section Three. Part Four. Section One. Section Two. Part Five. Section One. Volume Four: -- Part Five. Section One. Section Two. Section Three. Section Four. Part Six. Section One. Section Two.

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Qualitative research--Europe


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